Requirements Specification (V1 Aug 4 2015) Specifications a. Use MQL5. b. Use currency asset pairs. c. Take the price calculations out to the 5th decimal point. d. Use 5m candlestick view. e. Determine when two Bear candlesticks form a resistance line. Allow for a deviation of +\- 0.00005 when comparing the prices to determine the resistance line at a price reversal. (Please make this configurable through a popup configuration form. Minimum 0 maximum 99.) See example of resistance lines attached. Provide instructions on implementing changes. Notify by RED horizontal line between the two Bear candlesticks. f. Notify when a Bullish candlestick closes above resistance line price. At the close of Bullish candlestick. 1. Audible – 3 Beeps. 2. Visual – Down Arrow above the Bullish candlestick and extend resistance line from left-most Bear candlestick through Bullish candlestick that broke through the resistance line. g. Cycle should not span longer than 5 hours. (Please make this configurable through a popup configuration form. Minimum 1 maximum 9.) Provide instructions on implementing changes. h. Multiple cycles can be in the process of being calculated simultaneously per asset pair and evaluating multiple assets. Demonstration Requirements The demonstration requirements are that the Indicator will be executed in the MT5 Strategy Tester environment from the beginning of the year using the two asset pairs separately and then 3 or more asset pairs simultaneously. During this phase the Developer will demonstrate how to implement all configuration changes. The customer will that the ability to stop\pause\analyze the triggering of the Indicator. Deliverables 1. Source Code 2. Compiled working version of Indicator. 3. User instructions. License 1. The customer will have the right to sell or distribute free of charge this Indicator at will.