Speaker 1: Hi guys. Basically what it is is a scalping system. You get in, you try to catch the momentum, so you've got to be really fast. You're going to be trading sixty seconds, but the beauty of this is you have different time frames that you can choose from, if you want to take the signal. Basically what it is, is you have an alert signal and then you have an entry signal. The alert signal is the pink dot and it is labeled as a one on the chart. The entry is the two. It's the smaller yellow dot. You can make these bigger if you want. Also, this is a wrinkle chart I use. It's a lot more cleaner as far as the over all trim and marketing direction. These play a huge role in this system. Then down here I have the market scope. Basically this is telling you the momentum and this will confirm the signal. What I usually do is if I'm trading sixty seconds, I'm going to be looking at the one minute time frame here. I really wait for it to say strong. Right now it says weak. Once it says strong, that actually confirms the trade. For instance, if I have an alert that's telling me to prepare for a sale signal, then I get the sale signal, which is the yellow dot, or the two, before I take that trade I'm going to come down here and make sure that the market scope is telling me that it's a strong momentum to the downside so that I can confirm that trade. Then, if I see that, if it matches up, then I'm going to go ahead and take the trade, [inaudible 00:02:32]. Now, sometimes there aren't any opportunities for one minute or sixty seconds. Sometimes it might be a good trade set up for the five minutes. You can take that signal for the five minute expiration, or the fifteen minute. I usually like to keep it in between these three. I don't really go up further. That's pretty much it. Each one of these bars here is worth one pip. This is not based on time, this is based on pure movement. This is why we call this scalping, because you're basically getting in and out of the market, trying to catch small fluctuations in the market. This system is really unique, and you probably won't find anything else like this on the net. I'm going to go ahead and show you guys a live trade with me using this system. Like I said, I've been testing in on my live account for a while, and right now it's running about 80%. The reason that this system works so good is because it keeps you out of the market. If there's no trading opportunity, there won't be any signals to get into the market. If you're following the rules, I mean really following the rules, though. It's like don't try to take any loopholes or any shortcuts. Follow the rules. If there's no trading opportunity there, don't take the signal at all. For instance, as you see right here, I have a bunch of alerts. There's no signal to get into the trade. The pink dots are the alerts, the yellow dot is the entry. You can see that there's no reason for me to enter the market, because I never got an entry. It's forcing me to stay out of the market right now, because you can see that it's consolidating and it's ranging and bouncing around. This is a terrible time to be doing any trade, so it keeps you out of the market. Also, if there is an opportunity to trade, let's say I do get a entry to go short in the market. You can come down here and just look at your available expirations. If you don't have anything for one minute, then you're not going to take any one minute trades. If you don't have anything for five minutes, then you're not going to take anything for five minutes. Let's say you have a fifteen minute trade available, and it's telling you it's a strong move, then you can take the trade. You have to follow the rules. You will see consistent profit. Anyways, like I said, I'm going to go ahead and show you guys a live trade example. I have my broker, my demo account pulled up. I no longer trade on regular binary options. You guys may know, the only broker that I even consider is Markets World and I'm really coming to an end with them as well, because they refuse to upgrade their platform. Markets World, their platform is really laggy and it's really outdated, and they just refuse to update it. I don't know why. It's been the same way for years, and it's kind of annoying. Really, I usually stuck with Nadex. It works a lot better with Nadex. Also, you can trade this with [Forks, traditional Forks 00:06:00]. Like you could sell the market here, you could close out of the market here. Simultaneously you can buy it here, sell out here and keep in mind, each one of these are worth one pip. That's a lot of movement going on. Anyways, I'm going to pause this video right here and pick back up when I get a valid trade signal, so I can show you guys exactly how it works. All right. Okay, guys, so we just got a sales signal here to go short in the market. Right now, you can see on the one minute panel down here it's telling us it's a strong move, so I'm going to go ahead and hop on. I'm going to jump over to the sixty seconds, and I'm just going to go ahead and put the trade on. Okay, so now we're just going to watch. Okay, so you guys can see right now I just won that trade. I did get in kind of late, but it's okay. Just to show you guys as an example. The reason why I won that trade is because we basically caught the momentum, the fluctuation of that bearish move. You can see right now that it's telling us that it's weak right now. We kind of got in at the perfect time. Anyways, right now it is the Asian session. We've gone on to the Asian session, so the market is relatively slow right now. You want to do this during the day in good market hours. That was a good win, though. Basically, like I said before, you're just scalping the market. Just getting in and getting out. I took off the entry ... I'm sorry, the alert signal. Personally, I don't really need it. I'm basing my trades off of the entries. The alerts are just there to let you know that there's potential trade. You don't have to use it. Sometimes it can get in the way a little bit. If you're a conservative trader, you want to have it on there. By all means, go ahead. Anyways, yeah, that's basically it. This is the Binary Options Virtual ATM Strategy System. It pretty much does all the work for you. Like I said, if you follow the rules, there's no way you won't make it. Like I said before, don't try to find any loopholes, don't try to take any shortcuts. If there's no opportunity there, don't trade. Simple as that. Follow the rules all the way. I do have a detailed strategy guide for this system. I also have an installation guide so you guys can see exactly how I set up the charts this way. Once again, these [candles 00:09:54] are not based on time. They're based off of movement. That's another reason why this works so well. You can see that this market is actually falling down, right after that signal. We would have won somewhere in there, anyways, because we're catching the movement. We're catching the momentum.