MT5 Indicator/EA I need a MT5 Indicator/EA that will post some data to an external API when a signal is generated. It should automatically detect the chart timeframe it's on (i.e., M15), as well as the instrument (i.e., EURUSD), which is how it defines a candle and pair that it will run the calculations on every time a candle closes. (It should post to an external API during the first second of the new candle if all conditions set on the "Input" settings are true). On the settings screen of the indicator I need 2 tables. The first table is called "Input" and has these exact 8 columns and 10 rows: Input *** See image attached to the project called "Input" *** The first row of the table is obviously the hardcoded title of the columns. The values (Candle 1, Candle 2, etc) of the first column called "Data" are the only fields that are hardcoded. Candle 1 is the newest closed candle, which makes Candle 9 the oldest closed candle. If a field in any of the other columns is left blank, that means you should not take that exact field into consideration. - Simply skip that field. The "Direction" fields (if used) accepts the value of either "Up" or "Down". If "Up" is added, that means that candle must be a candle that closed higher than the candle before it. If "Down" is added, that means that candle must be a candle that closed lower than the candle before it. For all the other fields, they accept a numerical value. (minus the "Compare Volume Operator" field) The "Compare Volume Operator" (if used) only accepts the operators "<" or ">" or "=". The second table is called "Output" and has these exact 2 columns and 5 rows: Output *** See image attached to the project called "Output" *** The 4 setting that a user adds to this table are the numerical values of the "Indicator", "Sentiment", "Trend", and "Strength". (Those fields can not be left blank.. they must have a numerical value, because that data is what's posted to the API link). As an example, the "Input" table is saying: Candle 1 must have closed higher than Candle 2 AND the value of the BODY of candle 1 must be between 100-200 pips in size AND the volume of candle 1 must be between 50-1000 AND the volume of candle 1 must be greater than the volume of candle 2, etc... ... the logic will run thru each of the candle rows, and if ALL conditions for each populated field are true, it will then proceed to add a marker on the chart, as well as post to the external API link. (It runs the logic on the first second of the new candle, and that's where it places the marker on the chart as well). If the results of the logic are false, you should not post to the api, and you should not add any marker to the chart either. This is what the API link looks like: (The open, high, low, close values are from the newest candle that just closed right when you ran the logic) If the post to the API link is successful, the response will be a guid that you should store that's tied to the marker that you added to the UI of the chart. One last thing, I want this indicator to add all the historic markers when I add the indicator to a chart. (Obviously for all markers it adds in history/past, it should not post that to the API link. The API post only gets triggered when a new live candle opens). Also, I do not accept compiled files. File(s) submitted must be the source file. I'll compile it on my end.