src0 = close, len0 = input(13, minval=1, title="EMA 1") ema0 = ema(src0, len0) direction = rising(ema0, 2) ? +1 : falling(ema0, 2) ? -1 : 0 plot_color = direction > 0 ? lime: direction < 0 ? red : na plot(ema0, title="EMA", style=line, linewidth=1, color = plot_color) //--------------------Trend colour ema 2------------------------------------------------// src02 = close, len02 = input(21, minval=1, title="EMA 2") ema02 = ema(src02, len02) direction2 = rising(ema02, 2) ? +1 : falling(ema02, 2) ? -1 : 0 plot_color2 = direction2 > 0 ? lime: direction2 < 0 ? red : na plot(ema02, title="EMA Signal 2", style=line, linewidth=1, color = plot_color2) // //--Modified vyacheslav.shindin-------------------------------------------------// Signal 1 //Configured ema signal output fast = input(5, minval=1, title="Signal Generator") slow = input(8, minval=1) vh1 = ema(highest(avg(low, close), fast), 5) vl1 = ema(lowest(avg(high, close), slow), 8) // e_ema1 = ema(close, 1) e_ema2 = ema(e_ema1, 1) e_ema3 = ema(e_ema2, 1) tema = 1 * (e_ema1 - e_ema2) + e_ema3 // e_e1 = ema(close, 8) e_e2 = ema(e_e1, 5) dema = 2 * e_e1 - e_e2 signal = tema > dema ? max(vh1, vl1) : min(vh1, vl1) is_call = tema > dema and signal > low and (signal-signal[1] > signal[1]-signal[2]) is_put = tema < dema and signal < high and (signal[1]-signal > signal[2]-signal[1]) plotshape(is_call and direction > 0 ? 1 : na, title="BUY ARROW", color=green, text="*BUY*", style=shape.arrowup, location=location.belowbar) plotshape(is_put and direction < 0 ? -1 : na, title="SELL ARROW", color=red, text="*SELL*", style=shape.arrowdown) //----------------------------------------------------------------------// //=============Hull MA// show_hma = input(true, title="Display Hull MA Set:") hma_src = input(close, title="Hull MA's Source:") hma_base_length = input(18, minval=1, title="Hull MA's Base Length:") hma_length_scalar = input(2, minval=0, title="Hull MA's Length Scalar:") hullma(src, length)=>wma(2*wma(src, length/2)-wma(src, length), round(sqrt(length))) plot(not show_hma ? na : hullma(hma_src, hma_base_length+hma_length_scalar*6), color=black, linewidth=3, title="Hull MA 7:") //===============================================