Requirement: Original mql "Chart Local Time" has 14x option, no need the crosshair section option, to reduce 14x down to 10x option see below pic ---- A. option 2 has 2x drop down selection 2a,2b to keep ---- B. option 1 drop down selection is a long list of local time offset -> to change to make it simple to allow user input value instead, to accept positive/negative decimal value input, eg -> 5.5, -4, -3.5, 8 ---- C. to code the 10x option for chart local time into both mq4 and mq5, to deliver 2x file mq4 and mq5 ---- D. please download and view the attached 18mb video on how it works live in operation, also below mql link can download demo for reference: ---- *idea and Chart Local Time indicator is from mql marketplace please check below link: *can get sample source code from *and use AI like or chatgbp to generate sample code or troubleshoot ----