//@version=5 //author: mladen //rebound arrows and TMA angle caution: Ale //rewritten from MQL5 to Pine: Brylator indicator("PFX Xtunnel", "Xtunnel 2.0", overlay = true, max_lines_count = 500, max_labels_count = 500) //INPUTS var GRP1 = "Parameters" HalfLength = input.int(61, "Xtuennl half period", group = GRP1) string PriceType = input.string("Weighted", "Price to use", options = ["Close", "Open", "High", "Low", "Median", "Typical", "Weighted", "Average"], group = GRP1) AtrPeriod = input.int(100, "Average true range period", group = GRP1) AtrMultiplier = input.float(4.7, "Average true range multiplier", group = GRP1) TMAangle = input.int(16, "Centered MA angle caution", group = GRP1) //VARIABLES float tmac = na float tmau = na float tmad = na var float pastTmac = na //from the previous candle var float pastTmau = na var float pastTmad = na float tmau_temp = na //before looping float tmac_temp = na float tmad_temp = na float point = syminfo.pointvalue //NEEDS MORE TESTS bool last = false //checks if a loop is needed var string alertSignal = "EMPTY" //needed for alarms to avoid repetition //COLORS var GRP2 = "Colors" var color colorBuffer = na color colorDOWN = input.color(color.new(color.red, 0), "Bear", inline = "5", group = GRP2) color colorUP = input.color(color.new(color.green, 0), "Bull", inline = "5", group = GRP2) color colorBands = input.color(color.new(#b2b5be, 0), "Bands", inline = "5", group = GRP2) bool cautionInput = input.bool(true, "Caution label", inline = "6", group = GRP2) //ALERTS var GRP3 = "Alerts (Needs to create alert manually after every change)" bool crossUpInput = input.bool(false, "Crossing up", inline = "7", group = GRP3) bool crossDownInput = input.bool(false, "Crossing down", inline = "7", group = GRP3) bool comingBackInput = input.bool(false, "Coming back", inline = "7", group = GRP3) bool onArrowDownInput = input.bool(false, "On arrow down", inline = "8", group = GRP3) bool onArrowUpInput = input.bool(false, "On arrow up", inline = "8", group = GRP3) //CLEAR LINES a_allLines = line.all if array.size(a_allLines) > 0 for p = 0 to array.size(a_allLines) - 1 line.delete(array.get(a_allLines, p)) //GET PRICE Price(x) => float price = switch PriceType "Close" => close[x] "Open" => open[x] "High" => high[x] "Low" => low[x] "Median" => (high[x] + low[x]) / 2 "Typical" => (high[x] + low[x] + close[x]) / 3 "Weighted" => (high[x] + low[x] + close[x] + close[x]) / 4 "Average" => (high[x] + low[x] + close[x] + open[x])/ 4 price //MAIN for i = HalfLength to 0 //ATR atr = 0.0 for j = 0 to AtrPeriod - 1 atr += math.max(high[i + j + 10], close[i + j + 11]) - math.min(low[i + j + 10], close[i + j + 11]) atr /= AtrPeriod //BANDS sum = (HalfLength + 1) * Price(i) sumw = (HalfLength + 1) k = HalfLength for j = 1 to HalfLength sum += k * Price(i + j) sumw += k if (j <= i) sum += k * Price(i - j) sumw += k k -= 1 tmac := sum/sumw tmau := tmac+AtrMultiplier*atr tmad := tmac-AtrMultiplier*atr //ALERTS if i == 0 //Only on a real candle if (high > tmau and alertSignal != "UP") //crossing up band if crossUpInput == true //checks if activated alert("Crossing up Band") //calling alert alertSignal := "UP" //to avoid repeating else if (low < tmad and alertSignal != "DOWN") //crossing down band if crossDownInput == true alert("Crossing down Band") alertSignal := "DOWN" else if (alertSignal == "DOWN" and high >= tmad and alertSignal != "EMPTY") //back from the down band if comingBackInput == true alert("Coming back") alertSignal := "EMPTY" else if (alertSignal == "UP" and low <= tmau and alertSignal != "EMPTY") //back from the up band if comingBackInput == true alert("Coming back") alertSignal := "EMPTY" //CHANGE TREND COLOR if pastTmac != 0.0 if tmac > pastTmac colorBuffer := colorUP if tmac < pastTmac colorBuffer := colorDOWN //SIGNALS reboundD = 0.0 reboundU = 0.0 caution = 0.0 if pastTmac != 0.0 if (high[i + 1] > pastTmau and close[i + 1] > open[i + 1] and close[i] < open[i]) reboundD := high[i] + AtrMultiplier * atr / 2 if (tmac - pastTmac > TMAangle * point) caution := reboundD + 10 * point if (low[i + 1] < pastTmad and close[i + 1] < open[i + 1] and close[i] > open[i]) reboundU := low[i] - AtrMultiplier * atr / 2 if (pastTmac - tmac > TMAangle * point) caution := reboundU - 10 * point //LAST REAL if barstate.islast and i == HalfLength last := true tmau_temp := tmau tmac_temp := tmac tmad_temp := tmad //DRAW HANDICAPPED BANDS if barstate.islast and i < HalfLength line.new(bar_index - (i + 1), pastTmau, bar_index - (i), tmau, width = 2, style = line.style_dotted, color = colorBands) line.new(bar_index - (i + 1), pastTmac, bar_index - (i), tmac, width = 2, style = line.style_dotted, color = colorBuffer) line.new(bar_index - (i + 1), pastTmad, bar_index - (i), tmad, width = 2, style = line.style_dotted, color = colorBands) //DRAW SIGNALS if reboundD != 0 //label.new(bar_index - (i), reboundD, color = colorDOWN, style = label.style_triangledown, size = size.tiny, textcolor = na) label.new(bar_index - (i), reboundD, '¡¿', color = na, textcolor = colorDOWN, textalign= text.align_center) if i == 0 and onArrowDownInput == true //alert alert("Down arrow") if caution != 0 and cautionInput == true label.new(bar_index - (i), reboundD, color = colorUP, style = label.style_xcross, size = size.tiny, textcolor = na) if reboundU != 0 //label.new(bar_index - (i), reboundU, color = colorUP, style = label.style_triangleup, size = size.tiny, textcolor = na) label.new(bar_index - (i), reboundU, '¡¶', color = na, textcolor = colorUP, textalign = text.align_center) if i == 0 and onArrowUpInput == true //alert alert("UP arrow") if caution != 0 and cautionInput == true label.new(bar_index - (i), reboundU, color = colorDOWN, style = label.style_xcross, size = size.tiny, textcolor = na) //SAVE HISTORY pastTmac := tmac pastTmau := tmau pastTmad := tmad //LOOP IS ONLY FOR HANDICAPPED if barstate.islast != true break //DRAW REAL BANDS plot(last ? tmau_temp : tmau, title = "Xtunnel Up", color = colorBands, linewidth=1, style = plot.style_line, offset = -HalfLength) plot(last ? tmac_temp : tmac, title = "Xtunnel Mid", color = colorBuffer, linewidth=1, style = plot.style_line, offset = -HalfLength) plot(last ? tmad_temp : tmad, title = "Xtunnel Down", color = colorBands, linewidth=1, style = plot.style_line, offset = -HalfLength)