Need a DLL that can write/update, read, delete, search in an SQL database. Attach of finished source code of DLL also needed. The database is on the attached picture. ID column should be ignored, it will be removed from DB, so it should work with/without this column. It should use SignalDB/SignalData. Sample code also attached, this works well with another DB, so mainly the SQL commands are needed. DLL commands: bool signal_search (string name); search for the „name” in the Name column in the database if found return true, else false string signal_read (string name); returns the Value of the „name” in the Name column void signal_delete (string name); deletes the row with with the „name” in the Name column bool signal_write (string name, string value); writes a row in the database if row with „name” in Name column do not exists if row with „name” in Name column exist only updates the Value do not store duplicate values in Name column if writing/update succeeds return true, in error occurs return false