I'm looking to commission an MT4 EA that can I can set to just be an alert scanner or to do full trade automation. I am including the tradingview script of both indicators I use and hope to be able to use this EA on any major pair. Also attaching tradingview screenshots My entries are just when the Moving Average indicator is green and the MACD signal dot turns green. Or when the moving average indicator is red and the MACD signal dot turns red. Basically as soon as they both confirm a direction. Exits will be on the 1hr when the MACD volume bars are dark, or if a trailing stoploss is hit or if one of the indicators changes to the opposite side of what the entry was. Like if the Moving Average changes from red to green or if a red MACD dot is followed quickly by a green dot. The trailing stoploss should be 2% at entry and then change to .2% once the stop loss hits break even profit. (or stay at 2%, whichever is more profitable.) ----------------- Indicator one ----------------- //Created by user ChrisMoody 4-24-2014...Updated 7/28/2014 added Tilson T3 //Modified on 5-5-14 for 4apprentice08 with Optional BarColor based on Price Crossing MA #1, or #2 //Modified on 7-25-2014 to Add in Tilson T3 //Plots The Majority of Moving Averages //Defaults to Current Chart Time Frame --- But Can Be Changed to Higher Or Lower Time Frames //2nd MA Capability with Show Crosses Feature study(title="CM_Ultimate_MA_MTF_V2", shorttitle="CM_Ultimate_MA_MTF_V2", overlay=true) //inputs src = close useCurrentRes = input(true, title="Use Current Chart Resolution?") resCustom = input(title="Use Different Timeframe? Uncheck Box Above", type=resolution, defval="D") len = input(20, title="Moving Average Length - LookBack Period") //periodT3 = input(defval=7, title="Tilson T3 Period", minval=1) factorT3 = input(defval=7, title="Tilson T3 Factor - *.10 - so 7 = .7 etc.", minval=0) atype = input(1,minval=1,maxval=8,title="1=SMA, 2=EMA, 3=WMA, 4=HullMA, 5=VWMA, 6=RMA, 7=TEMA, 8=Tilson T3") spc=input(false, title="Show Price Crossing 1st Mov Avg - Highlight Bar?") cc = input(true,title="Change Color Based On Direction?") smoothe = input(2, minval=1, maxval=10, title="Color Smoothing - Setting 1 = No Smoothing") doma2 = input(false, title="Optional 2nd Moving Average") spc2=input(false, title="Show Price Crossing 2nd Mov Avg?") len2 = input(50, title="Moving Average Length - Optional 2nd MA") sfactorT3 = input(defval=7, title="Tilson T3 Factor - *.10 - so 7 = .7 etc.", minval=0) atype2 = input(1,minval=1,maxval=8,title="1=SMA, 2=EMA, 3=WMA, 4=HullMA, 5=VWMA, 6=RMA, 7=TEMA, 8=Tilson T3") cc2 = input(true,title="Change Color Based On Direction 2nd MA?") warn = input(false, title="***You Can Turn On The Show Dots Parameter Below Without Plotting 2nd MA to See Crosses***") warn2 = input(false, title="***If Using Cross Feature W/O Plotting 2ndMA - Make Sure 2ndMA Parameters are Set Correctly***") sd = input(false, title="Show Dots on Cross of Both MA's") res = useCurrentRes ? period : resCustom //hull ma definition hullma = wma(2*wma(src, len/2)-wma(src, len), round(sqrt(len))) //TEMA definition ema1 = ema(src, len) ema2 = ema(ema1, len) ema3 = ema(ema2, len) tema = 3 * (ema1 - ema2) + ema3 //Tilson T3 factor = factorT3 *.10 gd(src, len, factor) => ema(src, len) * (1 + factor) - ema(ema(src, len), len) * factor t3(src, len, factor) => gd(gd(gd(src, len, factor), len, factor), len, factor) tilT3 = t3(src, len, factor) avg = atype == 1 ? sma(src,len) : atype == 2 ? ema(src,len) : atype == 3 ? wma(src,len) : atype == 4 ? hullma : atype == 5 ? vwma(src, len) : atype == 6 ? rma(src,len) : atype == 7 ? 3 * (ema1 - ema2) + ema3 : tilT3 //2nd Ma - hull ma definition hullma2 = wma(2*wma(src, len2/2)-wma(src, len2), round(sqrt(len2))) //2nd MA TEMA definition sema1 = ema(src, len2) sema2 = ema(sema1, len2) sema3 = ema(sema2, len2) stema = 3 * (sema1 - sema2) + sema3 //2nd MA Tilson T3 sfactor = sfactorT3 *.10 sgd(src, len2, sfactor) => ema(src, len2) * (1 + sfactor) - ema(ema(src, len2), len2) * sfactor st3(src, len2, sfactor) => sgd(sgd(gd(src, len2, sfactor), len2, sfactor), len2, sfactor) stilT3 = st3(src, len2, sfactor) avg2 = atype2 == 1 ? sma(src,len2) : atype2 == 2 ? ema(src,len2) : atype2 == 3 ? wma(src,len2) : atype2 == 4 ? hullma2 : atype2 == 5 ? vwma(src, len2) : atype2 == 6 ? rma(src,len2) : atype2 == 7 ? 3 * (ema1 - ema2) + ema3 : stilT3 out = avg out_two = avg2 out1 = security(tickerid, res, out) out2 = security(tickerid, res, out_two) //Formula for Price Crossing Moving Average #1 cr_up = open < out1 and close > out1 cr_Down = open > out1 and close < out1 //Formula for Price Crossing Moving Average #2 cr_up2 = open < out2 and close > out2 cr_Down2 = open > out2 and close < out2 //barcolor Criteria for Price Crossing Moving Average #1 iscrossUp() => cr_up iscrossDown() => cr_Down //barcolor Criteria for Price Crossing Moving Average #2 iscrossUp2() => cr_up2 iscrossDown2() => cr_Down2 ma_up = out1 >= out1[smoothe] ma_down = out1 < out1[smoothe] col = cc ? ma_up ? lime : ma_down ? red : aqua : aqua col2 = cc2 ? ma_up ? lime : ma_down ? red : aqua : white circleYPosition = out2 plot(out1, title="Multi-Timeframe Moving Avg", style=line, linewidth=4, color = col) plot(doma2 and out2 ? out2 : na, title="2nd Multi-TimeFrame Moving Average", style=circles, linewidth=4, color=col2) plot(sd and cross(out1, out2) ? circleYPosition : na,style=cross, linewidth=15, color=aqua) //barcolor Plot for Price Crossing Moving Average #1 barcolor(spc and iscrossUp() ? (iscrossUp() ? yellow : na) : na) barcolor(spc and iscrossDown() ? (iscrossDown() ? yellow : na) : na) //barcolor Plot for Price Crossing Moving Average #2 barcolor(spc2 and iscrossUp2() ? (iscrossUp2() ? yellow : na) : na) barcolor(spc2 and iscrossDown2() ? (iscrossDown2() ? yellow : na) : na) ------------------------ Indicator 2 ------------------------ /Created by user ChrisMoody updated 4-10-2014 //Regular MACD Indicator with Histogram that plots 4 Colors Based on Direction Above and Below the Zero Line //Update allows Check Box Options, Show MacD & Signal Line, Show Change In color of MacD Line based on cross of Signal Line. //Show Dots at Cross of MacD and Signal Line, Histogram can show 4 colors or 1, Turn on and off Histogram. //Special Thanks to that incredible person in Tech Support whoem I won't say you r name so you don't get bombarded with emails //Note the feature Tech Support showed me on how to set the default timeframe of the indicator to the chart Timeframe, but also allow you to choose a different timeframe. //By the way I fully disclose that I completely STOLE the Dots at the MAcd Cross from "TheLark" study(title="CM_MacD_Ult_MTF", shorttitle="CM_Ult_MacD_MTF") source = close useCurrentRes = input(true, title="Use Current Chart Resolution?") resCustom = input(title="Use Different Timeframe? Uncheck Box Above", type=resolution, defval="60") smd = input(true, title="Show MacD & Signal Line? Also Turn Off Dots Below") sd = input(true, title="Show Dots When MacD Crosses Signal Line?") sh = input(true, title="Show Histogram?") macd_colorChange = input(true,title="Change MacD Line Color-Signal Line Cross?") hist_colorChange = input(true,title="MacD Histogram 4 Colors?") res = useCurrentRes ? period : resCustom fastLength = input(12, minval=1), slowLength=input(26,minval=1) signalLength=input(9,minval=1) fastMA = ema(source, fastLength) slowMA = ema(source, slowLength) macd = fastMA - slowMA signal = sma(macd, signalLength) hist = macd - signal outMacD = security(tickerid, res, macd) outSignal = security(tickerid, res, signal) outHist = security(tickerid, res, hist) histA_IsUp = outHist > outHist[1] and outHist > 0 histA_IsDown = outHist < outHist[1] and outHist > 0 histB_IsDown = outHist < outHist[1] and outHist <= 0 histB_IsUp = outHist > outHist[1] and outHist <= 0 //MacD Color Definitions macd_IsAbove = outMacD >= outSignal macd_IsBelow = outMacD < outSignal plot_color = hist_colorChange ? histA_IsUp ? aqua : histA_IsDown ? blue : histB_IsDown ? red : histB_IsUp ? maroon :yellow :gray macd_color = macd_colorChange ? macd_IsAbove ? lime : red : red signal_color = macd_colorChange ? macd_IsAbove ? yellow : yellow : lime circleYPosition = outSignal plot(smd and outMacD ? outMacD : na, title="MACD", color=macd_color, linewidth=4) plot(smd and outSignal ? outSignal : na, title="Signal Line", color=signal_color, style=line ,linewidth=2) plot(sh and outHist ? outHist : na, title="Histogram", color=plot_color, style=histogram, linewidth=4) plot(sd and cross(outMacD, outSignal) ? circleYPosition : na, title="Cross", style=circles, linewidth=4, color=macd_color) hline(0, '0 Line', linestyle=solid, linewidth=2, color=white)