Hello I need a stochastic RSI that has the default values of the Tradingview version. It must also be able to send overbought and oversold signals for K and D values Overbought meaning it is crossing up the Overbought line Value Oversold meaning it is crossing down the Ovesold line Value By this definition it will NOT alert me anytime valueof K and/or D are greater than or less than the Overbought and Oversold lines. I will get allerted following whenever "Crosing up" and "Crossing Down" occur Definition of crossing up/down: "Crossing up": Means that the previous close value of the K or D value was less than the Overbought line value and after close the K or D value was greater than the Line "Crossing down": Means that the previous close value of the K or D value was greater than the Overbought line value and after close the K or D value was less than the Line Alerts need to be enabled or disabled from the inputs section, i need a specific enable/disable alert for K Value and a specific enable/disable alert for the D Value Whenever an alert is triggered it will send a message detailing if it was overbought or oversold Also in the input parameters AlertStart time and AlertStop Time is needed to specify when to start searching for the mentioned conditions. ****Values and Alerts will be compared using IC Markets broker in Tradingview****