Interbank FX, LLC

Account: 1210788 Name: Kelly C Currency: USD 2006 September 14, 00:00
Closed Transactions:
TicketOpen TimeTypeLotsItem PriceS / LT / PClose Time PriceCommissionTaxesSwapProfit
114898632006.09.12 15:16buy1.00gbpusd1.87481.86971.87612006.09.13 08:301.87610.000.00-3.50130.00
114898202006.09.12 15:15buy37.50gbpusd1.87521.87011.87652006.09.13 08:301.87650.000.00-131.254 875.00
114856142006.09.12 14:20buy1.00gbpusd1.87321.86811.87452006.09.12 14:431.87450.000.000.00130.00
114854542006.09.12 14:19buy34.50gbpusd1.87361.86851.87492006.09.12 14:431.87450.000.000.003 105.00
114842042006.09.12 14:13buy30.90gbpusd1.87201.86691.87332006.09.12 14:191.87330.000.000.004 017.00
114770752006.09.12 13:19buy1.00gbpusd1.87711.87201.87842006.09.12 14:131.87200.000.000.00-510.00
114769832006.09.12 13:19buy58.50gbpusd1.87751.87241.87882006.09.12 14:131.87240.000.000.00-29 835.00
114765602006.09.12 13:15buy52.30gbpusd1.87581.87071.87712006.09.12 13:191.87710.000.000.006 799.00
114641302006.09.12 11:24buy1.70gbpusd1.87391.86881.87522006.09.12 12:301.87520.000.000.00221.00
114620762006.09.12 10:30buy46.60gbpusd1.87421.86911.87552006.09.12 12:301.87550.000.000.006 058.00
114602252006.09.12 09:47buy1.20gbpusd1.87231.86721.87362006.09.12 10:031.87360.000.000.00156.00
114601592006.09.12 09:45buy42.90gbpusd1.87271.86761.87402006.09.12 10:031.87360.000.000.003 861.00
  0.00 0.00 -134.75 -993.00
Closed P/L: -1 127.75
Open Trades:
TicketOpen TimeTypeLotsItem PriceS / LT / P  PriceCommissionTaxesSwapProfit
No transactions
  0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
 Floating P/L: 0.00
Working Orders:
TicketOpen TimeTypeLotsItem PriceS / LT / PMarket Price 
No transactions
Deposit/Withdrawal: 0.00 Credit Facility: 0.00  
Closed Trade P/L: -1 127.75 Floating P/L: 0.00 Margin: 0.00
Balance: 46 077.40 Equity: 46 077.40 Free Margin: 46 077.40
Gross Profit: 29 217.25 Gross Loss: 30 345.00 Total Net Profit: -1 127.75
Profit Factor: 0.96 Expected Payoff: -93.98  
Absolute Drawdown: 13 250.00 Maximal Drawdown (%): 30 345.00 (47.19%)  
Total Trades: 12 Short Positions (won %): 0 (0.00%) Long Positions (won %): 12 (83.33%)
Profit Trades (% of total): 10 (83.33%) Loss trades (% of total): 2 (16.67%)
Largest profit trade: 6 799.00 loss trade: -29 835.00
Average profit trade: 2 921.73 loss trade: -15 172.50
Maximum consecutive wins ($): 5 (17 095.00) consecutive losses ($): 2 (-30 345.00)
Maximal consecutive profit (count): 17 095.00 (5) consecutive loss (count): -30 345.00 (2)
Average consecutive wins: 5 consecutive losses: 2