import MetaTrader5 import pandas # Function to start MetaTrader 5 # Function to start MetaTrader 5 def start_mt5(project_settings, mt5_pathway): """ Function to start MetaTrader 5 :param project_settings: json object with username, password, server, file location of terminal64.exe :param mt5_pathway: Path to the MetaTrader 5 terminal executable :return: Boolean. True = started, False = not started """ # Ensure that all variables are set/formatted to the correct type username = project_settings['mt5']['username'] username = int(username) password = project_settings['mt5']['password'] server = project_settings['mt5']['server'] # Attempt to initialize MT5 mt5_init = False try: mt5_init = MetaTrader5.initialize( login=username, password=password, server=server, path=mt5_pathway ) # Handle any errors except Exception as e: print(f"Error initializing MetaTrader 5: {e}") # Return False mt5_init = False # If MT5 initialized, attempt to login to MT5 mt5_login = False if mt5_init: # Attempt login try: mt5_login = MetaTrader5.login( login=username, password=password, server=server ) # Handle exception except Exception as e: print(f"Error logging into MetaTrader 5: {e}") mt5_login = False # Return the outcome to the user if mt5_login: return True # Default outcome return False # Function to initialize a symbol on MT5 def initialize_symbol(symbol): """ Function to initialize a symbol on MT5. Assumes that MT5 has already been started. :param symbol: string of symbol. Note that most MT5 brokers denote a 'raw' symbol differently from a standard symbol :return: Boolean. True if initialized. False if not. """ # Step 1: Check is symbol exists on 'your' MT5 all_symbols = MetaTrader5.symbols_get() # Create a list to store all symbol names symbol_names = [] # Add all symbol names to the list for sym in all_symbols: symbol_names.append( # Check the symbol string to see if it exists in the list of names if symbol in symbol_names: # If symbol exists, attempt to initialize try: MetaTrader5.symbol_select(symbol, True) # <- Arguments cannot be declared here or an error will be thrown. return True except Exception as e: print(f"Error enabling {symbol}. Error: {e}") # Great place for some custom error handling ;) return False else: print(f"Symbol {symbol} does not exist on this version of MT5. Update symbol name.") return False # Function to query historic candlestick data from MT5 def get_candlesticks(symbol, timeframe, number_of_candles): """ Function to retrieve a user-defined number of candles from MetaTrader 5. Initial upper range set to 50,000 as more requires changes to MetaTrader 5 defaults. :param symbol: string of the symbol being retrieved :param timeframe: string of the timeframe being retrieved :param number_of_candles: integer of number of candles to retrieve. Limited to 50,000 :return: dataframe of the candlesticks """ # Check that the number of candles is <= 50,000 if number_of_candles > 50000: raise ValueError("No more than 50000 candles can be retrieved at this time") # Convert the timeframe into MT5 friendly format mt5_timeframe = set_query_timeframe(timeframe=timeframe) # Retrieve the data candles = MetaTrader5.copy_rates_from_pos(symbol, mt5_timeframe, 1, number_of_candles) # Convert to a dataframe dataframe = pandas.DataFrame(candles) return dataframe # Function to convert MT5 timeframe string into MT5 object def set_query_timeframe(timeframe): """ Function to implement a conversion from a user-friendly timeframe string into a MT5 friendly object. Note that the function implements a Pseudo switch as Python version < 3.10 do not contain 'switch' functionality. :param timeframe: string of the timeframe :return: MT5 Timeframe Object """ if timeframe == "M1": return MetaTrader5.TIMEFRAME_M1 elif timeframe == "M2": return MetaTrader5.TIMEFRAME_M2 elif timeframe == "M3": return MetaTrader5.TIMEFRAME_M3 elif timeframe == "M4": return MetaTrader5.TIMEFRAME_M4 elif timeframe == "M5": return MetaTrader5.TIMEFRAME_M5 elif timeframe == "M6": return MetaTrader5.TIMEFRAME_M6 elif timeframe == "M10": return MetaTrader5.TIMEFRAME_M10 elif timeframe == "M12": return MetaTrader5.TIMEFRAME_M12 elif timeframe == "M15": return MetaTrader5.TIMEFRAME_M15 elif timeframe == "M20": return MetaTrader5.TIMEFRAME_M20 elif timeframe == "M30": return MetaTrader5.TIMEFRAME_M30 elif timeframe == "H1": return MetaTrader5.TIMEFRAME_H1 elif timeframe == "H2": return MetaTrader5.TIMEFRAME_H2 elif timeframe == "H3": return MetaTrader5.TIMEFRAME_H3 elif timeframe == "H4": return MetaTrader5.TIMEFRAME_H4 elif timeframe == "H6": return MetaTrader5.TIMEFRAME_H6 elif timeframe == "H8": return MetaTrader5.TIMEFRAME_H8 elif timeframe == "H12": return MetaTrader5.TIMEFRAME_H12 elif timeframe == "D1": return MetaTrader5.TIMEFRAME_D1 elif timeframe == "W1": return MetaTrader5.TIMEFRAME_W1 elif timeframe == "MN1": return MetaTrader5.TIMEFRAME_MN1 else: print(f"Incorrect timeframe provided. {timeframe}") raise ValueError("Input the correct timeframe") # Function to place an order on MetaTrader 5 def place_order(order_type, symbol, volume, stop_loss, take_profit, comment, stop_price, direct=False): """ Function to place an order on MetaTrader 5. Function checks the order first (best practice), then places trade if order check returns true. :param order_type: string. Options are SELL_STOP, BUY_STOP :param symbol: string of the symbol to be traded :param volume: string or float of the volume to be traded :param stop_loss: string or float of Stop Loss price :param take_profit: string or float of Take Profit price :param comment: string of the comment. Used to track different algorithms on same MT5 account :param stop_price: string or float of Stop Price :param direct: Boolean. Defaults to False. When true, will bypass order check :return: Trade Outcome """ # Make sure volume, stop_loss, take_profit and stop prices are in correct format (float) volume = float(volume) # Volume can only be two decimal places #### Note that this may mess up your volume calculations for small accounts volume = round(volume, 2) # Stop Loss stop_loss = float(stop_loss) # Stop loss should be no more than 4 decimal places stop_loss = round(stop_loss, 4) # Take Profit should be a float, no more than 4 decimal places take_profit = float(take_profit) take_profit = round(take_profit, 4) # Stop Price should be a float, no more than 4 decimal places stop_price = float(stop_price) stop_price = round(stop_price, 4) # Set up the order request dictionary object. This will be the request sent to MT5 request = { "symbol": symbol, "volume": volume, "sl": stop_loss, "tp": take_profit, "type_time": MetaTrader5.ORDER_TIME_GTC, "comment": comment } # Create the order type based on values if order_type == "SELL_STOP": # Update the request request['type'] = MetaTrader5.ORDER_TYPE_SELL_STOP request['action'] = MetaTrader5.TRADE_ACTION_PENDING request['type_filling'] = MetaTrader5.ORDER_FILLING_RETURN if stop_price <= 0: raise ValueError("Stop price cannot be zero") else: request['price'] = stop_price elif order_type == "BUY_STOP": # Update the request request['type'] = MetaTrader5.ORDER_TYPE_BUY_STOP request['action'] = MetaTrader5.TRADE_ACTION_PENDING request['type_filling'] = MetaTrader5.ORDER_FILLING_RETURN # Check the stop price if stop_price <= 0: raise ValueError("Stop Price cannot be zero") else: request['price'] = stop_price else: # An order type which is not part of the current functionality has been provided raise ValueError(f"Unsupported order type {order_type} provided") # If direct is True, go straight to adding the order if direct: # Send the order to MT5 terminal order_result = MetaTrader5.order_send(request) # Notify based on the return outcomes if order_result[0] == 10009: print(f"Order for {symbol} successful") return order_result[2] # Notify the user if AutoTrading has been left on in MetaTrader 5 elif order_result[0] == 10027: print("Turn off AlgoTrading on MT5 Terminal") raise Exception("Turn off Algo Trading on MT5 Terminal") elif order_result[0] == 10015: print(f"Invalid price for {symbol}. Price: {stop_price}") elif order_result[0] == 10016: print(f"Invalid stops for {symbol}. Stop Loss: {stop_loss}") elif order_result[0] == 10014: print(f"Invalid volume for {symbol}. Volume: {volume}") # You can put custom errors in here if needed # Default else: print(f"Error lodging order for {symbol}. Error code: {order_result[0]}. Order Details: {order_result}") raise Exception(f"Unknown error lodging order for {symbol}") else: # Check the order result = MetaTrader5.order_check(request) # If check passes, place an order if result[0] == 0: print(f"Order check for {symbol} successful. Placing order.") # Place the order using recursion place_order( order_type=order_type, symbol=symbol, volume=volume, stop_price=stop_price, stop_loss=stop_loss, take_profit=take_profit, comment=comment, direct=True ) # Let user know if an invalid price has been passed elif result[0] == 100015: print(f"Invalid price for {symbol}. Price: {stop_price}") # Default else: print(f"Order check failed. Details: {result}") # Function to Cancel an order on MT5 def cancel_order(order_number): """ Function to cancel an order identified by an order number :param order_number: int representing the order number from MT5 :return: Boolean. True = cancelled. False == Not Cancelled. """ # Create the request request = { "action": MetaTrader5.TRADE_ACTION_REMOVE, "order": order_number, "comment": "order removed" } # Attempt to send the order to MT5 try: order_result = MetaTrader5.order_send(request) if order_result[0] == 10009: print(f"Order {order_number} successfully cancelled") return True # You can put custom error handling if needed else: print(f"Order {order_number} unable to be cancelled") return False except Exception as e: # This represents an issue with MetaTrader 5 terminal, so stop print(f"Error cancelling order {order_number}. Error: {e}") raise Exception # Function to retrieve all currently open orders on MetaTrader 5 def get_all_open_orders(): """ Function to retrieve all open orders from MetaTrader 5 :return: list of open orders """ return MetaTrader5.orders_get() # Function to retrieve a filtered list of open orders from MT5 def get_filtered_list_of_orders(symbol, comment): """ Function to retrieve a filtered list of open orders from MT5. Filtering is performed on symbol and comment :param symbol: string of the symbol being traded :param comment: string of the comment :return: (filtered) list of orders """ # Retrieve a list of open orders, filtered by symbol open_orders_by_symbol = MetaTrader5.orders_get(symbol) # Check if any orders were retrieved (there may be none) if open_orders_by_symbol is None or len(open_orders_by_symbol) == 0: return [] # Convert the retrieved orders into a dataframe open_orders_dataframe = pandas.DataFrame( list(open_orders_by_symbol), columns=open_orders_by_symbol[0]._asdict().keys() ) # From the open orders dataframe, filter orders by comment open_orders_dataframe = open_orders_dataframe[open_orders_dataframe['comment'] == comment] # Create a list to store the open order numbers open_orders = [] # Iterate through the dataframe and add order numbers to the list for order in open_orders_dataframe['ticket']: open_orders.append(order) # Return the open orders return open_orders # Function to cancel orders based upon filters def cancel_filtered_orders(symbol, comment): """ Function to cancel a list of filtered orders. Based upon two filters: symbol and comment string. :param symbol: string of symbol :param comment: string of the comment :return: Boolean. True = orders cancelled, False = issue with cancellation """ # Retreive a list of the orders based upon the filter orders = get_filtered_list_of_orders( symbol=symbol, comment=comment ) if len(orders) > 0: # Iterate through and cancel for order in orders: cancel_outcome = cancel_order(order) if cancel_outcome is not True: return False # At conclusion of iteration, return true return True else: return True