Interbank FX, LLC

Account: 1298727 Name: Patrick Scott Currency: USD 2006 November 21, 03:21
Closed Transactions:
TicketOpen TimeTypeLotsItem PriceS / LT / PClose Time PriceCommissionTaxesSwapProfit
152167892006.11.09 03:21balanceDeposit50 000.00
152216562006.11.09 06:15buy0.50usdjpy117.90117.10118.322006.11.09 13:36118.320.000.000.00177.48
153498332006.11.10 07:45sell0.50usdjpy117.57118.07117.372006.11.10 08:54117.370.000.000.0085.20
153725052006.11.10 10:00buy0.50usdjpy117.33116.83117.532006.11.10 15:47117.400.000.000.0029.81
154037282006.11.10 16:00sell0.50usdjpy117.45117.85117.252006.11.13 01:24117.250.000.00-7.3085.29
154276552006.11.13 01:30buy0.50usdjpy117.23116.73117.432006.11.13 08:02117.430.000.000.0085.16
154842992006.11.13 22:30buy0.50usdjpy118.14117.64118.342006.11.13 23:58117.640.000.000.00-212.51
156927612006.11.16 00:02buy0.50usdjpy117.93117.43118.132006.11.16 07:09118.
157284072006.11.16 13:00buy0.50usdjpy118.06117.56118.262006.11.16 17:14118.
154866822006.11.13 23:14sell0.10eurusd1.28101.29101.27602006.11.17 13:081.27780.000.003.6032.00
157509752006.11.16 17:15sell0.50usdjpy118.30118.80118.102006.11.17 14:14118.100.000.00-7.3084.67
  0.00 0.00 -11.00 536.31
Closed P/L: 525.31
Open Trades:
TicketOpen TimeTypeLotsItem PriceS / LT / P  PriceCommissionTaxesSwapProfit
159261582006.11.21 00:15buy0.50usdjpy117.91117.41118.11
  0.00 0.00 0.00 67.76
 Floating P/L: 67.76
Working Orders:
TicketOpen TimeTypeLotsItem PriceS / LT / PMarket Price 
No transactions
Deposit/Withdrawal: 50 000.00 Credit Facility: 0.00  
Closed Trade P/L: 525.31 Floating P/L: 67.76 Margin: 500.00
Balance: 50 694.00 Equity: 50 761.76 Free Margin: 50 261.76
Gross Profit: 737.82 Gross Loss: 212.51 Total Net Profit: 525.31
Profit Factor: 3.47 Expected Payoff: 52.53  
Absolute Drawdown: 0.00 Maximal Drawdown: 212.51 (0.42%) Relative Drawdown: 0.42% (212.51)
Total Trades: 10 Short Positions (won %): 4 (100.00%) Long Positions (won %): 6 (83.33%)
Profit Trades (% of total): 9 (90.00%) Loss trades (% of total): 1 (10.00%)
Largest profit trade: 177.48 loss trade: -212.51
Average profit trade: 81.98 loss trade: -212.51
Maximum consecutive wins ($): 5 (455.64) consecutive losses ($): 1 (-212.51)
Maximal consecutive profit (count): 455.64 (5) consecutive loss (count): -212.51 (1)
Average consecutive wins: 5 consecutive losses: 1