#region Updates
/// Version 4.5 2nd attempt to correct intermittent 'startup' problem with missing boxes
/// Version 4.4 Corrected missing code that messed up Statistics....
/// added second 'jump color'
/// Version 4.3 added 'projected' opposite S/R level to draw before final box is drawn
/// added Gray outline for the "active" S/R box being drawn
/// Version 4.1 renamed Acoustic, Visualize, Support/Resistance, and Display
/// to top of the selection panel.
/// Commented out 'tst only' and unused variables.
/// Version 4.0 Added Intermediate S/R boxes
#region Using declarations
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using NinjaTrader.Cbi;
using NinjaTrader.Data;
using NinjaTrader.Gui.Chart;
using PASwh.Utility;
// This namespace holds all indicators and is required. Do not change it.
namespace NinjaTrader.Indicator
/// PriceActionSwing calculate swings
/// calculates dynamic support/Resistance
/// gathers statistics.
[Description("PASwh Ver 4.5 .... 07-07-2010) modified by Will Hoerl. PriceActionSwing calculates swings, calculates S/R levels, and displays swing statistics.")]
public class PASwh : Indicator
#region Variables
#region Parameters
private SwingMode calcMode = SwingMode.Standard;
private int calcSize = 8;
private int dtbStrength = 15;
private double psarAcceleration = 0.02;
private double psarAccelerationMax = 0.2;
private double psarAccelerationStep= 0.02;
#region Sounds
private bool activateAlertSound = false;
private string alertFileName = "Alert2.wav";
#region Chart Display
private ShowMode show = ShowMode.Both;
private SwingLength swingText = SwingLength.Ticks;
private bool showDuration = true;
private bool showSwingPercentage = false;
private VolumeMode showSwingVolume = VolumeMode.False;
#region Commented out ...... ABCD / Fib control
// private bool addAbcd = false;
// private bool addFibExt = false;
// private bool addFastFibRet = false;
// private bool addSlowFibRet = false;
#region Chart Visual
private DashStyle lineStyle = DashStyle.Dash;
private int lineWidth = 2;
private Font textFont = new Font("Courier", 9, FontStyle.Regular);
private int textOffset = 20;
private int textOffsetPercentage= 60;
private int textOffsetVolume = 40;
private Color textColorHigher = Color.LimeGreen;
private Color textColorLower = Color.Red;
private Color textColorDtb = Color.Gold;
private Color textColor = Color.Transparent;
private Color tr = Color.Transparent;
private double lengthValue = 0.0;
private Color zigZagColorUp = Color.Blue;
private Color zigZagColorDown = Color.Red;
#region commented out ...... Visualize Fibs
// private double fibValue1 = 61.8;
// private double fibValue2 = 76.4;
// private Color abcdLong = Color.SkyBlue;
// private Color abcdShort = Color.IndianRed;
// private int opacity = 2;
#region Statistic visual control
private StatisticPosition statisticPosition = StatisticPosition.False;
private int statisticLength = 5;
#region Statistic
private string upStatSwing = "";
private string dnStatSwing = "";
private string upStatRel = "";
private string dnStatRel = "";
// all double, otherwise the digits are only cutted and not rounded by the output
// Variables for the complete statistic
private double overallAvgDnLength = 0;
private double overallAvgUpLength = 0;
private double overallUpLength = 0;
private double overallDnLength = 0;
private double overallAvgDnDuration= 0;
private double overallAvgUpDuration= 0;
private double overallUpDuration = 0;
private double overallDnDuration = 0;
// Variables for the short term statistic
private double avgUpLength = 0;
private double avgDnLength = 0;
private double upLength = 0;
private double dnLength = 0;
private double avgUpDuration = 0;
private double avgDnDuration = 0;
private double upDuration = 0;
private double dnDuration = 0;
// Variables for the swing to swing relation statistic
// Higher high
private int hhCount = 0;
private int hhCountHH = 0;
private double hhCountHHPercent = 0;
private int hhCountLH = 0;
private double hhCountLHPercent = 0;
private int hhCountHL = 0;
private double hhCountHLPercent = 0;
private int hhCountLL = 0;
private double hhCountLLPercent = 0;
// Lower high
private int lhCount = 0;
private int lhCountHH = 0;
private double lhCountHHPercent = 0;
private int lhCountLH = 0;
private double lhCountLHPercent = 0;
private int lhCountHL = 0;
private double lhCountHLPercent = 0;
private int lhCountLL = 0;
private double lhCountLLPercent = 0;
// Double top
private int dtCount = 0;
private int dtCountHH = 0;
private double dtCountHHPercent = 0;
private int dtCountLH = 0;
private double dtCountLHPercent = 0;
private int dtCountHL = 0;
private double dtCountHLPercent = 0;
private int dtCountLL = 0;
private double dtCountLLPercent = 0;
// Lower low
private int llCount = 0;
private int llCountHH = 0;
private double llCountHHPercent = 0;
private int llCountLH = 0;
private double llCountLHPercent = 0;
private int llCountHL = 0;
private double llCountHLPercent = 0;
private int llCountLL = 0;
private double llCountLLPercent = 0;
// Higher low
private int hlCount = 0;
private int hlCountHH = 0;
private double hlCountHHPercent = 0;
private int hlCountLH = 0;
private double hlCountLHPercent = 0;
private int hlCountHL = 0;
private double hlCountHLPercent = 0;
private int hlCountLL = 0;
private double hlCountLLPercent = 0;
// Double bottom
private int dbCount = 0;
private int dbCountHH = 0;
private double dbCountHHPercent = 0;
private int dbCountLH = 0;
private double dbCountLHPercent = 0;
private int dbCountHL = 0;
private double dbCountHLPercent = 0;
private int dbCountLL = 0;
private double dbCountLLPercent = 0;
#region Swing values
private bool newLow = false;
private bool newHigh = false;
private int upCount = 0;
private int dnCount = 0;
private double curHigh = 0.0;
private double curLow = 0.0;
private double lastHigh = 0.0;
private double lastLow = 0.0;
private int curHighBar = 0;
private int curLowBar = 0;
private int lastHighBar = 0;
private int lastLowBar = 0;
private Relation curHighRel = Relation.Init;
private Relation curLowRel = Relation.Init;
private Relation lastHighRel = Relation.Init;
private Relation lastLowRel = Relation.Init;
private int curHighDur = 0;
private int curLowDur = 0;
private int lastHighDur = 0;
private int lastLowDur = 0;
private int curHighLength = 0;
private int curLowLength = 0;
private double lastHighLength = 0.0;
private double lastLowLength = 0.0;
private int length = 0;
private int swingCounterUp = 0;
private int swingCounterDn = 0;
#region Miscellaneous
private double dtbOffset = 0.0;
private int trendDir = 0;
private double psarValue = 0.0;
private bool psarFlip = false;
private double signalBarVolumeUp = 0;
private double signalBarVolumeDn = 0;
private DataSeries hi, lo, priceSwingRelation;
private BoolSeries upFlip, dnFlip;
private IDataSeries psar;
private RichTextBox richTextBox = null;
private Splitter splitter = null;
private ToolStrip toolStrip = null;
private ToolStripButton toolStripButton = null;
private ToolStripSeparator toolStripSeparator = null;
/// Used to control, that only one swing is set for each bar: 0 = no swing, -1 = down swing, 1 = up swing
private int newSwing = 0;
/// True = upwave - false = downwave
private BoolSeries upWave;
/// Contains all up swings.
private List Hi = new List();
/// Contains all down swings.
private List Lo = new List();
#region Swing struct
/// Contains all information about a swing (bar number, price, length, duration, relation to the last swing).
private struct Swings
/// Bar number of the swing.
public int barNumber;
/// Swing price.
public double price;
/// Swing length in ticks.
public int length;
/// Swing duration in bars.
public int duration;
/// Swing relation to the last swing.
public Relation relation;
/// Contains all information about a swing (bar number, price, length, duration, relation to the last swing).
public Swings(int swingBarNumber, double swingPrice, int swingLength, int swingDuration, Relation swingRelation)
barNumber = swingBarNumber;
price = swingPrice;
length = swingLength;
duration = swingDuration;
relation = swingRelation;
#region Support Resistance
private bool drawSR = true;
private int rectWidth = 8;
private int sRL1 = 14;
private int sRL2 = 22;
private int sRL3 = 14;
private Color sRresistcolor = Color.Red;
private Color sRsupptcolor = Color.Blue;
private Color sRtjumpcolorR = Color.Gold;
private Color sRtjumpcolorS = Color.CornflowerBlue;
private int sRopacity = 5;
//-------working fields ----------
private double anchor1up = 0.0;
private double anchor1upH = 0.0;
private double anchor2up = 0.0;
private double anchor2upH = 0.0;
private double anchor1dn = 0.0;
private double anchor1dnH = 0.0;
private double anchor2dn = 0.0;
private double anchor2dnH = 0.0;
private int moveback = 0;
private int newstop = 0;
private bool newswingup = true;
private bool newswingdn = true;
private int zzswings = 0;
private int srcurHighBar = 0;
private int srcurLowBar = 0;
private double srcurHigh = 0.0;
private double srcurLow = 0.0;
private int rectHalf = 0;
/// This method is used to configure the indicator and is called once before any bar data is loaded.
protected override void Initialize()
#region Initialize
Add(new Plot(new Pen(Color.Gold, 3), PlotStyle.Dot, "DoubleBottom"));
Add(new Plot(new Pen(Color.Red, 3), PlotStyle.Dot, "LowerLow"));
Add(new Plot(new Pen(Color.Green, 3), PlotStyle.Dot, "HigherLow"));
Add(new Plot(new Pen(Color.Gold, 3), PlotStyle.Dot, "DoubleTop"));
Add(new Plot(new Pen(Color.Red, 3), PlotStyle.Dot, "LowerHigh"));
Add(new Plot(new Pen(Color.Green, 3), PlotStyle.Dot, "HigherHigh"));
AutoScale = true;
CalculateOnBarClose = true;
Overlay = true;
PriceTypeSupported = false;
priceSwingRelation = new DataSeries(this);
hi = new DataSeries(this);
lo = new DataSeries(this);
upWave = new BoolSeries(this);
dnFlip = new BoolSeries(this);
upFlip = new BoolSeries(this);
rectHalf = rectWidth / 2;
#region Draw text box for the statistic
#if NT7
protected override void OnStartUp()
if (statisticPosition != StatisticPosition.False)
DockStyle dockStyle = DockStyle.Bottom;
switch (statisticPosition) {
case StatisticPosition.Bottom:
dockStyle = DockStyle.Bottom;
case StatisticPosition.Left:
dockStyle = DockStyle.Left;
case StatisticPosition.Right:
dockStyle = DockStyle.Right;
case StatisticPosition.Top:
dockStyle = DockStyle.Top;
dockStyle = DockStyle.Bottom;
splitter = new Splitter();
splitter.Name = "PASSplitter";
splitter.BackColor = Color.Black;
splitter.Dock = dockStyle;
splitter.Width = 5;
richTextBox = new RichTextBox();
richTextBox.Name = "PASRichTextBox";
richTextBox.Dock = dockStyle;
richTextBox.ReadOnly = true;
Control[] control = ChartControl.Controls.Find("tsrTool",false);
if(control.Length > 0)
toolStripSeparator = new ToolStripSeparator();
toolStripSeparator.Name = "PASSeperator";
toolStripButton = new ToolStripButton("Hide Statistic");
toolStripButton.Name = "PASButton";
toolStripButton.Text = "Hide Statistic";
toolStripButton.Click += ButtonClick;
toolStrip = (ToolStrip)control[0];
private void ButtonClick(object s, EventArgs e)
if (statisticPosition != StatisticPosition.False)
if(richTextBox == null) return;
toolStripButton.Text = "Show Statistic";
toolStripButton.Text = "Hide Statistic";
protected override void OnTermination()
if (statisticPosition != StatisticPosition.False)
if(richTextBox != null) ChartControl.Controls.RemoveByKey("PASRichTextBox");
if(splitter != null) ChartControl.Controls.RemoveByKey("PASSplitter");
if(toolStrip != null)
if (toolStripButton != null)
if (toolStripSeparator != null)
richTextBox = null;
splitter = null;
toolStrip = null;
toolStripButton = null;
toolStripSeparator = null;
/// Called on each bar update event (incoming tick)
protected override void OnBarUpdate()
switch (calcMode)
#region SwingMode.PSAR
case SwingMode.PSAR:
// ######################################################################
// Initialize and checks to make sure the indicator can work correct
// ######################################################################
// Set the PSAR value to to the psar series
if (CurrentBar < 1 && psar == null)
psar = ParabolicSAR(Input, psarAcceleration, psarAccelerationMax, psarAccelerationStep);
// initialize
if (CurrentBar == 1 && FirstTickOfBar)
curHighBar = curLowBar = CurrentBar;
curHigh = High[0];
curLow = Low[0];
Swings up = new Swings(curHighBar, curHigh, 0, 0, curHighRel);
Swings dn = new Swings(curLowBar , curLow , 0, 0, curLowRel);
upCount = Hi.Count;
dnCount = Lo.Count;
if (CurrentBar < 3)
// ######################################################################
// Look for new swings
// ######################################################################
// upWave = true = up swing - false = down swing
upWave.Set(psar[0] < Close[0] ? true : false);
// Used for calculateOnBarClose = false
if (FirstTickOfBar)
psarFlip = false;
psarValue = psar[0];
// Upflip - new swing high
if (!psarFlip && !upWave[1] && High[0] >= psarValue)
psarFlip = true;
newHigh = true;
drawUpSwing(CurrentBar, High[0], false);
// Downflip - new swing low
else if (!psarFlip && upWave[1] && Low[0] <= psarValue)
psarFlip = true;
newLow = true;
drawDnSwing(CurrentBar, Low[0], false);
// Update swing high
else if (upWave[0] && High[0] > curHigh)
newHigh = true;
drawUpSwing(CurrentBar, High[0], true);
// Update swing low
else if (!upWave[0] && Low[0] < curLow)
newLow = true;
drawDnSwing(CurrentBar, Low[0], true);
#region SwingMode.Standard
case SwingMode.Standard:
// ######################################################################
// Initialize and checks to make sure the indicator can work correct
// ######################################################################
// initialize
if (CurrentBar == 1 && FirstTickOfBar)
curHighBar = curLowBar = CurrentBar;
curHigh = High[0];
curLow = Low[0];
Swings up = new Swings(curHighBar, curHigh, 0, 0, curHighRel);
Swings dn = new Swings(curLowBar , curLow , 0, 0, curLowRel);
upCount = Hi.Count;
dnCount = Lo.Count;
// Checks to make sure we have at least calcSize bars before continuing
if (CurrentBar < calcSize)
// ######################################################################
// Look for new swings - diffentiate between CalculatOnBarClose == true/false
// ######################################################################
// Set newHigh and newLow true
newHigh = newLow = true;
//CalculatOnBarClose == true
if (CalculateOnBarClose)
// For a new swing high in an uptrend, High[0] must be greater than the current swing high
if (trendDir == 1 && High[0] <= curHigh)
newHigh = false;
// test if High[0] is higher than the last calcSize highs = new swing high
if (newHigh)
for (int i = 1; i < calcSize + 1; i++)
if (High[0] <= High[i])
newHigh = false;
// For a new swing low in a downtrend, Low[0] must be smaller than the current swing low
if (trendDir == -1 && Low[0] >= curLow)
newLow = false;
// test if Low[0] is lower than the last calcSize lows = new swing low
if (newLow)
for (int i = 1; i < calcSize + 1; i++)
if (Low[0] >= Low[i])
newLow = false;
// New swing high and new swing low
if (newHigh && newLow)
// Downtrend - ignore the swing high
if (trendDir == -1)
newHigh = false;
// Uptrend - ignore the swing low
newLow = false;
// CalculatOnBarClose == false
// Used to controll, that only one swing is set for each bar
if (FirstTickOfBar)
newSwing = 0;
// No swing or an up swing is found
if (newSwing != -1)
// For a new swing high, High[0] must be greater than the current swing high
if (trendDir == 1 && High[0] <= curHigh)
newHigh = false;
// test if High[0] is higher than the last calcSize highs = new swing high
if (newHigh)
for (int i = 1; i < calcSize + 1; i++)
if (High[0] <= High[i])
newHigh = false;
// Found a swing high
if (newHigh)
newSwing = 1;
// No swing or an down swing is found
if (newSwing != 1)
// For a new swing low in a downtrend, Low[0] must be smaller than the current swing low
if (trendDir == -1 && Low[0] >= curLow)
newLow = false;
// test if Low[0] is lower than the last calcSize lows = new swing low
if (newLow)
for (int i = 1; i < calcSize + 1; i++)
if (Low[0] >= Low[i])
newLow = false;
// Found a swing low
if (newLow)
newSwing = -1;
// Set newLow back to false
if (newSwing == 1)
newLow = false;
// Set newHigh back to false
if (newSwing == -1)
newHigh = false;
int bar;
double price;
// Swing high
if (newHigh)
// New swing high
if (trendDir != 1)
bar = CurrentBar - HighestBar(High, CurrentBar - curLowBar);
price = High[HighestBar(High, CurrentBar - curLowBar)];
drawUpSwing(bar, price, false);
// Update swing high
bar = CurrentBar;
price = High[0];
drawUpSwing(bar, price, true);
// Swing high
else if (newLow)
// New swing low
if (trendDir != -1)
bar = CurrentBar - LowestBar(Low, CurrentBar - curHighBar);
price = Low[LowestBar(Low, CurrentBar - curHighBar)];
drawDnSwing(bar, price, false);
// Update swing low
bar = CurrentBar;
price = Low[0];
drawDnSwing(bar, price, true);
#region SwingMode.ZigZagUTC
case SwingMode.ZigZigUTC:
// ######################################################################
// Initialize and checks to make sure the indicator can work correct
// ######################################################################
if (CurrentBar == 1 && FirstTickOfBar)
curHighBar = curLowBar = 1;
curHigh = hi[0] = High[0];
curLow = lo[0] = Low[0];
Swings up = new Swings(curHighBar, curHigh, 0, 0, curHighRel);
Swings dn = new Swings(curLowBar , curLow , 0, 0, curLowRel);
upCount = Hi.Count;
dnCount = Lo.Count;
if (CurrentBar < 3)
// Get high and low for last 'calcSize' number of bars
hi.Set(MAX(High, calcSize)[0]);
lo.Set(MIN(Low, calcSize)[0]);
// Set initial trend direction
if (trendDir == 0)
if (hi[0] > curHigh)
curHigh = hi[0];
curHighBar = CurrentBar;
if (lo[0] > lo[1]) trendDir = 1;
if (lo[0] < curLow)
curLow = lo[0];
curLowBar = CurrentBar;
if (hi[0] < hi[1]) trendDir = -1;
// ######################################################################
// Look for new swings
// ######################################################################
// Trend is up, look for new swing high
if (trendDir == 1)
// Update swing high
if (hi[0] > curHigh)
newHigh = true;
drawUpSwing(CurrentBar, hi[0], true);
// New swing low
else if (hi[0] < curHigh && lo[0] < lo[1])
newLow = true;
drawDnSwing(CurrentBar, lo[0], false);
// Trend is down, look for new swing low
else if (trendDir == -1)
// Update swing low
if (lo[0] < curLow)
newLow = true;
drawDnSwing(CurrentBar, lo[0], true);
// New swing high
else if (lo[0] > curLow && hi[0] > hi[1])
newHigh = true;
drawUpSwing(CurrentBar, hi[0], false);
#region Price swing relation
// ######################################################################
// Price swing relation
// ######################################################################
// Double bottom - set: +2
if (curLowRel == Relation.Double)
// Double top - set: -2
else if (curHighRel == Relation.Double)
// Higher high and higher low - set: 1
else if (curHighRel == Relation.Higher && curLowRel == Relation.Higher)
// Lower high and lower low - set: -1
else if (curHighRel == Relation.Lower && curLowRel == Relation.Lower)
// rest - set: 0
#region Support Resist moving-rectangle
if (zzswings < (rectWidth +2))
srcurHighBar = 2;
srcurLowBar = 2;
srcurHigh = High[0];
srcurLow = Low[0];
anchor1up = srcurLow + (TickSize * sRL1);
anchor2up = srcurLow + (TickSize * sRL2);
anchor1dn = srcurHigh - (TickSize * sRL1);
anchor2dn = srcurHigh - (TickSize * sRL2);
zzswings = zzswings + 1;
srcurLowBar = curLowBar;
srcurLow = curLow;
srcurHighBar = curHighBar;
srcurHigh = curHigh;
//if (curLow < .5000)
// {
// srcurLowBar = 3;
// srcurLow = Low[0];
// }
// {
// srcurLowBar = curLowBar;
// srcurLow = curLow;
// }
//if (curHigh < .5000)
// {
// srcurHighBar = 3;
// srcurHigh = High[0];
// }
// {
// srcurHighBar = curHighBar;
// srcurHigh = curHigh;
// }
//DrawText("tst99"+CurrentBar,true,srcurLow.ToString()+" / "+srcurLowBar.ToString(),0,Low[0],-40,Color.White,textFont,StringAlignment.Center,tr,tr,0);
if ((drawSR) && (CurrentBar > rectWidth))
if (trendDir == 1)
newswingdn = true;
if (newswingup)
//--- Calculate Final Suppt Rectangle Position -----------
moveback = Convert.ToInt32(CurrentBar - srcurLowBar);
//DrawText("test0"+CurrentBar,true,moveback.ToString()+ "/"+CurrentBar.ToString()+"/"+srcurLowBar.ToString(),0,Low[0],-30, Color.White,textFont,StringAlignment.Center,tr,tr,0);
if (moveback < rectWidth || moveback > 30)
moveback = rectWidth;
newstop = 0;
moveback = moveback + rectHalf;
newstop = moveback - rectWidth;
if (moveback > CurrentBar)
moveback = CurrentBar - 1;
newstop = 0;
//DrawText("test2"+CurrentBar,true,moveback.ToString()+ "/"+newstop.ToString(),0,Low[0],-60, Color.White,textFont,StringAlignment.Center,tr,tr,0);
DrawRectangle("Supptf" + CurrentBar, true, moveback, anchor1dn, newstop, anchor2dn, Color.Transparent, sRsupptcolor, sRopacity);
anchor1up = srcurLow + (TickSize * sRL1);
anchor2up = srcurLow + (TickSize * sRL2);
newswingup = false;
else if (High[0] > anchor2up)
DrawRectangle("JumpR" + CurrentBar, true, rectWidth, anchor1up, 0, anchor2up, Color.Transparent, sRtjumpcolorR, sRopacity);
anchor1up = anchor1up + (TickSize * sRL3);
anchor2up = anchor2up + (TickSize * sRL3);
DrawRectangle("Resist", true, rectWidth, anchor1up, 0, anchor2up, Color.Gray, sRresistcolor, sRopacity);
double anchor1tdn; double anchor2tdn;
anchor1tdn = srcurHigh - (TickSize * sRL1);
anchor2tdn = srcurHigh - (TickSize * sRL2);
DrawRectangle("Suppt", true, rectWidth, anchor1tdn, 0, anchor2tdn, Color.Transparent, sRsupptcolor, sRopacity);
else if (trendDir == -1)
newswingup = true;
if (newswingdn)
//-------Calculate Final Resist Rectangle Position --------------------
moveback = Convert.ToInt32(CurrentBar - srcurHighBar);
if (moveback < rectWidth || moveback > 30)
moveback = rectWidth;
newstop = 0;
moveback = moveback + rectHalf;
newstop = moveback - rectWidth;
if (moveback > CurrentBar)
moveback = CurrentBar - 1;
newstop = 0;
//DrawText("test2"+CurrentBar,true,anchor1up.ToString()+ "/"+anchor2up.ToString()+"/"+newstop.ToString(),0,High[0],+60, Color.White,textFont,StringAlignment.Center,tr,tr,0);
DrawRectangle("Resistf" + CurrentBar, true, moveback, anchor1up, newstop, anchor2up, Color.Transparent, sRresistcolor, sRopacity);
anchor1dn = srcurHigh - (TickSize * sRL1);
anchor2dn = srcurHigh - (TickSize * sRL2);
newswingdn = false;
else if (Low[0] < anchor2dn)
DrawRectangle("JumpS" + CurrentBar, true, rectWidth, anchor1dn, 0, anchor2dn, Color.Transparent, sRtjumpcolorS, sRopacity);
anchor1dn = anchor1dn - (TickSize * sRL3);
anchor2dn = anchor2dn - (TickSize * sRL3);
DrawRectangle("Suppt", true, rectWidth, anchor1dn, 0, anchor2dn, Color.Gray, sRsupptcolor, sRopacity);
double anchor1tup; double anchor2tup;
anchor1tup = srcurLow + (TickSize * sRL1);
anchor2tup = srcurLow + (TickSize * sRL2);
DrawRectangle("Resist", true, rectWidth, anchor1tup, 0, anchor2tup, Color.Transparent, sRresistcolor, sRopacity);
double val = 0;
val = High[0] + ( TickSize * 4 );
DrawArrowDown("My dn arrow" + CurrentBar, true, 0, val, Color.Orange);
#region Commented out ...... ABCD entry area
// ######################################################################
// ABCD entry area
// ######################################################################
// if (addAbcd)
// {
// // Checks to make sure we have a lastHigh/lastLow
// if (lastHigh == 0.0 || lastLow == 0.0) return;
// // variables for the draw expressions
// int anchor1BarsAgo = 0;
// int anchor2BarsAgo = 0;
// int anchor3BarsAgo = 0;
// double anchor1Y = 0.0;
// double anchor2Y = 0.0;
// double anchor3Y = 0.0;
// double tmpStartY = 0.0;
// Color fibColor = Color.Blue;
// if (trendDir == 1)
// {
// //tmpStartY = Math.Round((lastHigh - curLow), 6, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
// // values for the Fibonacci area
// anchor1BarsAgo = CurrentBar - 8;
// anchor1Y = curLow + 12;
// anchor2BarsAgo = 0;
// anchor2Y = curLow + 16;
// fibColor = abcdShort;
// DrawRectangle("FibArea", AutoScale, anchor1BarsAgo, anchor1Y, anchor2BarsAgo,
// anchor2Y, Color.Transparent, fibColor, opacity + 3);
// }
// else
// {
// //tmpStartY = Math.Round((curHigh - lastLow), 6, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
// // values for the Fibonacci area
// anchor1BarsAgo = CurrentBar - 8;
// anchor1Y = curHigh - 12;
// anchor2BarsAgo = 0;
// anchor2Y = curHigh - 16;
// fibColor = abcdLong;
// DrawRectangle("FibArea", AutoScale, anchor1BarsAgo, anchor1Y, anchor2BarsAgo,
// anchor2Y, Color.Transparent, fibColor, opacity);
// }
// }
// -----------------------------------------------
#region Commented out ...... Fibonacci
//if (newHigh) || (newLow)
#region Fibonacci extensions...commented out
// ##################################################################
// Fibonacci Extensions
// ##################################################################
if (addFibExt)
// Checks to make sure we have a lastHigh/lastLow
if (lastHigh == 0.0 || lastLow == 0.0)
// variables for the draw expressions
int anchor1BarsAgo = 0;
int anchor2BarsAgo = 0;
int anchor3BarsAgo = 0;
double anchor1Y = 0.0;
double anchor2Y = 0.0;
double anchor3Y = 0.0;
// Unfinished higher low and downtrend
if (Lo[Lo.Count - 1].relation == Relation.Higher && trendDir == -1)
anchor1BarsAgo = CurrentBar - lastLowBar;
anchor2BarsAgo = CurrentBar - curHighBar;
anchor3BarsAgo = CurrentBar - curLowBar;
anchor1Y = lastLow;
anchor2Y = curHigh;
anchor3Y = curLow;
DrawFibonacciExtensions("FibExtUp", false, anchor1BarsAgo, anchor1Y,
anchor2BarsAgo, anchor2Y, anchor3BarsAgo, anchor3Y);
// Finished higher low and downtrend
else if (Lo[Lo.Count - 1].relation == Relation.Higher && trendDir == 1)
anchor1BarsAgo = CurrentBar - lastLowBar;
anchor2BarsAgo = CurrentBar - lastHighBar;
anchor3BarsAgo = CurrentBar - curLowBar;
anchor1Y = lastLow;
anchor2Y = lastHigh;
anchor3Y = curLow;
DrawFibonacciExtensions("FibExtUp", false, anchor1BarsAgo, anchor1Y,
anchor2BarsAgo, anchor2Y, anchor3BarsAgo, anchor3Y);
// Remove Fibonacci up retracement
// Unfinished lower high and uptrend
if (Hi[Hi.Count - 1].relation == Relation.Lower && trendDir == 1)
anchor1BarsAgo = CurrentBar - lastHighBar;
anchor2BarsAgo = CurrentBar - curLowBar;
anchor3BarsAgo = CurrentBar - curHighBar;
anchor1Y = lastHigh;
anchor2Y = curLow;
anchor3Y = curHigh;
DrawFibonacciExtensions("FibExtDn", false, anchor1BarsAgo, anchor1Y,
anchor2BarsAgo, anchor2Y, anchor3BarsAgo, anchor3Y);
// Finished lower high and uptrend
else if (Hi[Hi.Count - 1].relation == Relation.Lower && trendDir == -1)
anchor1BarsAgo = CurrentBar - lastHighBar;
anchor2BarsAgo = CurrentBar - lastLowBar;
anchor3BarsAgo = CurrentBar - curHighBar;
anchor1Y = lastHigh;
anchor2Y = lastLow;
anchor3Y = curHigh;
DrawFibonacciExtensions("FibExtDn", false, anchor1BarsAgo, anchor1Y,
anchor2BarsAgo, anchor2Y, anchor3BarsAgo, anchor3Y);
// Remove Fibonacci down retracement
#region Fibonacci retracements....commented out
// ##################################################################
// Fibonacci retracements
// ##################################################################
if (addFastFibRet)
// variables for the draw expressions
int anchor1BarsAgo = 0;
int anchor2BarsAgo = 0;
int anchor3BarsAgo = 0;
double anchor1Y = 0.0;
double anchor2Y = 0.0;
double anchor3Y = 0.0;
// up trend
if (trendDir == 1)
// values for the Fibonacci retracement
anchor1BarsAgo = CurrentBar - curLowBar;
anchor1Y = curLow;
anchor2BarsAgo = CurrentBar - curHighBar;
anchor2Y = curHigh;
// down trend
// values for the Fibonacci retracement
anchor1BarsAgo = CurrentBar - curHighBar;
anchor1Y = curHigh;
anchor2BarsAgo = CurrentBar - curLowBar;
anchor2Y = curLow;
DrawFibonacciRetracements("FastFibRet", AutoScale,
anchor1BarsAgo, anchor1Y, anchor2BarsAgo, anchor2Y);
// Add the slow Fibonacci retracement to the chart
if (addSlowFibRet)
// Checks to make sure we have a lastHigh/lastLow
if (lastHigh == 0.0 || lastLow == 0.0) return;
// variables for the draw expressions
int anchor1BarsAgo = 0;
int anchor2BarsAgo = 0;
int anchor3BarsAgo = 0;
double anchor1Y = 0.0;
double anchor2Y = 0.0;
double anchor3Y = 0.0;
// up trend
if (trendDir == 1)
// values for the Fibonacci retracement
anchor1BarsAgo = CurrentBar - lastHighBar;
anchor1Y = lastHigh;
anchor2BarsAgo = CurrentBar - curLowBar;
anchor2Y = curLow;
// down trend
// values for the Fibonacci retracement
anchor1BarsAgo = CurrentBar - lastLowBar;
anchor1Y = lastLow;
anchor2BarsAgo = CurrentBar - curHighBar;
anchor2Y = curHigh;
if ((trendDir == 1 && curHigh < lastHigh) || (trendDir == -1 && curLow > lastLow))
DrawFibonacciRetracements("SlowFibRet", AutoScale, anchor1BarsAgo, anchor1Y,
anchor2BarsAgo, anchor2Y);
#region Calculate and visualize up swing values
/// Calculate the up swing and visualize it.
/// Bar number
/// High price
/// Swing high update
private void drawUpSwing(int bar, double high, bool updateHigh)
string output = null;
// New swing high
if (!updateHigh)
trendDir = 1;
lastHigh = curHigh;
lastHighBar = curHighBar;
lastHighRel = curHighRel;
curHighBar = bar;
curHigh = high;
if (!CalculateOnBarClose && showSwingVolume != VolumeMode.False)
signalBarVolumeDn = Volume[0];
if (activateAlertSound) PlaySound(alertFileName);
if (statisticPosition != StatisticPosition.False) dnStatistic();
// Update swing high
// Reset the up dot plot
// Remove the last up swing from the list
Hi.RemoveAt(Hi.Count - 1);
curHighBar = bar;
curHigh = high;
if (!CalculateOnBarClose && showSwingVolume != VolumeMode.False)
signalBarVolumeDn = Volume[0];
// ##### Set the length of the up swing #############################
curHighLength = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round((curHigh - curLow) / TickSize,
0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero));
// ##### Set the duration of the up swing ###########################
curHighDur = curHighBar - curLowBar;
// ##### Relation to the last up swing ##############################
// Calculate the offset for a double top.
dtbOffset = ATR(14)[CurrentBar - curHighBar] * dtbStrength / 100;
// double top
if (curHigh < lastHigh + dtbOffset && curHigh > lastHigh - dtbOffset)
curHighRel = Relation.Double;
// higher high
else if (curHigh > lastHigh)
curHighRel = Relation.Higher;
// lower high
curHighRel = Relation.Lower;
// ##### Add the swing high to the list of swing highs. #############
Swings up = new Swings(curHighBar, curHigh, curHighLength, curHighDur, curHighRel);
// Set the number of all up swings.
upCount = Hi.Count - 1;
// ##### Set the zigzag up line #####################################
if (ShowMode.Both == show || ShowMode.ZigZagLines == show)
DrawLine("ZigZagUp" + swingCounterUp, AutoScale, CurrentBar - curLowBar,
curLow, CurrentBar - curHighBar, curHigh, zigZagColorUp,
lineStyle, lineWidth);
// ##### Set the up swing price or the up swing length ##############
if (SwingLength.False != swingText)
// Set the up swing length
switch (swingText)
// Swing length in ticks
case SwingLength.Ticks:
output = curHighLength.ToString();
// Swing length in points
case SwingLength.Points:
output = (curHighLength * TickSize).ToString();
// Swing price
case SwingLength.SwingPrice:
output = curHigh.ToString();
// Swing price and points
case SwingLength.SwingPriceAndPoints:
output = curHigh.ToString() + " / " + (curHighLength * TickSize).ToString();
// Swing price and ticks
case SwingLength.SwingPriceAndTicks:
output = curHigh.ToString() + " / " + curHighLength.ToString();
// Swing length in percent
case SwingLength.Percent:
output = (Math.Round((100.0 / curLow * (curHighLength * TickSize)),
2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)).ToString();
// Test if curHigh is HH, LH or DT and set the textcolor
switch (curHighRel)
// Higher high
case Relation.Higher:
textColor = textColorHigher;
// Lower high
case Relation.Lower:
textColor = textColorLower;
// Double top
case Relation.Double:
textColor = textColorDtb;
// Add swing duration to the swing text output
if (showDuration)
if (SwingLength.False != swingText)
output = output + " / " + curHighDur.ToString();
output = curHighDur.ToString();
if (output != null)
DrawText("High" + swingCounterUp, AutoScale, output.ToString(),
CurrentBar - curHighBar, curHigh, textOffset, textColor, textFont,
StringAlignment.Center, Color.Transparent, Color.Transparent, 0);
// Add swing percentage to the output
if (showSwingPercentage && curLowLength != 0)
double value = Math.Round(100.0 / Math.Abs(curLowLength) * curHighLength, 1);
DrawText("UpPerc" + swingCounterUp, AutoScale, value.ToString() + "%",
CurrentBar - curHighBar, curHigh, textOffsetPercentage, textColor, textFont,
StringAlignment.Center, Color.Transparent, Color.Transparent, 0);
// ##### Set the up dot plot ########################################
if (ShowMode.Both == show || ShowMode.Dots == show)
switch (curHighRel)
// Higher high
case Relation.Higher:
HigherHigh.Set(CurrentBar - curHighBar, curHigh);
// Lower high
case Relation.Lower:
LowerHigh.Set(CurrentBar - curHighBar, curHigh);
// Double top
case Relation.Double:
DoubleTop.Set(CurrentBar - curHighBar, curHigh);
// ##### Set the up volume ##########################################
if (showSwingVolume != VolumeMode.False)
double swingVolume = 0.0;
string volumeOutput = "";
// Absolute swing volume
for (int i = 0; i < curHighDur; i++)
swingVolume = swingVolume + Volume[i];
// Add the rest of the bar volume which trade after the low of the bar
if (!CalculateOnBarClose)
swingVolume = swingVolume + (Volume[CurrentBar - curLowBar] - signalBarVolumeUp);
// Relativ swing volume
if (showSwingVolume == VolumeMode.Relativ)
swingVolume = Math.Round(swingVolume / curHighDur, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
// Output - Diameter sign isn't represented correct - use Latin capital letter O with stroke instead
volumeOutput = "\u00D8 ";
if (swingVolume > 10000000000)
swingVolume = Math.Round(swingVolume / 1000000000, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
volumeOutput = volumeOutput + swingVolume.ToString() + "B";
else if (swingVolume > 10000000)
swingVolume = Math.Round(swingVolume / 1000000, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
volumeOutput = volumeOutput + swingVolume.ToString() + "M";
else if (swingVolume > 10000)
swingVolume = Math.Round(swingVolume / 1000, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
volumeOutput = volumeOutput + swingVolume.ToString() + "K";
volumeOutput = volumeOutput + swingVolume.ToString();
DrawText("UpVolume" + swingCounterUp, AutoScale, volumeOutput,
CurrentBar - curHighBar, curHigh, textOffsetVolume, textColor, textFont,
StringAlignment.Center, Color.Transparent, Color.Transparent, 0);
#region Calculate and visualize down swing values
/// Calculate the down swing and visualize it.
/// Bar number
/// Low price
/// Swing low update
private void drawDnSwing(int bar, double low, bool updateLow)
string output = null;
// New swing low
if (!updateLow)
trendDir = -1;
lastLow = curLow;
lastLowBar = curLowBar;
lastLowRel = curLowRel;
curLowBar = bar;
curLow = low;
if (!CalculateOnBarClose && showSwingVolume != VolumeMode.False)
signalBarVolumeUp = Volume[0];
if (activateAlertSound) PlaySound(alertFileName);
if (statisticPosition != StatisticPosition.False) upStatistic();
// Update swing low
// Reset the down dot plot
// Remove the last down swing from the list
Lo.RemoveAt(Lo.Count - 1);
curLowBar = bar;
curLow = low;
if (!CalculateOnBarClose && showSwingVolume != VolumeMode.False)
signalBarVolumeUp = Volume[0];
// ##### Set the length of the down swing ###########################
curLowLength = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round((curLow - curHigh) / TickSize,
0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero));
// ##### Set the duration of the down swing #########################
curLowDur = curLowBar - curHighBar;
// ##### Relation to the last down swing ############################
// Calculate the offset for a double bottom.
dtbOffset= ATR(14)[CurrentBar - curLowBar] * dtbStrength / 100;
// double bottom
if (curLow > lastLow - dtbOffset && curLow < lastLow + dtbOffset)
curLowRel = Relation.Double;
// lower low
else if (curLow < lastLow)
curLowRel = Relation.Lower;
// higher low
curLowRel = Relation.Higher;
// ##### Add the swing low to the list of swing lows. ###############
Swings dn = new Swings(curLowBar, curLow, curLowLength, curLowDur, curLowRel);
// Set the number of all down swings.
dnCount = Lo.Count - 1;
// ##### Set the zigzag down line ###################################
if (ShowMode.Both == show || ShowMode.ZigZagLines == show)
DrawLine("ZigZagDown" + swingCounterDn, AutoScale, CurrentBar - curHighBar,
curHigh, CurrentBar - curLowBar, curLow, zigZagColorDown,
lineStyle, lineWidth);
// ##### Set the down swing price or the down swing length ##########
if (SwingLength.False != swingText)
// Set the down swing length
switch (swingText)
// Swing length in ticks
case SwingLength.Ticks:
output = curLowLength.ToString();
// Swing length in points
case SwingLength.Points:
output = (curLowLength * TickSize).ToString();
// Swing price
case SwingLength.SwingPrice:
output = curLow.ToString();
// Swing price and points
case SwingLength.SwingPriceAndPoints:
output = curLow.ToString() + " / " + (curLowLength * TickSize).ToString();
// Swing price and ticks
case SwingLength.SwingPriceAndTicks:
output = curLow.ToString() + " / " + curLowLength.ToString();
// Swing length in percent
case SwingLength.Percent:
output = (Math.Round((100.0 / curHigh * (curLowLength * TickSize)),
2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)).ToString();
// Test if curLow is HL, LL or DB and set the textcolor
switch (curLowRel)
// Higher low
case Relation.Higher:
textColor = textColorHigher;
// Lower low
case Relation.Lower:
textColor = textColorLower;
// Double bottom
case Relation.Double:
textColor = textColorDtb;
// Add swing duration to the swing text output
if (showDuration)
if (SwingLength.False != swingText)
output = output + " / " + curLowDur.ToString();
output = curLowDur.ToString();
if (output != null)
int tempcurLowLength = curLowLength * -1;
DrawText("Low" + swingCounterDn, AutoScale, output.ToString(),
CurrentBar - curLowBar, curLow, -textOffset, textColor, textFont,
StringAlignment.Center, Color.Transparent, Color.Transparent, 0);
// Add swing percentage to the output
if (showSwingPercentage && curHighLength != 0)
double value = Math.Round(100.0 / curHighLength * Math.Abs(curLowLength), 1);
DrawText("DnPerc" + swingCounterDn, AutoScale, value.ToString() + "%",
CurrentBar - curLowBar, curLow, -textOffsetPercentage, textColor, textFont,
StringAlignment.Center, Color.Transparent, Color.Transparent, 0);
// ##### Set the down dot plot ######################################
if (ShowMode.Both == show || ShowMode.Dots == show)
switch (curLowRel)
// Higher low
case Relation.Higher:
HigherLow.Set(CurrentBar - curLowBar, curLow);
// Lower low
case Relation.Lower:
LowerLow.Set(CurrentBar - curLowBar, curLow);
// Double bottom
case Relation.Double:
DoubleBottom.Set(CurrentBar - curLowBar, curLow);
// ##### Set the down volume ########################################
if (showSwingVolume != VolumeMode.False)
double swingVolume = 0.0;
string volumeOutput = "";
// Absolute swing volume
for (int i = 0; i < curLowDur; i++)
swingVolume = swingVolume + Volume[i];
// Add the rest of the bar volume which trade after the high of the bar
if (!CalculateOnBarClose)
swingVolume = swingVolume + (Volume[CurrentBar - curHighBar] - signalBarVolumeDn);
// Relativ swing volume
if (showSwingVolume == VolumeMode.Relativ)
swingVolume = Math.Round(swingVolume / curLowDur, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
// Output - Diameter sign isn't represented correct - Latin capital letter O with stroke instead
volumeOutput = "\u00D8 ";
if (swingVolume > 10000000000)
swingVolume = Math.Round(swingVolume / 1000000000, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
volumeOutput = volumeOutput + swingVolume.ToString() + "B";
else if (swingVolume > 10000000)
swingVolume = Math.Round(swingVolume / 1000000, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
volumeOutput = volumeOutput + swingVolume.ToString() + "M";
else if (swingVolume > 10000)
swingVolume = Math.Round(swingVolume / 1000, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
volumeOutput = volumeOutput + swingVolume.ToString() + "K";
volumeOutput = volumeOutput + swingVolume.ToString();
DrawText("DnVolume" + swingCounterDn, AutoScale, volumeOutput,
CurrentBar - curLowBar, curLow, -textOffsetVolume, textColor, textFont,
StringAlignment.Center, Color.Transparent, Color.Transparent, 0);
#region Statistic
/// Calculate the up part of the statistic.
private void upStatistic()
upCount = Hi.Count - 1;
if (upCount == 0)
// Calculate the average length of all up swings
overallUpLength = overallUpLength + Hi[upCount].length;
overallAvgUpLength = Math.Round(overallUpLength / upCount, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
// Calculate the average duration of all up swings
overallUpDuration = overallUpDuration + Hi[upCount].duration;
overallAvgUpDuration= Math.Round(overallUpDuration / upCount, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
// Short statistic
if (upCount >= statisticLength)
// calculate the average for the last x up swings
upLength = 0;
upDuration = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < statisticLength; i++)
upLength = upLength + Hi[upCount - i].length;
upDuration = upDuration + Hi[upCount - i].duration;
avgUpLength = Math.Round(upLength / statisticLength, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
avgUpDuration = Math.Round(upDuration / statisticLength, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
// Build string for the statistic output
upStatSwing = "Up: " + upCount + " - Length all/last: " + overallAvgUpLength + "/" + avgUpLength +
" - Bars all/last: " + overallAvgUpDuration + "/" + avgUpDuration;
// Higher high
if (lastHighRel == Relation.Higher)
// Higher high counter
// Counter for the swings after the higher high
if (curHighRel == Relation.Higher) hhCountHH++; // Higher high
if (curHighRel == Relation.Lower) hhCountLH++; // Lower high
if (lastLowRel == Relation.Higher) hhCountHL++; // Higher low
if (lastLowRel == Relation.Lower) hhCountLL++; // Lower low
// Calculate the percent values
hhCountLHPercent = Math.Round(100.0 / hhCount * hhCountLH, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
hhCountHHPercent = Math.Round(100.0 / hhCount * hhCountHH, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
hhCountHLPercent = Math.Round(100.0 / hhCount * hhCountHL, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
hhCountLLPercent = Math.Round(100.0 / hhCount * hhCountLL, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
// Lower high
if (lastHighRel == Relation.Lower)
// Lower high counter
// Counter for the swings after the lower high
if (curHighRel == Relation.Higher) lhCountHH++; // Higher high
if (curHighRel == Relation.Lower) lhCountLH++; // Lower high
if (lastLowRel == Relation.Higher) lhCountHL++; // Higher low
if (lastLowRel == Relation.Lower) lhCountLL++; // Lower low
// Calculate the percent values
lhCountLHPercent = Math.Round(100.0 / lhCount * lhCountLH, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
lhCountHHPercent = Math.Round(100.0 / lhCount * lhCountHH, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
lhCountHLPercent = Math.Round(100.0 / lhCount * lhCountHL, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
lhCountLLPercent = Math.Round(100.0 / lhCount * lhCountLL, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
// Double top
if (lastHighRel == Relation.Double)
// Double top counter
// Counter for the swings after the double top
if (curHighRel == Relation.Higher) dtCountHH++; // Higher high
if (curHighRel == Relation.Lower) dtCountLH++; // Lower high
if (lastLowRel == Relation.Higher) dtCountHL++; // Higher low
if (lastLowRel == Relation.Lower) dtCountLL++; // Lower low
// Calculate the percent values
dtCountLHPercent = Math.Round(100.0 / dtCount * dtCountLH, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
dtCountHHPercent = Math.Round(100.0 / dtCount * dtCountHH, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
dtCountHLPercent = Math.Round(100.0 / dtCount * dtCountHL, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
dtCountLLPercent = Math.Round(100.0 / dtCount * dtCountLL, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
// Build string for the statistic output
upStatRel = "HH (" + hhCount + ") followed by - HH: " + hhCountHHPercent + "%" +
" - LH: " + hhCountLHPercent + "%" +
" - HL: " + hhCountHLPercent + "%" +
" - LL: " + hhCountLLPercent + "%" +
"\nLH (" + lhCount + ") followed by - HH: " + lhCountHHPercent + "%" +
" - LH: " + lhCountLHPercent + "%" +
" - HL: " + lhCountHLPercent + "%" +
" - LL: " + lhCountLLPercent + "%" +
"\nDT (" + dtCount + ") followed by - HH: " + dtCountHHPercent + "%" +
" - LH: " + dtCountLHPercent + "%" +
" - HL: " + dtCountHLPercent + "%" +
" - LL: " + dtCountLLPercent + "%";
// Draw statistic
/// Calculate the down part of the statistic.
private void dnStatistic()
dnCount = Lo.Count - 1;
if (dnCount == 0)
// Calculate the average length of all down swings
overallDnLength = overallDnLength + Lo[dnCount].length;
overallAvgDnLength = Math.Round(overallDnLength / dnCount, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
// Calculate the average duration of all down swings
overallDnDuration = overallDnDuration + Lo[dnCount].duration;
overallAvgDnDuration= Math.Round(overallDnDuration / dnCount, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
// Short statistic
if (dnCount >= statisticLength)
// calculate the average for the last x dn swings
dnLength = 0;
dnDuration = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < statisticLength; i++)
dnLength = dnLength + Lo[dnCount - i].length;
dnDuration = dnDuration + Lo[dnCount - i].duration;
avgDnLength = Math.Round(dnLength / statisticLength, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
avgDnDuration = Math.Round(dnDuration / statisticLength, 0, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
dnStatSwing = "Dn: " + dnCount + " - Length all/last: " + overallAvgDnLength + "/" + avgDnLength +
" - Bars all/last: " + overallAvgDnDuration + "/" + avgDnDuration;
// Lower low
if (lastLowRel == Relation.Lower)
// Lower low counter
// Counter for the swings after the lower low
if (lastHighRel == Relation.Higher) llCountHH++; // Higher high
if (lastHighRel == Relation.Lower) llCountLH++; // Lower high
if (curLowRel == Relation.Higher) llCountHL++; // Higher low
if (curLowRel == Relation.Lower) llCountLL++; // Lower low
// Calculate the percent values
llCountLHPercent = Math.Round(100.0 / llCount * llCountLH, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
llCountHHPercent = Math.Round(100.0 / llCount * llCountHH, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
llCountHLPercent = Math.Round(100.0 / llCount * llCountHL, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
llCountLLPercent = Math.Round(100.0 / llCount * llCountLL, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
// Higher low
if (lastLowRel == Relation.Higher)
// Higher low counter
// Counter for the swings after the higher low
if (lastHighRel == Relation.Higher) hlCountHH++; // Higher high
if (lastHighRel == Relation.Lower) hlCountLH++; // Lower high
if (curLowRel == Relation.Higher) hlCountHL++; // Higher low
if (curLowRel == Relation.Lower) hlCountLL++; // Lower low
// Calculate the percent values
hlCountLHPercent = Math.Round(100.0 / hlCount * hlCountLH, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
hlCountHHPercent = Math.Round(100.0 / hlCount * hlCountHH, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
hlCountHLPercent = Math.Round(100.0 / hlCount * hlCountHL, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
hlCountLLPercent = Math.Round(100.0 / hlCount * hlCountLL, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
// Double bottom
if (lastLowRel == Relation.Double)
// Double bottom counter
// Counter for the swings after the double bottom
if (lastHighRel == Relation.Higher) dbCountHH++; // Higher high
if (lastHighRel == Relation.Lower) dbCountLH++; // Lower high
if (curLowRel == Relation.Higher) dbCountHL++; // Higher low
if (curLowRel == Relation.Lower) dbCountLL++; // Lower low
// Calculate the percent values
dbCountLHPercent = Math.Round(100.0 / dbCount * dbCountLH, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
dbCountHHPercent = Math.Round(100.0 / dbCount * dbCountHH, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
dbCountHLPercent = Math.Round(100.0 / dbCount * dbCountHL, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
dbCountLLPercent = Math.Round(100.0 / dbCount * dbCountLL, 1, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
// Build string for the statistic output
dnStatRel = "LL (" + llCount + ") followed by - HH: " + llCountHHPercent + "%" +
" - LH: " + llCountLHPercent + "%" +
" - HL: " + llCountHLPercent + "%" +
" - LL: " + llCountLLPercent + "%" +
"\nHL (" + hlCount + ") followed by - HH: " + hlCountHHPercent + "%" +
" - LH: " + hlCountLHPercent + "%" +
" - HL: " + hlCountHLPercent + "%" +
" - LL: " + hlCountLLPercent + "%" +
"\nDB (" + dbCount + ") followed by - HH: " + dbCountHHPercent + "%" +
" - LH: " + dbCountLHPercent + "%" +
" - HL: " + dbCountHLPercent + "%" +
" - LL: " + dbCountLLPercent + "%";
// Draw statistic
/// Draw a text field with the up and down statistic.
private void drawStatistic()
#if NT7
richTextBox.Text = upStatSwing + "\n" + dnStatSwing + "\n\n" + upStatRel + "\n\n" + dnStatRel;
TextPosition textPosition = TextPosition.TopLeft;
switch (statisticPosition) {
case StatisticPosition.BottomLeft:
textPosition = TextPosition.BottomLeft;
case StatisticPosition.BottomRight:
textPosition = TextPosition.BottomRight;
case StatisticPosition.TopLeft:
textPosition = TextPosition.TopLeft;
case StatisticPosition.TopRight:
textPosition = TextPosition.TopRight;
textPosition = TextPosition.TopRight;
DrawTextFixed("Statistic", upStatSwing + "\n" + dnStatSwing + "\n\n" + upStatRel + "\n\n" + dnStatRel, textPosition);
#region Properties
#region Plots and Dataseries
/// Save the value for the current price position in relation to the swings:
/// -2 double top, -1 lower high/low, 0 price is nowhere, 1 higher high/low, 2 double bottom
[Browsable(false)] // this line prevents the data series from being displayed in the indicator properties dialog, do not remove
public DataSeries PriceSwingRelation
get { return priceSwingRelation; }
/// Gets a value indicating if an up flip occured (true = up flip - false = no up flip).
[Browsable(false)] // this line prevents the data series from being displayed in the indicator properties dialog, do not remove
public BoolSeries UpFlip
get { return upFlip; }
/// Gets a value indicating if a down flip occured (true = down flip - false = no down flip).
[Browsable(false)] // this line prevents the data series from being displayed in the indicator properties dialog, do not remove
public BoolSeries DnFlip
get { return dnFlip; }
[Browsable(false)] // this line prevents the data series from being displayed in the indicator properties dialog, do not remove
[XmlIgnore()] // this line ensures that the indicator can be saved/recovered as part of a chart template, do not remove
public DataSeries DoubleBottom
get { return Values[0]; }
[Browsable(false)] // this line prevents the data series from being displayed in the indicator properties dialog, do not remove
[XmlIgnore()] // this line ensures that the indicator can be saved/recovered as part of a chart template, do not remove
public DataSeries LowerLow
get { return Values[1]; }
[Browsable(false)] // this line prevents the data series from being displayed in the indicator properties dialog, do not remove
[XmlIgnore()] // this line ensures that the indicator can be saved/recovered as part of a chart template, do not remove
public DataSeries HigherLow
get { return Values[2]; }
[Browsable(false)] // this line prevents the data series from being displayed in the indicator properties dialog, do not remove
[XmlIgnore()] // this line ensures that the indicator can be saved/recovered as part of a chart template, do not remove
public DataSeries DoubleTop
get { return Values[3]; }
[Browsable(false)] // this line prevents the data series from being displayed in the indicator properties dialog, do not remove
[XmlIgnore()] // this line ensures that the indicator can be saved/recovered as part of a chart template, do not remove
public DataSeries LowerHigh
get { return Values[4]; }
[Browsable(false)] // this line prevents the data series from being displayed in the indicator properties dialog, do not remove
[XmlIgnore()] // this line ensures that the indicator can be saved/recovered as part of a chart template, do not remove
public DataSeries HigherHigh
get { return Values[5]; }
#region Parameters
/// Double top and bottom strength.
[Description("Double top and bottom strength.")]
[Gui.Design.DisplayName("DB/DT strength")]
public int DtbStrength
get { return dtbStrength; }
set { dtbStrength = Math.Max(1, value); }
/// For Standard or ZigZagUTC mode - small value = small swings - bigger value = bigger swings.
[Description("For Standard or ZigZagUTC mode - small value = small swings - bigger value = bigger swings.")]
[Gui.Design.DisplayName("Calculation size")]
public int CalcSize
get { return calcSize; }
set { calcSize = Math.Max(1, value); }
/// Swing calculation mode.
[Description("Swing calculation mode.")]
[Gui.Design.DisplayName("Calculation mode")]
public SwingMode CalcMode
get { return calcMode; }
set { calcMode = value; }
/// For PSAR mode only - The initial acceleration factor.
[Description("For PSAR mode only - The initial acceleration factor.")]
[Gui.Design.DisplayNameAttribute("PSAR Acceleration")]
public double PsarAcceleration
get { return psarAcceleration; }
set { psarAcceleration = Math.Max(0.00, value); }
/// For PSAR mode only - The acceleration step factor.
[Description("For PSAR mode only - The acceleration step factor.")]
[Gui.Design.DisplayNameAttribute("PSAR Acceleration step")]
public double PsarAccelerationStep
get { return psarAccelerationStep; }
set { psarAccelerationStep = Math.Max(0.02, value); }
/// For PSAR mode only - The maximum acceleration.
[Description("For PSAR mode only - The maximum acceleration.")]
[Gui.Design.DisplayNameAttribute("PSAR Acceleration max")]
public double PsarAccelerationMax
get { return psarAccelerationMax; }
set { psarAccelerationMax = Math.Max(0.02, value); }
#region Sounds
[Description("Play a sound when a new swing occured.")]
[Gui.Design.DisplayName("Sound Alert")]
public bool ActivateAlertSound
get { return activateAlertSound; }
set { activateAlertSound = value; }
[Description("Enter the soundfile name which must be located in 'installation path/NinjaTrader 6.5/sounds'. e.g. 'Alert1.wav'")]
[Gui.Design.DisplayName("Soundfile Name")]
public String AlertFileName
get { return alertFileName; }
set { alertFileName = value; }
#region Chart Display
[Description("Show swing length in ticks/points/percent or show the current swing price or nothing.")]
[Gui.Design.DisplayName("Swing length")]
[Category("Chart Display")]
public SwingLength SwingText
get { return swingText; }
set { swingText = value; }
[Description("How to visualize the swings. e.g. zigzag lines, dots, both.")]
[Gui.Design.DisplayName("Swing visualization")]
[Category("Chart Display")]
public ShowMode Show
get { return show; }
set { show = value; }
[Description("Show swing duration.")]
[Gui.Design.DisplayName("Swing duration")]
[Category("Chart Display")]
public bool ShowDuration
get { return showDuration; }
set { showDuration = value; }
[Description("Show swing relation to the last swing.")]
[Gui.Design.DisplayName("Swing percentage")]
[Category("Chart Display")]
public bool ShowSwingPercentage
get { return showSwingPercentage; }
set { showSwingPercentage = value; }
[Description("Show swing volume as average for each bar, absolute or nothing.")]
[Gui.Design.DisplayName("Swing volume")]
[Category("Chart Display")]
public VolumeMode ShowVol
get { return showSwingVolume; }
set { showSwingVolume = value; }
[Description("Show statistic and choose where it should be placed. (The last swing is not included in the statistic.)")]
[Category("Chart Display")]
public StatisticPosition StatPosition
get { return statisticPosition; }
set { statisticPosition = value; }
[Description("Number of the last swings used for average swing length and duration calculation.")]
[Gui.Design.DisplayNameAttribute("Statistic number of swings")]
[Category("Chart Display")]
public int StatisticLength
get { return statisticLength; }
set { statisticLength = Math.Max(1, value); }
#region Chart Visual
[Description("Dashstyle for the zigzag lines.")]
[Gui.Design.DisplayNameAttribute("Line Style")]
[Category("Chart Visual")]
public DashStyle LineStyle
get { return lineStyle; }
set { lineStyle = value; }
[Description("Line width for the zigzag lines.")]
[Gui.Design.DisplayNameAttribute("Line Width")]
[Category("Chart Visual")]
public int LineWidth
get { return lineWidth; }
set { lineWidth = Math.Max(1, value); }
[Description("Text font.")]
[Gui.Design.DisplayNameAttribute("Text font")]
[Category("Chart Visual")]
public Font TextFont
get { return textFont; }
set { textFont = value; }
public string textFontSerialize
get { return NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.SerializableFont.ToString(textFont); }
set { textFont = NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.SerializableFont.FromString(value); }
[Description("The text offset value in pixels from the specified swing high/low.")]
[Gui.Design.DisplayNameAttribute("Text offset length / duration")]
[Category("Chart Visual")]
public int TextOffset
get { return textOffset; }
set { textOffset = Math.Max(1, value); }
[Description("The text offset for the swing length relation to the last swing in percentage value in pixels from the specified swing high/low.")]
[Gui.Design.DisplayNameAttribute("Text offset percentage")]
[Category("Chart Visual")]
public int TextOffsetPercentage
get { return textOffsetPercentage; }
set { textOffsetPercentage = Math.Max(1, value); }
[Description("The text offset for the swing volume in pixels from the specified swing high/low.")]
[Gui.Design.DisplayNameAttribute("Text offset volume")]
[Category("Chart Visual")]
public int TextOffsetVolume
get { return textOffsetVolume; }
set { textOffsetVolume = Math.Max(1, value); }
[Description("Color of higher low/high.")]
[Gui.Design.DisplayNameAttribute("Text color higher")]
[Category("Chart Visual")]
public Color TextColorHigher
get { return textColorHigher; }
set { textColorHigher = value; }
public string textColorHigherSerialize
get { return NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.SerializableColor.ToString(textColorHigher); }
set { textColorHigher = NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.SerializableColor.FromString(value); }
[Description("Color of lower low/high.")]
[Gui.Design.DisplayNameAttribute("Text color lower")]
[Category("Chart Visual")]
public Color TextColorLower
get { return textColorLower; }
set { textColorLower = value; }
public string textColorLowerSerialize
get { return NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.SerializableColor.ToString(textColorLower); }
set { textColorLower = NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.SerializableColor.FromString(value); }
[Description("Color of double bottem/top.")]
[Gui.Design.DisplayNameAttribute("Text color DTB")]
[Category("Chart Visual")]
public Color TextColorDtb
get { return textColorDtb; }
set { textColorDtb = value; }
public string textColorDTBSerialize
get { return NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.SerializableColor.ToString(textColorDtb); }
set { textColorDtb = NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.SerializableColor.FromString(value); }
[Description("Color of zigzag up lines.")]
[Gui.Design.DisplayNameAttribute("ZigZag color up")]
[Category("Chart Visual")]
public Color ZigZagColorUp
get { return zigZagColorUp; }
set { zigZagColorUp = value; }
public string zigZagColorUpSerialize
get { return NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.SerializableColor.ToString(zigZagColorUp); }
set { zigZagColorUp = NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.SerializableColor.FromString(value); }
[Description("Color of zigzag down lines.")]
[Gui.Design.DisplayNameAttribute("ZigZag color down")]
[Category("Chart Visual")]
public Color ZigZagColorDown
get { return zigZagColorDown; }
set { zigZagColorDown = value; }
public string zigZagColorDownSerialize
get { return NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.SerializableColor.ToString(zigZagColorDown); }
set { zigZagColorDown = NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.SerializableColor.FromString(value); }
#region Chart Support & Resistance
[Description("Draw Support/Resistance Lines on the chart")]
[Category("Chart Supp_Resist")]
public bool DrawSR
get { return drawSR; }
set { drawSR = value; }
[Description("Line Width for S/R Lines")]
[Category("Chart Supp_Resist")]
public int RectWidth
get { return rectWidth; }
set { rectWidth = Math.Max(1, value); }
[Description("# of Ticks Up/DN for first edge of S/R Area")]
[Category("Chart Supp_Resist")]
public int SRL1
get { return sRL1; }
set { sRL1 = Math.Max(1, value); }
[Description("# of Ticks Up/Dn for second edge S/R Area")]
[Category("Chart Supp_Resist")]
public int SRL2
get { return sRL2; }
set { sRL2 = Math.Max(1, value); }
[Description("# of Ticks Up/Dn for successive S/R Areas when price passes through the first S/R area")]
[Category("Chart Supp_Resist")]
public int SRL3
get { return sRL3; }
set { sRL3 = Math.Max(1, value); }
[Description("Opacity for S/R 1=lightest 10=darkest")]
[Category("Chart Supp_Resist")]
public int SRopacity
get { return sRopacity; }
set { sRopacity = Math.Max(1, value); }
[Description("Color for Resistance Rectangle")]
[Category("Chart Supp_Resist")]
public Color SRresistcolor
get { return sRresistcolor; }
set { sRresistcolor = value; }
// Serialize color object
public string sRresistcolorSerialize
get { return NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.SerializableColor.ToString(sRresistcolor);}
set {sRresistcolor = NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.SerializableColor.FromString(value);}
[Description("Color for Support Rectangle")]
[Category("Chart Supp_Resist")]
public Color SRsupptcolor
get { return sRsupptcolor; }
set { sRsupptcolor = value; }
// Serialize color object
public string sRsupptcolorSerialize
get { return NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.SerializableColor.ToString(sRsupptcolor);}
set {sRsupptcolor = NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.SerializableColor.FromString(value);}
[Description("Color for 'Jump' Resistance Rectangle...(when price runs through the zone) ")]
[Category("Chart Supp_Resist")]
public Color SRtjumpcolorR
get { return sRtjumpcolorR; }
set { sRtjumpcolorR = value; }
// Serialize color object
public string sRtjumpcolorRSerialize
get { return NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.SerializableColor.ToString(sRtjumpcolorR);}
set {sRtjumpcolorR = NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.SerializableColor.FromString(value);}
[Description("Color for 'Jump' Support Rectangle...(when price runs through the zone) ")]
[Category("Chart Supp_Resist")]
public Color SRtjumpcolorS
get { return sRtjumpcolorS; }
set { sRtjumpcolorS = value; }
// Serialize color object
public string sRtjumpcolorSSerialize
get { return NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.SerializableColor.ToString(sRtjumpcolorS);}
set {sRtjumpcolorS = NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.SerializableColor.FromString(value);}
#region Commented Out ...... Feature
// [Description("Show AB=CD pattern entry area.")]
// [Gui.Design.DisplayNameAttribute("ABCD entry area")]
// [Category("Feature")]
// public bool AddAbcd
// {
// get { return addAbcd; }
// set { addAbcd = value; }
// }
// [Description("Show Fibonacci extensions.")]
// [Gui.Design.DisplayNameAttribute("Fib extensions")]
// [Category("Feature")]
// public bool AddFibExt
// {
// get { return addFibExt; }
// set { addFibExt = value; }
// }
// [Description("Show slow Fibonacci retracement.")]
// [Gui.Design.DisplayNameAttribute("Fib retracement")]
// [Category("Feature")]
// public bool AddSlowFibRet
// {
// get { return addSlowFibRet; }
// set { addSlowFibRet = value; }
// }
// [Description("Show fast Fibonacci retracement.")]
// [Gui.Design.DisplayNameAttribute("Fib retracement (fast)")]
// [Category("Feature")]
// public bool AddFastFibRet
// {
// get { return addFastFibRet; }
// set { addFastFibRet = value; }
// }
#region Commented Out ...... Visualize features
//[Description("Color of the Fibonacci long area.")]
//[Gui.Design.DisplayNameAttribute("ABCD color long entry")]
//[Category("Visualize features")]
//public Color AbcdLong
// get { return abcdLong; }
// set { abcdLong = value; }
//public string AbcdLongSerialize
// get { return NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.SerializableColor.ToString(abcdLong); }
// set { abcdLong = NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.SerializableColor.FromString(value); }
//[Description("Color of the Fibonacci short area.")]
//[Gui.Design.DisplayNameAttribute("ABCD color short entry")]
//[Category("Visualize features")]
//public Color AbcdShort
// get { return abcdShort; }
// set { abcdShort = value; }
//public string abcdShortSerialize
// get { return NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.SerializableColor.ToString(abcdShort); }
// set { abcdShort = NinjaTrader.Gui.Design.SerializableColor.FromString(value); }
//[Description("First value for the Fibonacci retracement area.")]
//[Gui.Design.DisplayNameAttribute("ABCD Fib value 1)")]
//[Category("Visualize features")]
//public double FibValue1
// get { return fibValue1; }
// set { fibValue1 = Math.Max(0.0001, Math.Min(99.9999, value)); }
//[Description("Second value for the Fibonacci retracement area.")]
//[Gui.Design.DisplayNameAttribute("ABCD Fib value 2")]
//[Category("Visualize features")]
//public double FibValue2
// get { return fibValue2; }
// set { fibValue2 = Math.Max(0.0001, Math.Min(99.9999, value)); }
//[Description("Opacity of the Fibonacci area.")]
//[Gui.Design.DisplayNameAttribute("Color Fib area opacity")]
//[Category("Visualize features")]
//public int Opacity
// get { return opacity; }
// set { opacity = Math.Max(1, value); }
#region enums
namespace PASwh.Utility
/// How to visualize the swings. e.g. Both, Dots, ZigZagLines.
public enum ShowMode
/// Show swing length in ticks/points/percent or show the current swing price or nothing.
public enum SwingLength
/// Contains information about the relation of the swing to the last swing.
public enum Relation
/// Swing calculation mode.
public enum SwingMode
/// Show swing volume as average volume for each bar, absolute or none.
public enum VolumeMode
/// Position for the statistic.
public enum StatisticPosition
#if NT7
#region NinjaScript generated code. Neither change nor remove.
// This namespace holds all indicators and is required. Do not change it.
namespace NinjaTrader.Indicator
public partial class Indicator : IndicatorBase
private PASwh[] cachePASwh = null;
private static PASwh checkPASwh = new PASwh();
/// PASwh Ver 4.5 .... 07-07-2010) modified by Will Hoerl. PriceActionSwing calculates swings, calculates S/R levels, and displays swing statistics.
public PASwh PASwh(SwingMode calcMode, int calcSize, int dtbStrength, double psarAcceleration, double psarAccelerationMax, double psarAccelerationStep)
return PASwh(Input, calcMode, calcSize, dtbStrength, psarAcceleration, psarAccelerationMax, psarAccelerationStep);
/// PASwh Ver 4.5 .... 07-07-2010) modified by Will Hoerl. PriceActionSwing calculates swings, calculates S/R levels, and displays swing statistics.
public PASwh PASwh(Data.IDataSeries input, SwingMode calcMode, int calcSize, int dtbStrength, double psarAcceleration, double psarAccelerationMax, double psarAccelerationStep)
if (cachePASwh != null)
for (int idx = 0; idx < cachePASwh.Length; idx++)
if (cachePASwh[idx].CalcMode == calcMode && cachePASwh[idx].CalcSize == calcSize && cachePASwh[idx].DtbStrength == dtbStrength && Math.Abs(cachePASwh[idx].PsarAcceleration - psarAcceleration) <= double.Epsilon && Math.Abs(cachePASwh[idx].PsarAccelerationMax - psarAccelerationMax) <= double.Epsilon && Math.Abs(cachePASwh[idx].PsarAccelerationStep - psarAccelerationStep) <= double.Epsilon && cachePASwh[idx].EqualsInput(input))
return cachePASwh[idx];
lock (checkPASwh)
checkPASwh.CalcMode = calcMode;
calcMode = checkPASwh.CalcMode;
checkPASwh.CalcSize = calcSize;
calcSize = checkPASwh.CalcSize;
checkPASwh.DtbStrength = dtbStrength;
dtbStrength = checkPASwh.DtbStrength;
checkPASwh.PsarAcceleration = psarAcceleration;
psarAcceleration = checkPASwh.PsarAcceleration;
checkPASwh.PsarAccelerationMax = psarAccelerationMax;
psarAccelerationMax = checkPASwh.PsarAccelerationMax;
checkPASwh.PsarAccelerationStep = psarAccelerationStep;
psarAccelerationStep = checkPASwh.PsarAccelerationStep;
if (cachePASwh != null)
for (int idx = 0; idx < cachePASwh.Length; idx++)
if (cachePASwh[idx].CalcMode == calcMode && cachePASwh[idx].CalcSize == calcSize && cachePASwh[idx].DtbStrength == dtbStrength && Math.Abs(cachePASwh[idx].PsarAcceleration - psarAcceleration) <= double.Epsilon && Math.Abs(cachePASwh[idx].PsarAccelerationMax - psarAccelerationMax) <= double.Epsilon && Math.Abs(cachePASwh[idx].PsarAccelerationStep - psarAccelerationStep) <= double.Epsilon && cachePASwh[idx].EqualsInput(input))
return cachePASwh[idx];
PASwh indicator = new PASwh();
indicator.BarsRequired = BarsRequired;
indicator.CalculateOnBarClose = CalculateOnBarClose;
#if NT7
indicator.ForceMaximumBarsLookBack256 = ForceMaximumBarsLookBack256;
indicator.MaximumBarsLookBack = MaximumBarsLookBack;
indicator.Input = input;
indicator.CalcMode = calcMode;
indicator.CalcSize = calcSize;
indicator.DtbStrength = dtbStrength;
indicator.PsarAcceleration = psarAcceleration;
indicator.PsarAccelerationMax = psarAccelerationMax;
indicator.PsarAccelerationStep = psarAccelerationStep;
PASwh[] tmp = new PASwh[cachePASwh == null ? 1 : cachePASwh.Length + 1];
if (cachePASwh != null)
cachePASwh.CopyTo(tmp, 0);
tmp[tmp.Length - 1] = indicator;
cachePASwh = tmp;
return indicator;
// This namespace holds all market analyzer column definitions and is required. Do not change it.
namespace NinjaTrader.MarketAnalyzer
public partial class Column : ColumnBase
/// PASwh Ver 4.5 .... 07-07-2010) modified by Will Hoerl. PriceActionSwing calculates swings, calculates S/R levels, and displays swing statistics.
public Indicator.PASwh PASwh(SwingMode calcMode, int calcSize, int dtbStrength, double psarAcceleration, double psarAccelerationMax, double psarAccelerationStep)
return _indicator.PASwh(Input, calcMode, calcSize, dtbStrength, psarAcceleration, psarAccelerationMax, psarAccelerationStep);
/// PASwh Ver 4.5 .... 07-07-2010) modified by Will Hoerl. PriceActionSwing calculates swings, calculates S/R levels, and displays swing statistics.
public Indicator.PASwh PASwh(Data.IDataSeries input, SwingMode calcMode, int calcSize, int dtbStrength, double psarAcceleration, double psarAccelerationMax, double psarAccelerationStep)
return _indicator.PASwh(input, calcMode, calcSize, dtbStrength, psarAcceleration, psarAccelerationMax, psarAccelerationStep);
// This namespace holds all strategies and is required. Do not change it.
namespace NinjaTrader.Strategy
public partial class Strategy : StrategyBase
/// PASwh Ver 4.5 .... 07-07-2010) modified by Will Hoerl. PriceActionSwing calculates swings, calculates S/R levels, and displays swing statistics.
public Indicator.PASwh PASwh(SwingMode calcMode, int calcSize, int dtbStrength, double psarAcceleration, double psarAccelerationMax, double psarAccelerationStep)
return _indicator.PASwh(Input, calcMode, calcSize, dtbStrength, psarAcceleration, psarAccelerationMax, psarAccelerationStep);
/// PASwh Ver 4.5 .... 07-07-2010) modified by Will Hoerl. PriceActionSwing calculates swings, calculates S/R levels, and displays swing statistics.
public Indicator.PASwh PASwh(Data.IDataSeries input, SwingMode calcMode, int calcSize, int dtbStrength, double psarAcceleration, double psarAccelerationMax, double psarAccelerationStep)
if (InInitialize && input == null)
throw new ArgumentException("You only can access an indicator with the default input/bar series from within the 'Initialize()' method");
return _indicator.PASwh(input, calcMode, calcSize, dtbStrength, psarAcceleration, psarAccelerationMax, psarAccelerationStep);