Line Copier I would like to create tool (indi/script/ea ) that will copy horizontal lines from 1 mt4 to 2 mt4. 1 mt4 is in Poland and 2 mt4 is in Frankfurt When i draw a horizontal line on chart of EURUSD in 1 mt4 I want the horizontal line to be drawn on chart of EURUSD in 2 mt4 . Copying can be done by button on chart or automatically. Decision is up to Coder. If button is used – I need option to change its colour + position on chart. Deleting line in 1 mt4 does not affect 2 mt4. Action with objects (adding/deleting) in 2 mt4 does not affect 1 mt4. After action of copying - I do not want “confirmation box” on 1 mt4 or 2 mt4. - line is “checked” (“active”) , like on attached picture: