FelblessedTradeStationfilterEA2 INDICATORS 1. TRADE STATION ENTRY INDICATOR 2. SUPER TREND STRATEGY 2 Video link https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/712347690/cdb6b1c08e Buy Trades Begins the session 1. The Trade Station entry indicator buy signal may appear first or it may appear at the same time the Super Trend Indicator is turning bullish, once this happens, buy. 2. Once trade is 20 pips in profit, lock in 10 pips and for every other 15 pips, ea should lock additional 5pips 3. If stopped out by trailing stop, wait for another buy signal to come and buy again so long as the Super Trend Indicator is bullish. 4. If however this takes a buy trade but the trend changes to down trend, do not exit the buy trade, instead sell the new sell signal with twice the lot size of the buy trade (For example, if buy trade was executed with 0.01, this sell trade will be executed with 0.02). If this sell trade move well and the sum of the trades reaches 20 pips in profit, ea should ativate trailing stop and lock up 10 pips and for every other 20 pips move, ea locks additional 10 pips. This will continue until trades are stopped out by trailing stop or if opposite signal appears now, ea will close the trade. 5. If however, the sell trade with twice the lot size of the buy trade was taken, but the trade station buy signal appears again, do not buy since the Super Trend is bearish. also do not exit the 1st buy trade and the sell trade, just wait for the trade station sell signal to appear again and sell again with the same lot size of the sell trade (which is 0.02). Remember once the summation of all trades are in profit of up 20 pips, ea activates a trailing stop and for every other 20 pips, ea should lock in 10 additional pips. 6. If the trades did not go into positive and the trend changes bullish, do not exit all the trades you have (both the buy and sell) Just take a new buy, but execute this new buy with the summation of all the lot sizes of the previous buy and sell and multiplied by 2. (before this new buy, ea would have one active buy trade at 0.01 and two active sell trades at 0.02 each. This new buy will be executed with lot size 0.1 calculted from summation of all lot sizess of the previous trades multiplied by two. that is (0.01 + 0.02 +0.02 = 0.05 x 2 = 0.1) 7. The EA continues in this order until profit is realized. Once profit is realized, ea closes trades either by trailing stop or appearance of the opposite signal when the trade summation is in profit. if after the close and signal comes again in the direction of of the trend, ea should still execute the trade. Sell Trades Begins the session 1. The Trade Station entry indicator sell signal may appear first or it may appear at the same time the Super Trend Indicator is turning bearish, once this happens, sell. 2. Once trade is 20 pips in profit, lock in 10 pips and for every other 15 pips, ea should lock additional 5pips 3. If stopped out by trailing stop, wait for another sell signal to come and sell again so long as the Super Trend Indicator is bearish. 4. If however this takes a sell trade but the trend changes to up trend, do not exit the sell trade, instead buy the new buy signal with twice the lot size of the sell trade (For example, if sell trade was executed with 0.01, this buy trade will be executed with 0.02). If this buy trade move well and the sum of the trades reaches 20 pips in profit, ea should ativate trailing stop and lock up 10 pips and for every other 20 pips move, ea locks additional 10 pips. This will continue until trades are stopped out by trailing stop or if opposite signal appears now, ea will close the trade. 5. If however, the buy trade with twice the lot size of the sell trade was taken, but the trade station sell signal appears again, do not sell since the Super Trend is bullish. Also do not exit the 1st sell trade and the buy trade, just wait for the trade station buy signal to appear again and buy again with the same lot size of the buy trade (which is 0.02). Remember once the summation of all trades are in profit of up 20 pips, ea activates a trailing stop and for every other 20 pips, ea should lock in 10 additional pips. 6. If the trades did not go into positive and the trend changes bearish, do not exit all the trades you have (both the sell and buy) Just take a new sell, but execute this new sell with the summation of all the lot sizes of the previous sell and buy and multiplied by 2. (before this new sell, ea would have one active sell trade at 0.01 and two active buy trades at 0.02 each. This new sell trade will be executed with lot size 0.1 calculted from summation of all lot sizess of the previous trades multiplied by two. that is (0.01 + 0.02 +0.02 = 0.05 x 2 = 0.1) 7. The EA continues in this order until profit is realized. Once profit is realized, ea closes trades either by trailing stop or appearance of the opposite signal when the trade summation is in profit. if after the close and signal comes again in the direction of of the trend, ea should still execute the trade. Other Features of the EA 1. EA should have licence activation function. Martingale Function EA can have a mrtingale funtion as follows If ea took the first trade and loses, on taking the second trade, ea should double the lot of the previous trade. If ea loses trade again, on taking third trade ea should double the sum of all the lost trade lot size, and ea will continue in this order. Once ea takes a winning position, the ea resets again. Mathematical explanation Trade 1 = 0.01 lost trade Trade 2 = 0.01 + 0.01 lots lost trade trade 3 = 0.01 + 0.01 + 0.01 + 0.01 lost trade Trade 4 = 0.01 + 0.01 + 0.01 + 0.01 + 0.01 + 0.01 + 0.01 + 0.01 Winning trade EA resets.