// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/ // © piriya33 // Added Labels and alert conditions and other quality of life feature // Updated compatability with pine script v4 // Based on improvements from "Kitti-Playbook Action Zone V. for Stock Market" //@version=4 study("CDC ActionZone V3 2020", overlay=true, precision=6) //****************************************************************************// // CDC Action Zone is based on a simple EMA crossover // between [default] EMA12 and EMA26 // The zones are defined by the relative position of // price in relation to the two EMA lines // Different zones can be use to activate / deactivate // other trading strategies // The strategy can also be used on its own with // acceptable result, buy on the first green candle // and sell on the first red candle //****************************************************************************// //****************************************************************************// // Define User Input Variables xsrc = input(title="Source Data",type=input.source, defval=close) xprd1 = input(title="Fast EMA period", type=input.integer, defval=12) xprd2 = input(title="Slow EMA period", type=input.integer, defval=26) xsmooth = input(title="Smoothing period (1 = no smoothing)", type=input.integer, defval=1) fillSW = input(title="Paint Bar Colors", type=input.bool, defval=true) fastSW = input(title="Show fast moving average line", type=input.bool, defval=true) slowSW = input(title="Show slow moving average line", type=input.bool, defval=true) labelSwitch = input(title="Turn on assistive text", type=input.bool, defval=true) plotSigsw = input(title="Plot Buy/Sell Signals? ", type=input.bool, defval=true) plotRibsw = input(title="Plot Buy/Sell Ribbon", type=input.bool, defval=false) plotRibbonPos = input(title="Ribbon Position", options=["Top", "Bottom"], defval="Top") xfixtf = input(title="** Use Fixed time frame Mode (advanced) **", type=input.bool, defval=false) xtf = input(title="** Fix chart to which time frame ? **)", type=input.resolution, defval="D") plotSig2sw = input(title="Plot momentum based Buy/Sell Signals? ", type=input.bool, defval=false) plotSig2lv = input(title="Set signal threshold (higher = stricter)", type=input.integer, defval=1, minval=0, maxval=1) //****************************************************************************// //Calculate Indicators xPrice = ema(xsrc,xsmooth) FastMA = xfixtf ? ema(security(syminfo.tickerid, xtf, ema(xsrc,xprd1), gaps = barmerge.gaps_off, lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on), xsmooth) : ema(xPrice,xprd1) SlowMA = xfixtf ? ema(security(syminfo.tickerid, xtf, ema(xsrc,xprd2), gaps = barmerge.gaps_off, lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_on), xsmooth) : ema(xPrice,xprd2) Bull = FastMA > SlowMA Bear = FastMA < SlowMA //****************************************************************************// // Define Color Zones Green = Bull and xPrice>FastMA // Buy Blue = Bear and xPrice>FastMA and xPrice>SlowMA //Pre Buy 2 LBlue = Bear and xPrice>FastMA and xPrice SlowMA // Pre Sell 1 //****************************************************************************// // Display color on chart bColor = Green ? color.green : Blue ? color.blue : LBlue ? color.aqua : Red ? color.red : Orange ? color.orange : Yellow ? color.yellow : color.black barcolor(color=fillSW? bColor : na) //****************************************************************************// // Display MA lines FastL = plot(fastSW ? FastMA : na,"Fast EMA",color=color.red) SlowL = plot(slowSW ? SlowMA : na,"Slow EMA",color=color.blue) fillcolor = Bull ? color.green : Bear ? color.red : color.black fill(FastL,SlowL,fillcolor) //****************************************************************************// // Define Buy and Sell condition // This is only for thebasic usage of CDC Actionzone (EMA Crossover) // ie. Buy on first green bar and sell on first red bar buycond = Green and Green[1]==0 sellcond = Red and Red[1]==0 bullish = barssince(buycond) < barssince(sellcond) bearish = barssince(sellcond) < barssince(buycond) buy= bearish[1]and buycond sell= bullish[1] and sellcond bColor_BullBear = bullish ? color.green : bearish ? color.red : color.black //****************************************************************************// // Plot Buy and Sell point on chart plotshape(plotSigsw ? buy : na, style=shape.circle, title = "Buy Signal", location = location.belowbar, color = color.green) plotshape(plotSigsw ? sell : na, style=shape.circle, title = "Sell Signal", location=location.abovebar, color = color.red) // Display Buy/Sell Ribbon plotshape(plotRibsw ? plotRibbonPos == "Top" ? close : na : na, style=shape.square, title = "Buy/Sell Ribbon", location = location.top, color = bColor_BullBear) plotshape(plotRibsw ? plotRibbonPos == "Bottom" ? close : na : na, style=shape.square, title = "Buy/Sell Ribbon", location = location.bottom, color = bColor_BullBear) //****************************************************************************// // Label labelstyle = close>SlowMA ? label.style_labeldown : label.style_labelup labelyloc = close>SlowMA ? yloc.abovebar : yloc.belowbar labeltcolor = buy? color.black : sell ? color.white : close > close[1] ? color.green : color.red labelbgcolor = buy ? color.green : sell ? color.red : color.silver labeltext = buy ? "BUY next bar\n" : sell ? "SELL next bar\n" : " " trendText = bullish ? "bullish" : bearish ? "bearish" : "sideways" l1 = label.new(bar_index,na, text=labeltext+syminfo.ticker + " "+tostring(close) + " " + syminfo.currency + "\n currently in a " + trendText + " trend \n" , color = labelbgcolor, textcolor=labeltcolor, yloc=labelyloc, style=labelstyle) label.delete(labelSwitch ? l1[1] : l1) // Momentum Signal using StochRSI // Adds a momentum based signal following trends to the script // Default is hidden, only use with caution // Parameters for STOCH RSI is hard-coded to avoid cluttering the input screen further // If you need to change anything, make a copy of the code and change it. // Inputs are commented out, to enable them comment out the hard coded variables first! // fixed inputs // smoothK = 3 smoothD = 3 RSIlen = 14 STOlen = 14 SRsrc = close OSlevel = 30 OBlevel = 70 // User inputs // // COMMENT ABOVE VARIABLES FIRST!! // smoothK = input(3,"StochRSI smooth K",type=input.integer,minval=1) // smoothD = input(3,"StochRSI smooth D",type=input.integer,minval=1) // RSIlen = input(14,"RSI length",type=input.integer,minval=1) // STOlen = input(14,"Stochastic length",type=input.integer,minval=1) // SRsrc = input(close,"Source for StochasticRSI",type=input.source) // OSlevel = input(30,"Oversold Threshold",type=input.float,minval=0.00) // OBlevel = input(70,"Oversold Threshold",type=input.float,minval=0.00) // calculations // rsi1 = rsi(SRsrc,RSIlen) k = sma(stoch(rsi1,rsi1,rsi1,STOlen),smoothK) d = sma(k,smoothD) // storsiBuySig = if bullish // if (d < OSlevel and crossover(k,d)) // 3 // else if crossover(k,OSlevel) // 2 // else if d > OSlevel and crossover(k,d) // 1 // else // 0 // else // 0 storsiBuySig = iff(bullish, iff(d < OSlevel and crossover(k,d), 2, iff(d > OSlevel and crossover(k,d), 1, 0)), 0) storsiSellSig = iff(bearish, iff(d > OBlevel and crossunder(k,d), 2, iff(d < OBlevel and crossunder(k,d), 1, 0)), 0) plotshape(plotSig2sw ? storsiBuySig > plotSig2lv ? storsiBuySig : na : na, "Buy more signals", style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar, color = color.teal) plotshape(plotSig2sw ? storsiSellSig > plotSig2lv ? storsiSellSig : na : na, "Sell more signals", style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar, color = color.orange) //****************************************************************************// // Alert conditions alertcondition(buy, title="*Buy Alert", message= "Buy {{exchange}}:{{ticker}}") alertcondition(sell, title="*Sell Alert", message= "Sell {{exchange}}:{{ticker}}") alertcondition(bullish, title="is Bullish") alertcondition(bearish, title="is Bearish") alertcondition(Green, title="is Green") alertcondition(Blue, title="is Blue (Strong Rally)") alertcondition(LBlue, title="is Light Blue (Rally)") alertcondition(Red, title="is Red") alertcondition(Orange, title="is Orange (Strong Dip)") alertcondition(Yellow, title="is Yellow (Dip)") //****************************************************************************//