MoneyTec LLC

Account: 66252 Name: J.Barry Riley Currency: USD 2007 January 18, 16:37
Closed Transactions:
TicketOpen TimeTypeLotsItem PriceS / LT / PClose Time PriceCommissionTaxesSwapProfit
24170872007.01.18 15:39sell0.01gbpusd1.96510.00000.00002007.01.18 16:211.96910.000.000.00-4.00
24130212007.01.18 09:46sell0.01usdjpy121.180.000.002007.01.18 15:51121.590.000.000.00-3.37
24147122007.01.18 11:55sell0.02gbpusd1.97220.00000.00002007.01.18 15:391.96560.000.000.0013.20
24152602007.01.18 13:03sell0.01usdchf1.25060.00000.00002007.01.18 15:341.25460.000.000.00-3.19
24095482007.01.18 05:28buy0.02usdchf1.24460.00000.00002007.01.18 13:031.25060.
24137992007.01.18 10:46buy0.01gbpusd1.97620.00000.00002007.01.18 11:551.97220.000.000.00-4.00
24018222007.01.17 16:02buy0.01gbpusd1.96780.00000.00002007.01.18 10:461.97570.000.00-0.047.90
23938252007.01.16 20:04buy0.01usdjpy120.660.000.002007.01.18 09:46121.
23938282007.01.16 20:04buy0.01usdchf1.24810.00000.00002007.01.18 05:281.24410.000.000.33-3.22
23938222007.01.16 20:03buy0.01gbpusd1.96220.00000.00002007.01.17 16:021.96730.000.00-0.015.10
  0.00 0.00 0.81 22.31
Closed P/L: 23.12
Open Trades:
TicketOpen TimeTypeLotsItem PriceS / LT / P  PriceCommissionTaxesSwapProfit
23819172007.01.15 21:51buy0.01eurusd1.29310.00000.0000 1.29530.000.00-0.382.20
24169162007.01.18 15:35sell0.02usdchf1.25410.00000.0000 1.24840.
24172752007.01.18 15:51sell0.02usdjpy121.550.000.00
24178802007.01.18 16:21buy0.02gbpusd1.96910.00000.0000 1.97250.
  0.00 0.00 -0.38 22.58
 Floating P/L: 22.20
Working Orders:
TicketOpen TimeTypeLotsItem PriceS / LT / PMarket Price 
No transactions
Deposit/Withdrawal: 0.00 Credit Facility: 0.00  
Closed Trade P/L: 23.12 Floating P/L: 22.20 Margin: 23.08
Balance: 2 039.04 Equity: 2 061.24 Free Margin: 2 015.96
Gross Profit: 40.57 Gross Loss: 17.45 Total Net Profit: 23.12
Profit Factor: 2.32 Expected Payoff: 2.31  
Absolute Drawdown: 0.00 Maximal Drawdown: 7.37 (0.36%) Relative Drawdown: 0.36% (7.37)
Total Trades: 10 Short Positions (won %): 4 (25.00%) Long Positions (won %): 6 (66.67%)
Profit Trades (% of total): 5 (50.00%) Loss trades (% of total): 5 (50.00%)
Largest profit trade: 13.20 loss trade: -4.00
Average profit trade: 8.11 loss trade: -3.49
Maximum consecutive wins ($): 2 (12.68) consecutive losses ($): 2 (-7.37)
Maximal consecutive profit (count): 13.20 (1) consecutive loss (count): -7.37 (2)
Average consecutive wins: 1 consecutive losses: 1