There are 3 rows of buttons 21-27, 31-37, 41-47. 1. Buttons 26,27,36,37,46,47 - nothing, no changes. 2. Buttons 31,32,41,42, - nothing, no changes. 3. Button 21 - switch on/off - show/hide all buttons from 3 rows (2-4, exluding 1 row) 4. Add otpion to choose visibility of objects in settings of indicator (excluding buttons of the Panel, always visible) 5. 23, 25 - change PointScale Up, Down (like in 1 Row) 6. 33, 35 - change DataSource Up, Down (like in 1 Row) 7. 43, 45 - change Timeframe Visibility Up, Down (like in 1 Row) OR ANY EASIER SOLUTION - alternative solution giving possibility to change visibility from chart. *like in 1 row - when maximum value reached no possibility to go further up / or restart from minimum (vice versa for minimum) 8. Button 22 - switch on / off timeframe visibility of object building volume profile (trendlines, vertical lines) to OBJ_NO_PERIOD/OBJ_ALL_PERIOD 9. When Button 22 "state" - BGColor Red, when !state - BGCOLOR Blue. 10. Button 23 - switch on/off extend trendlines to TimeCurrent, only some type of trendlines building volume profile (max/min). 11. When Button 23 "state" - BGColor Red, when !state - BGCOLOR Blue. 12. ALL changes ONLY for HG_POSITION: LEFT INSIDE, HG_BAR_STYLE: LINE (!!!)