USD|CAD Current FIB FIB Weekly LOW FIB Weekly HIGH ADR (week) ADR (month) ADR (4 months) Market % change (week) Market % change (month) Market % change (4 months) Daily Range (Low-High) Week Range (Low-High) Month Range (Low-High) European Session Range (Low-High) American Session Range (Low-High) Asian Session Range (Low-High) European Session ADR American Session ADR Asian Session ADR Yesterday European Session ADR Yesterday American Session ADR Yesterday Asian Session ADR TDI Current TDI 4 Hours Ago Lots being traded - Title of currency pair in big block letters (two different colours preferred) - Fib defined as the lines in the photo which are created by the attached indicator “David Pivots V3” I want this to calculate what Fib percentage price action is currently at (example 65.4%) and the weekly low and high - ADR is average daily range. (example if price action goes from 1.01 to 1.02 in a day the ADR is 100 pips) Three different columns should be adjustable - Market price change per three time periods should be an adjustable function for all three in the number of days - High and low price action value with three values all adjustable in number of days - High and low price action value by the forex session previous European (GMT 7 – 16) American (GMT 12-20) Asian (GMT 23-8) - ADR for each forex session European (GMT 7 – 16) American (GMT 12-20) Asian (GMT 23-8) and the day previous - Value of TDI indicator provide(TDI-RT-Clone), plus the value of TDI 4 hours previous (should be concurrent)