Paltalk: This is a G rated text only room intended for a General Audience including minors. Offensive language is not permitted. Paltalk: LOOK radicalmoses: ok, i am new here, how much was made yesterday?? toffee_20: don't know I'm afraid, when I was present there could have been a early GBP trade which Kaveh showed in hindsight, and a losing trade in the afternoon. Paltalk: =================================== Please support our sponsors by clicking on banners. ========================================== toffee_20: the morning trade max profit was about 40 pips but people would have got different amounts depending on exit strategy sovo1: there were 2 entries on cable yesterday. sovo1: some made more than other sovo1: Rupp, got around 40-50 pips sovo1: for me 10 pips sovo1: i trade only 1 entry mjdwyer: +30 in 2 trades for me sovo1: rupp are you here, can you confirm that.. kiwichamp: rupp not here sovo1: oh samsamsam_30: hi kiwichamp: hi fellaz: Goodmorning guys kiwichamp: gm fellaz: anyone still short GBPUSD? ahmad_amin: i short euro mjdwyer: short GBP but it needs to fall soon or I am out d_thorpey: right on cue mjdwyer: that's better toffee_20: Ardi, here post #15 Ardi1899: I'll try It. thanks Ardi1899: you use it with default parameter? toffee_20: 4 times - step size 13,15,18 and 21 - won't discuss it any further here, dont want to upset the system Ardi1899: okay toffee_20: or anyone here sovo1: ardi , i try to send you the file Ardi1899: thanks sovo sovo1: you still need it Ardi1899: toffe If I want to ask something about it, may I pm u? toffee_20: yep Ardi1899: Thanks toffee_20: On tsd my name is rollingstone Ardi1899: Thanks Sovo I already accept the file sovo1: k sovo1: wc samsamsam_30: con someone tell me what was the last signal toffee_20: on what pair Paltalk: =================================== Are banners a bummer and popups a pain? 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They handed him over to the Iraqis and he later died of his injuries," ABC said. kiwichamp: for sure kiwichamp: thats the sad part dehav: lol how dodgy does that sound dehav: good ridance sovo1: yes. sorry for the innocents kaveh_48: hi guys kaveh_48: how are u today? Ramin_Aust: hi kiwichamp: hi Kaveh dehav: hi Ardi1899: fine Kaveh invisiblehat: hey Ardi1899: n how r u? sovo1: hi kv kaveh_48: very good today kaveh_48: please see tsd form now kiwichamp: great kaveh_48: +80pips today Paltalk: =================================== Click banners to visit our sponsors. ========================================== Ardi1899: 80 pips? how? kaveh_48: see tsd forum kaveh_48: froum Ardi1899: ok kaveh_48: az u see how juice shoot eur invisiblehat: what happend to cable? kaveh_48: 8:35 cet invisiblehat: just now, cable dropped like crazy kaveh_48: 8:35 cet u see how eur shoot kaveh_48: this original formula kaveh_48: is karp29: what now on cable?? LLBHONS: June 8. Cable has tripped stops below 1.8500 en route to new one-month lows a few pips shy of 1.8475 (May 5 low), with Iraqi reports saying that Zarquawi is dead (BBC website) helping weigh. 1.8500 now represents a rebound resistance level. LLBHONS: according to FXCM karp29: kaveh could you tell us live when you are entering LLBHONS: Kaveh are you in on GBP/JPY? kaveh_48: yep karp29: kaveh what you tell us about juice, it's changing, and in past it look's good, but in live not kaveh_48: +42pips now LLBHONS: radicalmoses: what the hell triggered those stops on gbp, that was nasty d_thorpey: data relaese radicalmoses: does this work on any other time frame?? anyone try this? karp29: kaveh could you tell us when you are entering genius123_1: please, that help us... kaveh_48: see tsd kaveh_48: karp hamid268: hi all hamid268: hi kaveh kaveh_48: karp u want to lrean or u want to earn? Ramin_Aust: hi hamid karp29: yes I know on screen everything looks great karp29: but hamid268: hi ramin kaveh_48: see juice on eur at 8:35 kaveh_48: how shoot eur for lowwer? karp29: but in live it's not easy karp29: now I want to learn LLBHONS: Kaveh are you waiting for COG up to enter GBP/JPY (Long)? kaveh_48: no kaveh_48: i short Ardi1899: Hi Kaveh Juice on cable looks good too at 9.02 did you take it too? genius123_1: Kaveh, if you tell what you are doing, we are lernning...i'm playing demo so i want learn, not earn. karp29: kaveh if you tell us once for example ( I'm in or Im enter cable S) it will be great and we can beter understand this system. Paltalk: =================================== Please support our sponsors by clicking on banners. ========================================== Ardi1899: I want to earn, but of course I have to learn first genius123_1: yes, it's true, Ardi1899 radicalmoses: the rules are pretty simple, make sure all 3 indicators align and take the trade with a tight SL up4life: gm kaveh up4life: and all radicalmoses: keep it simple toffee_20: can we see the details of the +80 pips trade today, presume it was the GBP ? Ardi1899: But it's not easy to do especially for beginner like me kiwichamp: the chart is on forex-tsd radicalmoses: its on the TSD forum radicalmoses: ardi, how long u been trading? Ardi1899: about 4 months with different system toffee_20: Thanks, have you changed the rule that we wait for a step down of the cog before entering Ardi1899: It's my 3rd days using kvs radicalmoses: if u were learning to drive, would u take a ferrari on the highway in the fast lane? kaveh_48: guys this system is very easy radicalmoses: ardi, u not even completed 4 month and u want to trade off the 1min chart? Ardi1899: I guess not kaveh_48: for signal u must only juice for eur Ardi1899: well radicalmoses, I want to try this system Ardi1899: yes Kaveh, this should be easy kaveh_48: and confrem and right setup Ardi1899: but need time to get used to it radicalmoses: it looks like easy money ardi,, but not for u,, IMHO, but the decision is entirely upto u kaveh_48: only use this system kaveh_48: and not confued Ardi1899: Let me try it first Ardi1899: okay kaveh_48: see cable/jpy kaveh_48: really nice setup today kaveh_48: do could take very very easy +30pips today toffee_20: was waiting for the step down not applicable on the GBP trade on tsd ? karp29: Im 0 today kaveh_48: no setp noe.... kaveh_48: only juice +0.05 kaveh_48: nice setup for cable too Ardi1899: Kaveh, juice on Eur at 8.35 looks good, why didn't you take it? toffee_20: but 2 days ago we were waiting for step down before entering trades toffee_20: just trying to understand the difference kaveh_48: juice +cross +arrow kaveh_48: i see eur and i trade cabel and ..... kaveh_48: cable kaveh_48: i trade today gold too toffee_20: Tuesday it was juice+cross+arrow+step down on cog ? kaveh_48: cz eur shoot Ardi1899: shoot? kaveh_48: yet toffee_20: everyone was talking about "cog must cross 1818 etc" kaveh_48: see cable how nice cross one level kaveh_48: i send u today 1.2790 too 38.2 kaveh_48: this bounce happen near 38.2 kaveh_48: today karp29: kaveh you are refresh your chart all the time ?? kaveh_48: yep mjdwyer: by "shoot" I think he means big long bars - need to be careful trading these. IMHO karp29: beacouse when I refresh juice is changing toffee_20: can you refresh chart with a keystroke instead of mouse clicks Ardi1899: big ling bar on 15 min? mjdwyer: I had one on the 1 min kaveh_48: guys lastday u saw +7juice on eur? kaveh_48: means only confuesd markets kaveh_48: and i didnt trade any pairs kaveh_48: means no juice and no trade kaveh_48: but 8:35 we have big juice and big move kaveh_48: at 8:35 i sold gold too kaveh_48: today we have 2big news kaveh_48: i will trade here optional Ardi1899: what is criteria of big juice kaveh? kaveh_48: when shoot +7 Ardi1899: 5 min only? kaveh_48: and break level kaveh_48: yep kaveh_48: see 1min charts kaveh_48: eur kaveh_48: big juice break s2 very easy Ardi1899: I think "break level" is what I miss kaveh_48: this is big juice kaveh_48: and bounce near s1 kaveh_48: this is big juice Ardi1899: so at eur 8.35 there's no "break level" kaveh_48: got it? karp29: kaveh what you tell about cable/jpn beatwen 8:02 8:05 today ???? kaveh_48: yes break 72 very easy karp29: why don't trade ?? kaveh_48: i trade cable/jpy karp29: but beatwen 8:02 8:05 today karp29: juice was over 0.05 kaveh_48: yep Paltalk: =================================== To visit our sponsors, click on banners! ========================================== kiwichamp: so biggest factor is juice karp29: and why you don't trade?? karp29: beacouse I go Long karp29: and I;m lost 16 karp29: and you? sovo1: kaveh, can you update the thread for the setting of the juice level. Thanks karp29: and why you go S on cable at 8:30 if it was near L3?? kaveh_48: the setup is ok kaveh_48: no chang anything sovo1: but the juice setting is not the same for all currency base Ardi1899: Sovo, 0.005 is for GBP/JPY only sovo1: .005 is for both m5 and m15 kaveh_48: 0.05 for cable/jpy kaveh_48: 0.05 karp29: kaveh would you explain me this? Ardi1899: ok kaveh_48: see form tsd kaveh_48: i expalined there kaveh_48: karp kaveh_48: karp why u lost today kaveh_48: ? karp29: you don't answer for my questions d_thorpey: post #40 shows you kaveh's gbp/jpy set up karp29: beacouse I go L on cable/jpn at 8:05 kaveh_48: i explain to tsd form with pic Ardi1899: I lost too, euro on 8.35 karp29: why I shouldn't go at 8:05??? kaveh_48: why kaveh_48: u see cog on eur genius123_1: Haveh, why you sold eur/usd at 8.31 since price was near l3 kaveh_48: why u must loss kaveh_48: why adri899?????? karp29: but I'm talkin about cable/jpn kaveh_48: why u loss today sovo1: ka veh on the pic eur/usd you set juice at m15=.0005 kaveh_48: the trend is down why u long eur Ardi1899: coq is down, there'a a short arrow before, and juice is +7 kaveh_48: no problem Ardi1899: soorr.. Ardi1899: I short eur kaveh_48: cog was down kaveh_48: u must short Ardi1899: Yes I did kaveh_48: and u long it?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kaveh_48: read thread more and more and more............... Ardi1899: I think I was tell u that I short and I lost kaveh_48: how long u trade ardi?????? toffee_20: how could you short and lose ? kaveh_48: cog was down and u must short toffee_20: stop must have been too tight Ardi1899: about 4 months kaveh_48: be with us and learn how i trade karp29: kaveh so I think on cable/jpn this in not good signal for any trade at 8:05???? everything looks good, so I I shouldn't go Long at that momnent????? Ardi1899: Okay I'll try my best Orhan 21: im male turkey my msn add radicalmoses: i think better to stay with only on currency for room trading Orhan 21: im male turkey my msn add kaveh_48: see your arrow karp radicalmoses: too many currencies, too much confusion kaveh_48: where is your arrow karp29: stopreversal???? kaveh_48: yep kaveh_48: arrow is out of time kaveh_48: is ok? Orhan 21: im male turkey my msn add Orhan 21: im male turkey my msn add karp29: yes karp29: ok Orhan 21: ok karp29: thank's kaveh_48: Orhan 21 has been bounced from the group by: kaveh_48 toffee_20: thanks kaveh kaveh_48: your signal was 9:32 kaveh_48: for cable/jpy radicalmoses: kaveh, u trading 3 currencies in the room? kaveh_48: yep kaveh_48: when we have news????? radicalmoses: that is why too much confusion, IMHO kaveh_48: what is your problem radio..? radicalmoses: better eur and cable only, easier to learn tht way for new ppl kaveh_48: u trade this kaveh_48: noproblem genius123_1: why you sold eur/usd at 8.31 since price was near l3 kaveh_48: 8:35 cz juice shoot eur to 65 kaveh_48: we dont trade near pivot not l3 Paltalk: ====SECURITY BULLETIN!======= Clicking on a link to any site that offers -To give you a blue nickname for free, -To give you the ability to be invisible or, -To help you manipulate the Paltalk software, violates Paltalk’s Terms of Service AND/OR is a hacking site whose intention is to steal your nickname, password and/or credit card information. Remember, if you want Paltalk software or you want to LOG-IN to Paltalk, be safe and go to genius123_1: ok, thx Ardi1899: So we don't trade near pivot nor L3, so any other rules beside juice+cog+and arrow? faraz4fx: Hi all karp29: but price could bounce from L3???? Paltalk: =================================== Please visit our advertisers by clicking on banners. ========================================== hamid268: bah hiiiiiiii faraz kaveh_48: only we dont trade near pivot kaveh_48: only piovt faraz4fx: hi hamid faraz4fx: :D kaveh_48: this is first lesson of forex Ardi1899: ic.. only pivot karp29: near , how near?? kaveh_48: no trade at pivot Ardi1899: then you're my first teacher Ardi1899: mentor I mean toffee_20: can you refresh chart with keystroke ? karp29: kaveh how near pivot how many pips?? Ardi1899: what is criteria of "near pivot"? how many pips? or just closer than any other lines? kaveh_48: 5or6or....10pips karp29: ok Ardi1899: ok Ardi1899: 5-10 kaveh_48: big news come 1.5hours kaveh_48: i will trade here live with u Ardi1899: thanks kiwichamp: thanks kaveh_48: but first learn Ardi1899: but isn't it already out of time? kaveh_48: not earn kiwichamp: I have learned more here in the 4 days I have been here than months other places kiwichamp: thank you kaveh_48: optional trade karp29: kaveh explain me why U go S on cable near L3?? you dont afraid that the price bounce from L3 level??? Ardi1899: I see kaveh_48: karp trend was down ok? karp29: you mean cog?? kaveh_48: yep karp29: I'm traing understan this kaveh_48: and last2day trend kaveh_48: was down kaveh_48: ok? karp29: hmm ok d_thorpey: juice was on our side kaveh_48: juice on eur shot price to lowwer and eur bounce near 38.2 az i posted today kaveh_48: ok? kaveh_48: karp ok? karp29: no i think ok kaveh_48: karp karp29: :| kaveh_48: why u think must bounce near l3? karp29: not must kaveh_48: ??? karp29: but probably karp29: in my chart L3 is on 1.8537 kaveh_48: i talk only on eur karp29: now I'm talking about cable karp29: about your trade today at 8:35 kaveh_48: now draw high to low from 8:13 to 9:21 kaveh_48: answer me karrp karp29: moment kaveh_48: draw 8:13 to 9:21 kaveh_48: high to low kaveh_48: 1 min kaveh_48: eur bounce near l3 but not break 61.8 kaveh_48: means with this juice will be lower kaveh_48: got it? karp29: moment analising now karp29: ok kaveh_48: no if eur break 61.8 now with juice means u can long just just for few pips not more kaveh_48: now karp29: understan that kaveh_48: means go near pips and then fall kaveh_48: or 38.2 kaveh_48: but az i told u long risk high than short kaveh_48: cz trend is down karp29: ok I know now kaveh_48: cz markets is below weekly pivot kaveh_48: down kaveh_48: got it guys Ardi1899: So have to understand the concept of fibonacci and pivot point if we want to trade this system Ardi1899: not as easy as I thought Ardi1899: but really worth to learn kaveh_48: d_thorpey is here? Ardi1899: his name is just below your name kaveh_48: are u here kaveh_48: i will be back soon karp29: kaveh could you answer for only 1 question ?? kaveh_48: yep Paltalk: =================================== GO GREEN or BLUE to stop ads and support Paltalk! 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Also, I have trouble concentrating on too many charts, so think I will just stick to GBP. But....his system does work! radicalmoses: mjd, i m totally into gbp only radicalmoses: eur is too slow kiwichamp: you using Kaveh's exact system on Cable only ? kiwichamp: mjdwyer ? kiwichamp: I have been considering focusing only on Cable -- radicalmoses: i have been trading gb with my own system, making about 20-50pips kiwichamp: great radicalmoses: thought i will try out this system and see how good it is kiwichamp: yes -- radicalmoses: but never have really seen anyone trade of 1min chart radicalmoses: very very tough kiwichamp: he uses 5 and 15 min filters on COG and Juice mjdwyer: Yep - never thought I would be trading off 1 min. charts. But as you point out, there are longer term filters. radicalmoses: its like competing with floor traders kiwichamp: radicalmoses: i will watch and see, if this can be traded radicalmoses: the only advantage is you can have tight stops kiwichamp: yes mjdwyer: Is kiwichamp from NZ? kiwichamp: yeo kiwichamp: yep mjdwyer: Getting late for you.. trader111_1: I short eurusd at1.2761 for 20 pip radicalmoses: mjd, u been trading this with gbp, how long?? kiwichamp: I am in Texas at the moment kiwichamp: so it is even later -- well early now 5.24 in the morning mjdwyer: ONly last 5/6 days, so early days yet. Kiwi, where in Texas? kiwichamp: San Antonio kiwichamp: nicest city in Tx -- mjdwyer: I used to live there once - a great place. kiwichamp: yes Paltalk: =================================== Are banners a bummer and popups a pain? Cure your banner blues NOW! 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Re yesterday never let a 20 pips profit turn into a loss. kiwichamp: and that is just on Cable Radicalmoses ? monkey2402: yes- i'm learning..the hard way! it was weds sorry kiwichamp: wed is a hard day often no radicalmoses: dunno kiwi, i read it on the forum kiwichamp: aaa ok kiwichamp: well I have noticed that Wed are often the quiet day of the week mjdwyer: See you guys - I am going to watch some TV and then head to bed. kiwichamp: ok Paltalk: =================================== You should SEE what you've been missing!!! Get a Paltalk subscription NOW and you can get fast motion video in ANY group! And as an added bonus you get NO banners and NO popups! ========================================== qtrader-re: good morning Kaveh -everyone monkey2402: Hi kaveh_48: hi kiwichamp: hi kaveh_48: eur move s1-s2 kaveh_48: 12 mins to news kaveh_48: sell zone 1.2780 now d_thorpey: news now d_thorpey: from uk kaveh_48: ok 1 mins kaveh_48: if breaks this with juice u can do for few pips kaveh_48: and if break 40 u can short kaveh_48: if break 40 next target 15 kaveh_48: az u see bounce near 38.2 kaveh_48: and cog cross now kaveh_48: bounce 65 Ramin_Aust: kaveh,news is in 40 min kaveh_48: for uk yes kaveh_48: But ECB news 5mins later d_thorpey: for euro in 40 mins d_thorpey: uk news already out kaveh_48: means RATE? d_thorpey: uk rate unchanged kaveh_48: let me see my calender d_thorpey: 08-Jun-2006 12:01:21 *BOE KEEPS KEY REPO RATE UNCHANGED AT 4.50 PCT FOR TENTH MONTH RUNNING kaveh_48: 7:00 est time uk news kaveh_48: ok? d_thorpey: yes kaveh_48: and 7:45 EST eur news? kaveh_48: ok? d_thorpey: yes kaveh_48: ok Ramin_Aust: yep kaveh_48: i was wrong kaveh_48: i think 7:00 ECB rate Paltalk: =================================== Click banners to visit our sponsors. ========================================== d_thorpey: 35 mins to go radicalmoses: no news yet?? kaveh_48: but nothing move for cable for rate cz unchang kaveh_48: will wait for ECB rate kaveh_48: %2.75? Ramin_Aust: does normaly have a big move ECB news??? kaveh_48: somtimes yes Nebuluz: so what does the crystal ball tell us to do... short or long... will ECB give unexpected result :D kaveh_48: and KOHN SPEEK at 10.00 EST too bobbhim: gm guys bobbhim: and gals bobbhim: how are u today? ahmad_amin: hi bobbhim bobbhim: ahmad hi bobbhim: is Kav here today? ahmad_amin: yes bobbhim: ok bobbhim: thanks bobbhim: any trades at the moment? kaveh_48: no bobbhim: ty kaveh_48: stop near 70 kaveh_48: 38.2 bobbhim: euro usd ? kaveh_48: yep bobbhim: potential trade bobbhim: or are you selling soon? kaveh_48: not yet bobbhim: k kaveh_48: sell zone near80 bobbhim: understand kaveh_48: if break this u can take few pips kaveh_48: near pivot bobbhim: long at that time to pivot? bobbhim: for 14 pips? kaveh_48: break 80 kaveh_48: optional trade bobbhim: yes i now understand thanks bee999: hi all kaveh_48: hi bee999 Paltalk: =================================== Please support our sponsors by clicking on banners. ========================================== kaveh_48: if bounce 80 u can short Barry411: on the EUR kaveh_48: yep Barry411: ok bee999: thx kaveh_48: 38.2 and 23.6 only kaveh_48: move kaveh_48: 61.8 and l3 1.2780 jimmylad_1: 5 mins to go kaveh_48: thx kiwichamp for your answer kiwichamp: you are welcome -- kaveh_48: qtrader-: kaveh good morning qtrader-: long eur? kaveh_48: hi qtrader kaveh_48: no qtrader-: ok lol waiting? qtrader-: for news? kaveh_48: yep qtrader-: how soon do you enter after the news? kaveh_48: when juice come qtrader-: please shout loud when it comes - pls qtrader-: I have juice qtrader-: no kaveh_48: where is your juice? qtrader-: no juice qtrader-: had it and lost it Ardi1899: short arrow on euro payale: 2.75 as exp news out qtrader-: have juice to the downside Paltalk: =================================== To visit our sponsors, click on banners! ========================================== qtrader-: kaveh what do you have kaveh_48: sell 40 qtrader-: thanks bobbhim: target? kaveh_48: 15 first d_thorpey: stop? kaveh_48: stop 65 payale: hi kaveh, is 15 the first profit tgt? kaveh_48: yep payale: unx payale: thnx premier_74: d_thorpey: kaveh will you move your stop? monkey2402: lost my connection, are you in? kaveh_48: yes zauraz: kaveh, what level is 15? kaveh_48: wait monkey2402: up how many pips? kaveh_48: +12pips here payale: that is below the L5 tgt monkey2402: you the man! kaveh_48: +16pips payale: +22 naturalnetbg: 4/8 kaveh_48: +22here kaveh_48: close near 15 Rupp7: what about cable? zauraz: kaveh, why 15? Rupp7: i shorted cable payale: mr too yb2erl: + 43 on cable payale: +33 kaveh_48: close near 25 kaveh_48: cable near 25 bobbhim: still holding? kaveh_48: my stop 45 trader111_1: trader111_1: I short eurusd at1.2761 for 20 pip very good get the target and more Paltalk: =================================== Please visit our advertisers by clicking on banners. ========================================== qtrader-: great job kaveh- qtrader-: qtrader-: thanks kaveh_48: out +18pips Rupp7: cable bounce of 2/8 kaveh_48: yep faraz4fx: lot? bobbhim: out @+19 thanks man kaveh_48: 130lots et_phonehome_2: 13:50 was the time to take the GBP/usd trade? genius123_1: 130 lots nice kaveh_48: if break 15 i will short radicalmoses: 31+ pips on gbp radicalmoses: tks kav bobbhim: 130 lots? omg fxfanatic: what is 15 kaveh? radicalmoses: 130lots? kaveh_48: az u bounce 1.2715 bobbhim: last resistance point bobbhim: support Barry411: US news in 17 minutes kaveh_48: yep kaveh_48: all of u must out radicalmoses: 1pip=1300$? naturalnetbg: big support 4/8 kaveh_48: if bounce 38 u can short kaveh_48: for few pips payale: yes thnx kaveh, 13 eur and 30 gbp kaveh_48: optional trade kaveh_48: please answer one of guys on TSD kaveh_48: he is like FOX not like LION Rupp7: lol kaveh_48: we trade here like LION Ardi1899: maube he is still here Rupp7: who? kaveh_48: SEE TSD form now kaveh_48: thx kiwi again trader111_1: 12:30pm USA Unemployment Claims up4life: lbl. radicalmoses: anyone else hving problem with MT4? kaveh_48: az u see how juice shoot the price Ramin_Aust: kaveh,maybe short here again kaveh_48: no radicalmoses: someone plz tell me last price on gbp? et_phonehome_2: 1.8433 kaveh_48: bounce from 38 but juice low Ardi1899: 8433 kaveh_48: see juice ramin radicalmoses: tks radicalmoses: lost all my feeds Ramin_Aust: ok thx trader111_1: Mr.kaveh_48 can we get template to your indicator radicalmoses: template is on the forum thread radicalmoses: everything is there trader111_1: show me the thread please Rupp7: link at top radicalmoses: search reversal system et_phonehome_2: i believe he he/she mean chart template Barry411: Rupp7: just click link, template is there too radicalmoses: last price on gbp plz radicalmoses: fish, lost my chart feeds faraz4fx: 8440 radicalmoses: tks faraz4fx: ping your broker real server IP et_phonehome_2: 1.8441 et_phonehome_2: 437 radicalmoses: tks Ardi1899: nice pips to day radicalmoses: out of gbp +30pips Ardi1899: me too Ramin_Aust: kaveh,can u plz say why was ur target 1.2715????? radicalmoses: good work ardi Ardi1899: Thank you kaveh_48: near l5 Ramin_Aust: yeah,and why Ramin_Aust: how did u know that? kaveh_48: key level kaveh_48: see doc payale: 1.2715 near the key S1 lvl 1.2711, right kaveh kaveh_48: and l5 fxfanatic: kaveh, there is no trade here? kaveh_48: see again how bounc near 15 fxfanatic: yes, what's that means? Paltalk: =================================== GO GREEN or BLUE to stop ads and support Paltalk! Subscribe today! ========================================== kaveh_48: see TSD form fxfanatic fxfanatic: k kaveh_48: go kaveh_48: 17 i sold Barry411: I have s2 at 17 and L5 SB target at 11 which on is it kaveh_48: 10pips traget fxfanatic: why did you sold kaveh? radicalmoses: bounce qtrader-: short kaveh? kaveh_48: +10pip kaveh_48: i told u if break 15 u can short sovo1: wow kaveh_48: +28pips optional trade radicalmoses: lost 30pips radicalmoses: should have stayed short Rupp7: whoa kaveh_48: i short 2700 genius123_1: Kaveh...the big arrows on your screen-what it is? dehav: target? kaveh_48: but realy work fast kaveh_48: 1.2670 Ardi1899: wow.. I miss euro dehav: thx kaveh_48: +30pips here fxfanatic: it break 2695 kaveh_48: +58pips fxfanatic: mm 4/8 bobbhim: missed that Ardi1899: I still hold on cable around 30 pips kaveh_48: i miss to to call cz move very fast kaveh_48: +58pips here radicalmoses: ardi, that was a 100pip move radicalmoses: from our Ramin_Aust: to late to get in?? Karkas e Eshegh: very thx kaveh , its very good Nebuluz: +90 pips so far :D Ardi1899: radicalmoses: nebu,,very good radicalmoses: i think i would love to trade 100lot on thismove radicalmoses: lol kaveh_48: short near 1.2705 kaveh_48: or 1.2694 kaveh_48: it moves very fast to call u for short again kaveh_48: but i took +58pips kaveh_48: so sorry guys Ardi1899: fine, tha't cool Ardi1899: that's cool Rupp7: no prblem Nebuluz: did put a stop at 1.2700 now, before greed kills me :D zauraz: yup fabuluos trading kaveh_48: i am out kaveh_48: near 05 u can sell kaveh_48: see how juice shoot price guys kaveh_48: this my meant payale: trichet speaking fxfanatic: how much lot you sold this time, kave? 200 lot? kaveh_48: many lots kaveh_48: i told u i hunt like LION monkey2402: i was short eur lookin for 20 pips, but my trading platform crashed, called the broker and got out with 40pips!! thanks Kav! Ardi1899: You're just lucky Monkey2402 monkey2402: Today i,m lucky! Ramin_Aust: kaveh,short now payale: trichet speaking, press conference right now. shld see more movement. what shld we look for kaveh? kaveh_48: no kaveh_48: break 70 short payale: thnx kaveh_48: for 1.2660 kaveh_48: go fxfanatic: what is 2660? kaveh_48: +10pips here kaveh_48: out Nebuluz: lol +35 more kaveh_48: really nice guys d_thorpey: nice dehav: nw kaveh 10 here too zauraz: fantastic Nebuluz: now im out i think :D LLBHONS: 10 kaveh_48: 1.2650 risky kaveh_48: ramin you took it? Rupp7: wow my broker keep freezing Ramin_Aust: yes and thx alot kaveh_48: very nice man kaveh_48: fxfanatic you took it fxfanatic: no Rupp7: I placed 2 orders and didnt even see them Ramin_Aust: i really appricate it bholiday: my platform frozen fxfanatic: got late d_thorpey: which platform is that bholiday? bill3002: rupp...what broker? Rupp7: OANDA, but demo account kaveh_48: near 80 u can sell fxfanatic: how do you know that? kaveh_48: my platform move faster fxfanatic: retracement? kaveh_48: 23.6 kaveh_48: yep bholiday: oanda Rupp7: and now it unfroze, and i see 2 orders gbp and eur both +7 so I close them lol Rupp7: so i still got +15 Paltalk: =================================== Please support our sponsors by clicking on banners. ========================================== d_thorpey: kaveh do your fib lines draw themselves or do you draw them everytime there is a new low? kaveh_48: yep kaveh_48: work very nice d_thorpey: which? fxfanatic: 2685 is 61.8%? kaveh_48: everythimes monkey2402: what a beautiful looking chart eh? kaveh_48: from 1.2770 to 1.2652 kaveh_48: 1.2680 Ramin_Aust: juice is still high kaveh_48: if break 50 u can short 1.2635 fxfanatic: you mean 50% retrace? fxfanatic: on eur? kaveh_48: yep Ramin_Aust: kaveh,at this moment r u looking for COG too?? fxfanatic: and 2635 is target? kaveh_48: only juice kaveh_48: very high fxfanatic: you trade eur only kaveh kaveh_48: i see it for another pairs fxfanatic: what pair? fxfanatic: pound kaveh_48: cable fxfanatic: and trade cable? kaveh_48: yes kaveh_48: many pips i hunt today kaveh_48: in may real account near 210pips fxfanatic: yesterday you said cable is silly, but today you trade it fxfanatic: cable is good one with eur kaveh_48: silly for big move fxfanatic: y kaveh_48: when eur move 10pips cable move 30pips kaveh_48: somtimes kaveh_48: is silly yes? fxfanatic: i confirme what you say Rupp7: many many pips very early Rupp7: thikn there will be more still? bobbhim: near 80 Topcat275: kaveh, u in eur trade long or short kaveh_48: this is SPAM? dehav: haha dehav: not spam kaveh :P kaveh_48: i am waiting for 38.2 fxfanatic: what price? bobbhim: 95? kaveh_48: BUT see TSD form that one FOX told to me Rupp7: i think 95 kaveh_48: 1.2700 Topcat275: then you will short again, kaveh_48: i wil trade with u 2moro TRADE DEFICIT kaveh_48: we have big move friday kaveh_48: yep Rupp7: ? kiwichamp: fantastic Rupp7: you will close room after that? kaveh_48: no kaveh_48: but i will out fxfanatic: out what? fxfanatic: you only here 2 day? fxfanatic: you want to go? and leave? kiwichamp: out of the room for the day kaveh_48: no kaveh_48: i will see u on monday sovo1: kaveh. friday you teach us to trade gold fxfanatic: aha kaveh_48: maybe up4life: lcu k up4life: cu up4life: k kaveh_48: but for uk markets we very busy up4life: u leav now kaveh_48: no up4life: k kaveh_48: i am here sovo1: anyway to let's us in to see you in action sovo1: in trading gold Rupp7: if it bounces off 2700, what kindof pips do you look for? +10 pip? kaveh_48: if break 50 short for 35 kaveh_48: yep Rupp7: ok kaveh_48: or 40 but see juice fxfanatic: i dont undrestand what is 35? Rupp7: 35 is next level down kaveh_48: 1.2635 kaveh_48: yep Rupp7: it is MM level fxfanatic: what level? kaveh_48: no kaveh_48: kaveh level Ardi1899: kaveh level? Rupp7: oh hehe Ardi1899: some brand new? fxfanatic: i cant see any level there? fxfanatic: where? fxfanatic: any indicaotor? fxfanatic: i have cam8 Rupp7: hmmm i have MM level at 2635 fxfanatic: and mm Rupp7: on my chart fxfanatic: no fxfanatic: there is no MM there fxfanatic: 2695 is 4/8 kaveh_48: i will back soon kaveh_48: tea time Ardi1899: V u kaveh, thanks bobbhim: kaveh is playing with you bobbhim: guys relax Ardi1899: c u kaveh, thanks fxfanatic: there is no level at 35 sovo1: you got to be psychic to know kaveh bobbhim: lol Rupp7: there is on my chart fxfanatic: you kidding me? no level fxfanatic: folks you have level at 35? Rupp7: it is probably the different gmt shifts monkey2402: i've got an s4 level Paltalk: =================================== Are banners a bummer and popups a pain? Cure your banner blues NOW! Get Paltalk Plus pr Paltalk X-treme! ========================================== monkey2402: the price is right on my s3 level now Ardi1899: so how many pips do you get today? monkey2402: 75 for me, but i was lucky! monkey2402: how about u ardi? Ardi1899: sometimes it happen Ardi1899: let me count ... monkey2402: rupp what do u mean by the gmt shifts? Ardi1899: 46 Ardi1899: I'm still learn monkey2402: a good day Rupp7: murrey math levels are calculated by previous highs and lows of the day Rupp7: if your day of your broker begins and ends at different times, you may get different levels monkey2402: ah ha Rupp7: the levels will be the same, they maybe just shifted higher or lower Rupp7: like 4/8 on my chart may be 2/8 on your chart monkey2402: ic thx Rupp7: like 2695 is MM level on your chart right? kaveh_48: markets just die monkey2402: yes kaveh_48: only bull and bear monkey2402: 4/8 level Rupp7: what is it label kaveh_48: nothing more Rupp7: see on my chart it is 0/8 Rupp7: but same level monkey2402: right Ramin_Aust: COG at 0.1815, Ardi1899: in 40 min Kohn will speak, any possibility another good trade occur? kaveh_48: yes kaveh_48: and big vbot on eur kaveh_48: if beak 50 u can do it kaveh_48: hamid268 u trade live here today Topcat275: if break 50 we go short or long Rupp7: short Paltalk: ====SECURITY BULLETIN!======= Using utilites from third parties such as button holders, remote typers, etc ... are at risk of having their passwords stolen! Many of these utilities contain trojans that report your nickname and password to the program's creator. We encourage everyone to change their password reguarly, and to uncheck the save password checkbox on the login screen. If you do this, you will have to enter your password every time you log in, but it is a small price to pay to keep your account and password protected. kaveh_48: short with juice Topcat275: ok kaveh_48: hamid are u sleep? hamid268: yes kaveh hamid268: very good hamid268: tarde real hamid268: hamid268: kaveh_48: ok naturalnetbg: hi kav kaveh_48: hi nat Topcat275: is real naturalnetbg: miss move kaveh_48: faraz u trade too? kaveh_48: where are nat today? naturalnetbg: kids kaveh_48: means? naturalnetbg: some problems genius123_1: Kaveh...the big arrows on your screen-what it is? kaveh_48: faraz are u here? kaveh_48: where? kaveh_48: where genius? genius123_1: screen on TSD naturalnetbg: kav we generaly change trand kaveh_48: color? naturalnetbg: trend kaveh_48: yep kaveh_48: nat i will trade 2moro TRADE DEFICIT kaveh_48: big move kaveh_48: too bholiday: time? genius123_1: red and blue arrows kaveh_48: blue is vtop kaveh_48: not important kaveh_48: and red too genius123_1: ok thanks qtrader-re: 10:00 NEWS AND 10:30 est in 35 min qtrader-re: and 1 hr kaveh_48: 8:30 EST TIMES genius123_1: and thanks for many pips bholiday: thanks qtrader-re: tomorrow kaveh? 8:30 kaveh_48: kaveh_48: yep qtrader-re: great kaveh - will see you in the am- are you finished for today? kaveh_48: we didnt trade lastday but az u see howmany pips today hunt kaveh_48: no naturalnetbg: on daily chart look like tree black crown kaveh_48: i am here payale: kaveh, u are a very patient person and very helpful. my many thanks for the pips i made. qtrader-re: ok - thanks kaveh kaveh_48: Paltalk: =================================== You should SEE what you've been missing!!! Get a Paltalk subscription NOW and you can get fast motion video in ANY group! And as an added bonus you get NO banners and NO popups! ========================================== Topcat275: hat off to kaveh48 kaveh_48: no kaveh_48: -35,000 jobless kaveh_48: today Topcat275: kaveh48 a very good man kaveh_48: I am here for YOU guys Rupp7: short call at 1.2715 was great bobbhim: kaveh euro is now 2657 payale: u are really great Rupp7: i still not sure how you decide at 2715 bobbhim: are we still going in at 2650? kaveh_48: i didnt loss this week any 1pips kaveh_48: yes bobbhim: thanks kaveh_48: but jucie is very low bobbhim: yes i see that qtrader-re: short kaveh? bobbhim: that is why im asked kaveh_48: no bobbhim: i asked sovo1: kv, just read the forum. such an idiot. sovo1: please donot hold that again us. bobbhim: 50 kaveh_48: let me see sovo1: we all are, i hope to speak to all here, appreciate what you have done in here kaveh_48: go sovo1: thanks qtrader-re: go what kavceh - sorry Rupp7: whew that was fast Rupp7: it broke 50 kaveh_48: short Rupp7: 2635 target? qtrader-re: thanks kaveh_48: +10pips Ardi1899: damn I miss it Ardi1899: sorry for my word Rupp7: i am still in it Ardi1899: kaveh_48: az u see how stop near 35 Rupp7: yeah kaveh_48: really nice kaveh_48: this is kaveh level Rupp7: lol Ardi1899: you guys trade cable? Ardi1899: I see no arrow on eur Rupp7: can short if break 35? kaveh_48: 15:05 arrow kaveh_48: see ardi kaveh_48: if break 35 20 nest kaveh_48: next Rupp7: yes ahmad_amin: a h4 line is near cable Ardi1899: sorry, but I see another long arrow at 15.17, so I was confused kaveh_48: refrsh charts kaveh_48: az u see how markets play with 35 Rupp7: yeah kaveh_48: markets know if break 20 is next Ardi1899: okay Rupp7: why 20? kaveh_48: i will tell u how i find this level Ramin_Aust: is not to late to get in now?? et_phonehome_2: which chart we talking about? kaveh_48: out if u want kaveh_48: but u made +10pips ramin et_phonehome_2: i made 5 pips only on eurusd kaveh_48: now out kiwichamp: how did you find this level Kaveh ? kaveh_48: i will tell u genius123_1: Kaveh wenn you tell? et_phonehome_2: r u talking of eurusd kaveh_48: friday kiwichamp: ok kaveh_48: yep sovo1: thanks kaveh_48: ramin are u in? kiwichamp: big day Friday ? Ardi1899: what time? Ramin_Aust: no sovo1: will be here sovo1: same time? kaveh_48: see how dtop near 35 kaveh_48: stop kiwichamp: yes kaveh_48: and paly near 35 kiwichamp: yep et_phonehome_2: what mean dtop? kaveh_48: stop kaveh_48: back kaveh_48: i will tell u know how i find this kaveh_48: all of BIG BANK when markets move like this Ardi1899: Kaveh would you mind to write it on doc file? or on tsd forum? kaveh_48: no kaveh_48: this optional trade Ardi1899: okay kaveh_48: not original rule kaveh_48: ok? fxfanatic: to go short? fxfanatic: why, we have setup here fxfanatic: kaveh? et_phonehome_2: if u wait for arrow, you will surely miss the trade kaveh_48: WE SHORT AND OUT HERE fxfanatic: short at what price? kaveh_48: PLEASE ATTETION kaveh_48: WHEN MARKETS MOVE LIKE THIS kaveh_48: ALL OF BIG BANK TRADE NEAR 15-20PIPS kaveh_48: AZ U SEE MARKETS HOW FALL Rupp7: i see kiwichamp: yes - kaveh_48: THAY ARE TRADE FOR EXAMPLE +200,000LOTS Rupp7: when level break you just take 15 pip next level kaveh_48: FOR 15-20PIPS ONLY kaveh_48: AND BIG BACK TAKE PROFIT AND THEN OUT kaveh_48: THIS RULE OF THIS LEVEL yb2erl: i see et_phonehome_2: u mean when its considating kaveh_48: 1.2620 NEXT LEVEL kaveh_48: YES kaveh_48: BIG BANK IN USA WORK LIKE THIS et_phonehome_2: every pip counts kaveh_48: YES kiwichamp: so we are working along with them kiwichamp: ? Paltalk: =================================== Click banners to visit our sponsors. ========================================== kaveh_48: YES kiwichamp: aaa kaveh_48: AZ U SEE BACK SOLD 1.2638 AND CLOSED 1.2628 et_phonehome_2: what mean when the COG lines are flat with one another, the green and red? kiwichamp: yes fxfanatic: what is this 2620? kaveh kiwichamp: yes they are on top of each other kaveh_48: AND SOLD 1.2633 AND NEXT 1.2623 OF 1.2618 Ramin_Aust: r u in kaveh?? ahmad_amin: kave 1 quest close pos this morning with +130 ? kaveh_48: AZ U SEE BANK CLOSED 1.2623 kaveh_48: NO kaveh_48: I OUT et_phonehome_2: when COG n top of each other should we avoid trade? kaveh_48: NOW IF BREAK 1.2623 %100 1.2613OR1.2608 NEXT TARGET Ardi1899: cable is reverse, should we enter if juice is +7? Ardi1899: long entry? ahmad_amin: thx kaveh_48: DONT TRADE AGAINST RIVER ARDI Ardi1899: okay kaveh_48: MAYBE FALL NEAR 50 kaveh_48: GOT IT GUYS KAVEH LEVEL et_phonehome_2: what mean trade against river? kaveh_48: ??? ekim28: yes kaveh_48: DONT Ardi1899: against the treand I guess kaveh_48: YES kiwichamp: against the flow -- against the trend -- against the river kaveh_48: az u see i trade here like big bank bholiday: against the force et_phonehome_2: but if COG is up and juice are all above .0007, mean we ignore it since thats not the trend et_phonehome_2: ?? kaveh_48: i took +10to 20pips and then out kaveh_48: yes kaveh_48: trend is down kaveh_48: now monkey2402: kav is it 50 cz of the 38.2 retracement of the last rally? kaveh_48: yep monkey2402: ah ha! bingo! Ardi1899: et_phonehome_2: monkey, how plot retracements..... fibo was always a mystery to me for plotting kaveh_48: all of big BANK HUNT many $$$$$$$$ like this monkey2402: pull your fib lines from the top of the last bounce at 1.2685 or near down to last low kiwichamp: and you BIG BANK hunt when there is a strong trend right ? et_phonehome_2: thanks monkey kaveh_48: yes kiwichamp: thanks kaveh_48: in this markets u must hunt with big BANK kiwichamp: right .. kiwichamp: I am understanding that today et_phonehome_2: u plot against what TF for fibo? Ardi1899: kaveh, just a thought. Why don't you build another turtles? et_phonehome_2: I guess TF not matter monkey2402: i dont think it matters kaveh_48: az u see how bounce near 50 kaveh_48: for few pips Ramin_Aust: kaveh,COG is now bouncing we need juice to go long here?? kaveh_48: ramin are ok? kaveh_48: why buy??????? Ramin_Aust: i thought cos COG is bouncing from 15 now et_phonehome_2: monkey, which low did you plot fobo lines, just trying to understand fibo more.. et_phonehome_2: i guess you choose the lastest high when plotting, but go how far back? I heard fibo is subjective... Ramin_Aust: or how can we know its end of the run?? kaveh_48: et_phonehome what is your problem u wrote on tsd? et_phonehome_2: u mean about the stop reversal? monkey2402: et-on my chart it's 1.2689 down to 1.2626 kaveh_48: How can u expect someone to trade and talk and the same time? kaveh_48: about this? kaveh_48: u want i use voice? et_phonehome_2: i am just saying that the guy cannot expect u to talk and trade at the same time... kaveh_48: for trade? bholiday: voice would help bholiday: because faster et_phonehome_2: u need to make money also so how can he expect you tell all signals bholiday: and you could concentrate bholiday: instead of type kaveh_48: in office near 25 pepole here hamid268: 40 people here kaveh_48: and if i want to talk u u can hear very busy voice Rupp7: he saying dont criticize you because your are trading and trying to type at same time et_phonehome_2: i have nothing against you, i just think the person is expecting too much from u since trading is your living Paltalk: =================================== Please support our sponsors by clicking on banners. ========================================== kaveh_48: i have assitanat here for my potions bholiday: whatever works best for you kaveh...we appreciate your help Rupp7: he's talking about the other guy on TSD who complain about your calls sovo1: yes, kaveh the other guy et_phonehome_2: correcty, the other guy should not complain....he should try to learn as i am also sovo1: such an idiot kaveh_48: i know it and want to know he want voice trade signal kiwichamp: he does not deserve that Ardi1899: He said he's been here for 4 days, I guess he's still here et_phonehome_2: i think the other guy is expecting you tell him everything u trade which i think is wrong, he should try to learn your methods kaveh_48: no problem this room is free et_phonehome_2: soory Kaveh is my english not so good Ardi1899: big heart Kaveh, very nice kaveh_48: and i am very glad for this free kiwichamp: yes sovo1: not as glad as we all are, thanks kv kaveh_48: et_.... where are u from? kiwichamp: your english is fine et_phone -- et_phonehome_2: New York qtrader-re: thanks kaveh- I am also glad for the freee kiwichamp: we can understand you et_phonehome_2: i am glad you help us all to understand how to trade kiwichamp: where were you born et_ ? payale: kaveh, do we short a bounce down from 1.2650? kiwichamp: P.R. ? kaveh_48: this markets is not min only this markets is for us et_phonehome_2: born in this country, but terrible in english et_phonehome_2: bad english grammar i am always told kaveh_48: no problem kiwichamp: aaa -- well you can study and correct that kiwichamp: you speak English at home ? kiwichamp: we understand you -- but it is always good to study to improve ourselves et_phonehome_2: mostly speak English, but writing is not so hot Ardi1899: as long as we can understand each other, that won't be a problem kiwichamp: ok and Spanish ? et_phonehome_2: in school, teacher thought i was foreign born since i am terrible at writing sovo1: that's why this is good to practice your writing skill kiwichamp: yep et_phonehome_2: pratice makes perfect kiwichamp: yep fxaus: hi room fxaus: hi kiwi et_phonehome_2: the more Kaveh teaches us, we will all become better traders kiwichamp: hi aussie -- how is sydney today ? fxfanatic: hi fxaus sovo1: yes, et, that's so true fxaus: cold night sovo1: hi fxaus fxaus: hi sovo sovo1: did you miss the action this morning>> sovo1: very good lesson today payale: kaveh, do we short a bounce down from 1.2650 if cog agrees? *** lorix_ has left the group *** fxaus: really *** has left the group *** kiwichamp: yes excellent lesson today kaveh_48: but cog is up now kaveh_48: risky *** bbmac_2 has joined the group *** payale: if cog down then we can, right? kaveh_48: time is out i think fxfanatic: kaveh, in what time frame u use and draw fibonacci? kaveh_48: no diffrenc payale: do we draw it every hour? kaveh_48: 1min charts is better kaveh_48: depond on markets kaveh_48: maybe 4hour kiwichamp: when there is a strong trend -- 4 hrs is ok ? fxfanatic: long eur kaveh? *** sum_one_243 has joined the group *** kaveh_48: fxfanatinc why long fxfanatic: look the juice and cross? fxfanatic: isnt that true?? fxfanatic: so why not? kaveh_48: yes but az u see trend id down *** elepoutre has joined the group *** kaveh_48: all trend kaveh_48: u can do it kaveh_48: with high risk fxfanatic: what trend? fxfanatic: COG is ok? fxfanatic: what do you mean of trend? *** SulzFx has joined the group *** sovo1: yes, a couple trade before, we all goes against the cog, right kaveh kaveh_48: means 200pips down today kaveh_48: means down kaveh_48: not up fxfanatic: y *** sum_one_243 has left the group *** kaveh_48: and by the way cog now under 0.1817 *** has left the group *** Ardi1899: so we don't use any indicator to determine trend? kaveh_48: break it 0.1817 u want long? *** bbmac_2 has left the group *** *** has left the group *** kaveh_48: trend for cog is up but must break 0.1817 u can long it kaveh_48: u will see how cog revers at 0.1817 Rupp7: kaveh you ever use 23.6 fib level? kaveh_48: no Rupp7: ok kaveh_48: when near 1.2680 32.8 cog will bounce kaveh_48: you will see Ardi1899: so cog > 17 means bull only, and cog < 17 means bear only? kaveh_48: no kaveh_48: this level of bounce or break only Ardi1899: I mean we can sell if cog >17 and buy if cog<17? kaveh_48: no Ardi1899: ah.. yb2erl: kok ah kaveh_48: now see how back *** Topcat275 has left the group *** *** has left the group *** kaveh_48: now only bull and bear Ardi1899: I'm a little bit confused kaveh_48: i will back soon yb2erl: kiwichamp: ok kiwichamp: thanks for today's lesson Kaveh Paltalk: =================================== To visit our sponsors, click on banners! ========================================== sovo1: is there any news coming up Ardi1899: Guys I need your help. Kaveh said that "trend for cog is up but must break 0.1817 u can long it" Ardi1899: didn't it mean we can long if cog >17 et_phonehome_2: does that mean .1817 is always a significant number? Ardi1899: otherwise short if cog<17? Rupp7: he has mentioned that before Ardi1899: when? Rupp7: a few days ago Ardi1899: waw.. *** SulzFx has left the group *** *** has left the group *** Ardi1899: I miss that one Ardi1899: what was he said? sovo1: yes, please fill us in et_phonehome_2: but he said it does not mean can go long or short on this number... Rupp7: just that 1817 seemed important cog level kiwichamp: yes it is Ardi1899: so what is "important" means if applied to trading? et_phonehome_2: any posts anywhere on this COG interpretation Rupp7: well if he says"trend for cog is up but must break 0.1817 u can long it" Rupp7: that tells me it is significant level *** bill3002 has left the group *** *** has left the group *** Ardi1899: I know so we can't long before cog over 1817 kiwichamp: right Ardi1899: so is it some kind of filter? Rupp7: but I dont know if there is any set rule for that, you will h ave to ask him kiwichamp: he uses 1817 as a confirmation level et_phonehome_2: but he said it does not mean go long or short *** hamid268 has left the group *** *** has left the group *** Ardi1899: confirmation for what? Ardi1899: the trend is strengthen? Rupp7: confirmation that you could take a trade that is AGAINST the trend *** fxaus has left the group *** kiwichamp: yes *** has left the group *** kiwichamp: I am looking for the rule Rupp7: any trade long right now would be against the overall trend Ardi1899: I see *** elepoutre has left the group *** *** has left the group *** Ardi1899: thanks Rupp7 Rupp7: you need more confirmation than just an arrow appearing Rupp7: np sovo1: I think the rule in the forum doesnot apply to today lesson of trading with the trend et_phonehome_2: if trend is down, then all juice must be above .007 and the COG must also be down, is that correct Ardi1899: that help me alot *** hamid268 has joined the group *** kiwichamp: todays lesson was an extra -- kiwichamp: what he calls optional trades et_phonehome_2: by COG down, I mean the red line et_phonehome_2: ?? kiwichamp: red line is above when COG is down kiwichamp: red line is below when COG is up et_phonehome_2: does nayone use the up/down arrows on the price charts themselves? *** fxfanatic has left the group *** *** has left the group *** kiwichamp: yes Rupp7: yeah kiwichamp: the stop/reversal arrows Rupp7: where else would you have them? Rupp7: i dont think you can even put them in a seperate window et_phonehome_2: i was curious since i just look at COG and Juice Rupp7: ahh i see et_phonehome_2: i think the arrows is somewhat after the fact, am i correct? Rupp7: yeah its coded to be in the chart window *** qtrader-re has left the group *** *** has left the group *** Rupp7: yes, it lags, like all indicators payale: kiwicamp, today's lesson and the other lessons that kaveh gives free are more than what most other forum teaches you. et_phonehome_2: is there any rule for best entry price or do we go in when the conditions are in our favor? kiwichamp: yes they are payale payale: you pay a lot in other groups and don't get much out of it. kiwichamp: yep et_phonehome_2: so true.... *** zauraz has joined the group *** kiwichamp: I plan on being here fully concentrating on all that is happening kiwichamp: to learn ALL I can Rupp7: same here kiwichamp: this is an opportunity that does not come along too many times in a life time payale: alod they get very annoyed when u ask simple questions. kaveh has lots of patience answering all our questions. et_phonehome_2: i heard that this one trader teaches via email, but when he trades, its possible to talk trades with him since that's his lbread and butter.... Rupp7: and today was amazing et_phonehome_2: impossible kiwichamp: well Kaveh has staff who help him -- Rupp7: i think im going to take todays chart and study it for about 3 hours et_phonehome_2: kaveh is good at helping us kiwichamp: yes kiwichamp: that sounds like a good plan kiwichamp: ready to catch them tomorrow *** yb2erl has left the group *** *** has left the group *** kiwichamp: that is why I have been watching as much as I have - to train (retrain) my brain kiwichamp: and coordination kiwichamp: to react and work fast et_phonehome_2: i need more screens, so hard with one screen to see everything Rupp7: yeah kiwichamp: yep et_phonehome_2: does everyone here trade for a living kiwichamp: I have a 4 screen setup on the top of my "Equipment to Buy" list payale: i do Barry411: I have one question Dose kaveh keep moving the fig to the lates high low ? Rupp7: not yet alexw8: i do payale: i think so barry411 Ardi1899: just 2 maybe Barry411: ok et_phonehome_2: i'm just playing with it, not making enough pips to trade for a living payale: as new highs and lows are made, u draw ur fib et_phonehome_2: i do trade live acct Rupp7: I am demo trading until I have COMPLETE confidence in the system im using and myself Rupp7: but im getting close et_phonehome_2: is there anything out there that will auto plot the fibs or is it not recommended? kiwichamp: there is a Fib indicator et_phonehome_2: for MT4? kiwichamp: yes et_phonehome_2: where can I find it? kiwichamp: but it works like pivot points from a certain time to a certain time kiwichamp: I can send it to you if you like Barry411: I put MM on the chart and it is so clatered I can't tell what is going on kaveh_48: buy guys et_phonehome_2: that would be great *** Topcat275 has joined the group *** kaveh_48: see 2moro Rupp7: cya kaveh et_phonehome_2: bye Kaveh, thanks.... kiwichamp: bye Kaveh kiwichamp: thanks for today payale: bye kaveh and thanks for today et_phonehome_2: learned a lot today.... alexw8: bye Kaveh and ty kaveh_48: we will trade live at 8:30 CET Ardi1899: bye kaveh kiwichamp: ok dehav: bye *** kaveh_48 has left the group *** *** has left the group *** Ardi1899: c u tomorrow *** zauraz has left the group *** *** has left the group *** *** mille8888 has left the group *** *** has left the group *** *** ekim28 has left the group *** *** has left the group *** et_phonehome_2: kiwi, does plotting of fibs automatically chnage everytime? Paltalk: =================================== Please visit our advertisers by clicking on banners. ========================================== kiwichamp: no -- the indicator just changes at the end of the day et_phonehome_2: does it mean we should just plot fibs once and that's it? *** dehav has left the group *** *** has left the group *** kiwichamp: sending it to you so you can see Barry411: send to me also kiwichamp: ok Barry411: thanks Rupp7: it depends what are drawing your fib line on et_phonehome_2: thanks KIWI Ardi1899: is cam7 isn't enough? Rupp7: if drawing it on the current trend, yes you have to redraw at each new high or low *** Azidan-narif has joined the group *** kiwichamp: coming over Barry et_phonehome_2: Fibs was always a mystsery to me, but it seems most analysts uses it kiwichamp: yes alexw8: et_ more fib here Barry411: got the file kiwichamp: great et_phonehome_2: thanks alexw8 alexw8: i from NY too kiwichamp: yes there is all the Fib indicators you could want kiwichamp: great et_phonehome_2: i tried reading some book i bought by Fischer, so terrible, hard to understand Rupp7: yeah alot of those books are overcomplicated et_phonehome_2: i always need something that is simple and to the point *** Azidan-narif has left the group *** *** has left the group *** kiwichamp: yes like Elliot theroy -- phewl kiwichamp: yep much better Ardi1899: What about DiNapoli's book? et_phonehome_2: forget Elliot Ardi1899: he tech fibo too et_phonehome_2: How is DiNapoli's indicators? Ardi1899: Looks good, but I can't say nothing since I haven't done yet with his book Ardi1899: sorry.. I can say nothing Ardi1899: but he mention a lot about fibo et_phonehome_2: ok.... even when trying to understand concepts on the web, not so easy since many do not show good examples... et_phonehome_2: or any examples for that matter et_phonehome_2: like they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, but its only good if they draw lines pointing to what is being talked about et_phonehome_2: the authors always presume we all know what is being referred to.. Ardi1899: It's better to have private mentor kiwichamp: yes kiwichamp: this training with KAveh is better that 1000 books et_phonehome_2: yes... i know many traders that does mentoring of groups, but very costly payale: u bet kiwichamp kiwichamp: yes very costly -- $100 an hr or so kiwichamp: we get 8 hrs or more a day free Ardi1899: 100/hour? Barry411: when kaveh48 gives a number they don't mach my numbers like r3 and so on payale: and no one will give the how bankers play etc.. et_phonehome_2: most i know will just charge a flat fee kiwichamp: yep some charge that payale: we get all those from kaveh kiwichamp: yes et_phonehome_2: I know some charge min of $3000 just for one week.... Rupp7: lol Ardi1899: Barry, what is your broker? et_phonehome_2: bye all, thanks for all your help today.... et_phonehome_2: bye....... *** et_phonehome_2 has left the group *** *** has left the group *** kiwichamp: by et_phone Barry411: interbankfx alexw8: bye et_ payale: i joined a forum last month for $$ and did not get anything like i am getting from kaveh. Rupp7: and the more they charge, that means the less money they make from their actual trading payale: i am out of it. Ardi1899: try neuimex when using this strategy kiwichamp: right kiwichamp: yes that is what I am using Barry411: ok kiwichamp: opened a live account with Nth Finance -- kiwichamp: they are a part of neuimex I think kiwichamp: you can start with just $100 with Nth Fin kiwichamp: so cheap training live Ardi1899: but different servertime I guess kiwichamp: yes Rupp7: its GMT+3 kiwichamp: same as what Kaveh uses Ardi1899: different daily OHLC kiwichamp: he recommends Neuimex alexw8: bye room Ardi1899: bye alex *** alexw8 has left the group *** *** has left the group *** kiwichamp: bye Alex *** genius123_1 has left the group *** *** has left the group *** Barry411: the setting on cam7 GMT shift Sun and GMT shift what are they to be set on? LLBHONS: ive got cam8, whats the difference? Barry411: My live brocker i GMT 0 Ardi1899: would you mind to send that file to me LLBHONS? Barry411: i don *** ekim28 has joined the group *** Barry411: I don't know LLBHONS: sure ill post it on TSD *** ekim28 has left the group *** *** has left the group *** Ardi1899: okay Ardi1899: thanks Ardi1899: somebody may answer Barry please? Ardi1899: "the setting on cam7 GMT shift Sun and GMT shift what are they to be set on?" *** Barry411 has left the group *** *** has left the group *** Paltalk: =================================== GO GREEN or BLUE to stop ads and support Paltalk! Subscribe today! ========================================== Ardi1899: we, he's out *** ahmad_amin has left the group *** *** has left the group *** LLBHONS: Ardi its on the site (cam8) Ardi1899: I'll check it, thanks LLBHONS *** hamid268 has left the group *** *** has left the group *** LLBHONS: Im off to enjoy some rare sunshine in London - good day to all payale: have fun under the sun llbhons Ardi1899: good day kiwichamp: and to you too *** LLBHONS has left the group *** *** has left the group ***