Interbank FX, LLC

Account: 219680 Name: Starter_v6_M15 Currency: USD 2005 November 25, 17:45
Closed Transactions:
Ticket Open Time Type Lots Item Price S / L T / P Close Time Price Commission Swap Profit
2344200 2005.11.20 02:13 balance Deposit 1 000 000.00
2344814 2005.11.20 23:02 buy 1.00 usdjpy 119.15 118.80 119.25 2005.11.21 00:26 119.25 0.00 0.00 83.86
2344886 2005.11.20 23:03 buy 1.00 eurchf 1.5477 1.5442 1.5487 2005.11.21 01:00 1.5481 0.00 0.00 30.43
2381477 2005.11.21 21:01 sell 1.00 usdcad 1.1831 1.1866 1.1821 2005.11.21 23:14 1.1825 0.00 -2.90 50.74
2382529 2005.11.21 23:30 sell 1.00 eurchf 1.5476 1.5511 1.5466 2005.11.22 02:38 1.5478 0.00 0.00 -15.15
2382773 2005.11.21 23:47 sell 1.00 eurjpy 139.67 140.02 139.57 2005.11.22 04:17 139.66 0.00 0.00 8.39
2382864 2005.11.21 23:52 sell 1.00 eurgbp 0.6834 0.6869 0.6824 2005.11.22 03:15 0.6834 0.00 0.00 0.00
2384691 2005.11.22 01:30 sell 1.00 eurusd 1.1730 1.1765 1.1720 2005.11.22 04:02 1.1726 0.00 0.00 40.00
2384833 2005.11.22 01:46 buy 1.00 usdchf 1.3195 1.3160 1.3205 2005.11.22 04:13 1.3198 0.00 0.00 22.73
2385015 2005.11.22 02:00 sell 1.00 usdcad 1.1827 1.1862 1.1817 2005.11.22 12:04 1.1862 0.00 0.00 -295.06
2387110 2005.11.22 06:00 sell 1.00 gbpusd 1.7164 1.7199 1.7154 2005.11.22 08:12 1.7154 0.00 0.00 100.00
2426764 2005.11.23 02:15 sell 1.00 usdchf 1.3124 1.3159 1.3114 2005.11.23 04:22 1.3114 0.00 0.00 76.25
2426775 2005.11.23 02:15 buy 1.00 eurusd 1.1802 1.1767 1.1812 2005.11.23 04:22 1.1812 0.00 0.00 100.00
2427481 2005.11.23 03:05 buy 1.00 gbpusd 1.7197 1.7162 1.7207 2005.11.23 03:59 1.7207 0.00 0.00 100.00
2427716 2005.11.23 03:30 buy 1.00 eurgbp 0.6860 0.6825 0.6870 2005.11.23 06:14 0.6870 0.00 0.00 172.45
2427895 2005.11.23 03:42 buy 1.00 eurjpy 140.18 139.83 140.28 2005.11.23 06:09 140.28 0.00 0.00 84.35
2438991 2005.11.23 10:15 sell 1.00 usdcad 1.1738 1.1773 1.1728 2005.11.23 12:54 1.1728 0.00 0.00 85.27
2442534 2005.11.23 12:06 sell 1.00 usdjpy 118.61 118.96 118.51 2005.11.23 14:01 118.51 0.00 0.00 84.38
2449972 2005.11.23 16:00 sell 1.00 eurgbp 0.6847 0.6882 0.6837 2005.11.23 20:30 0.6855 0.00 0.00 -137.91
2453555 2005.11.23 20:50 buy 1.00 eurgbp 0.6854 0.6819 0.6864 2005.11.23 22:31 0.6854 0.00 -25.50 0.00
2454256 2005.11.23 21:30 sell 1.00 usdcad 1.1722 1.1757 1.1712 2005.11.24 01:42 1.1722 0.00 -8.70 0.00
2454386 2005.11.23 21:47 buy 1.00 eurchf 1.5504 1.5469 1.5514 2005.11.24 07:03 1.5500 0.00 14.40 -30.44
2457085 2005.11.24 01:00 buy 1.00 eurjpy 140.20 139.85 140.30 2005.11.24 04:15 140.29 0.00 0.00 75.82
2465384 2005.11.24 12:42 buy 1.00 usdjpy 118.79 118.44 118.89 2005.11.24 18:42 118.89 0.00 0.00 84.09
2466730 2005.11.24 22:18 sell 1.00 eurgbp 0.6840 0.6875 0.6830 2005.11.25 01:12 0.6839 0.00 0.00 17.22
2466830 2005.11.24 22:23 sell 1.00 eurjpy 140.16 140.51 140.06 2005.11.25 06:57 140.31 0.00 0.00 -125.82
2471928 2005.11.25 04:45 sell 1.00 gbpusd 1.7224 1.7259 1.7214 2005.11.25 06:45 1.7223 0.00 0.00 10.00
  0.00 -22.70 621.60
Closed P/L: 598.90
Open Trades:
Ticket Open Time Type Lots Item Price S / L T / P   Price Commission Swap Profit
No transactions
  0.00 0.00 0.00
  Floating P/L: 0.00
Working Orders:
Ticket Open Time Type Lots Item Price S / L T / P Market Price  
No transactions
Deposit/Withdrawal: 1 000 000.00 Credit Facility: 0.00  
Closed Trade P/L: 598.90 Floating P/L: 0.00 Margin: 0.00
Balance: 1 000 598.90 Equity: 1 000 598.90 Free Margin: 1 000 598.90
Gross Profit: 1 223.08 Gross Loss: 624.18 Total Net Profit: 598.90
Profit Factor: 1.96 Expected Payoff: 23.03  
Absolute Drawdown: 76.96 Maximal Drawdown (%): 295.06 (0.0%)  
Total Trades: 26 Short Positions (won %): 15 (66.67%) Long Positions (won %): 11 (81.82%)
Profit Trades (% of total): 19 (73.08%) Loss trades (% of total): 7 (26.92%)
Largest profit trade: 172.45 loss trade: -295.06
Average profit trade: 64.37 loss trade: -89.17
Maximum consecutive wins ($): 8 (802.70) consecutive losses ($): 4 (-188.15)
Maximal consecutive profit (count): 802.70 (8) consecutive loss (count): -295.06 (1)
Average consecutive wins: 4 consecutive losses: 2