1. **Current Value**: The real-time value of the indicator at the current moment. 2. **Current Day's Opening Value**: The value of the indicator at the opening of the current trading day. 3. **Subtract the Current Day's Opening Value from the Current Value**: This gives the absolute change in value. 4. **Divide by the Current Day's Opening Value**: This normalizes the change relative to the current day's opening value. 5. **Multiply by 100**: This converts the change to a percentage. ===== Let's say the current value of a stock is $150, and the stock opened at $145 today. First, subtract the opening value from the current value: $150 - $145 = $5. Next, divide this difference by the opening value: $5 divided by $145 is approximately 0.03448. Finally, multiply by 100 to convert to a percentage: 0.03448 multiplied by 100 equals approximately 3.448%. So, the percentage change from the opening value to the current value is approximately 3.448%.