Change of exiting EA with following Values: //**input double MonthlyProfit = 10; // Monthly Profit in %. If 0, then there is no limit. //**input double AccountValue = 2000; // AccountValue for Monthly Profit and Monthly Risk / maximum Loss //**input double Monthly Risk SL = 10; // Monthly maximum Loss of AccountValue in %. If 0, then there is no limit of loss. //**input double Tradenumber = 3; // maximum number of trades per day //***** function nr. 1 **************** Monthly Profit //** if MonthlyProfit > 10% stop trading till next month see row 45 //** function for MonthlyStartBalance = AccountValue see row 46 //** function for maximum loss of accountvalue. for examble accountvalue = 2000€ maximum loss=10% =-200€ //** after maxim,un loss is reach stop trading till next month. //***** function 2. ***************** Time Offset etc . //** also i need here the result of Close, high,low and Open for a certain timeperiod 23:00 - 23:00 //** the Close of the last day at 23:00 oClock because the servertime close is 1 hour different to the Time i need. //** the High of the last day till 23:00 oClock ( For examble Today ist 10.09.2020.Timeperiod for last High is from 23:00 08.01.2020 till 23:00 09.01.2020) //** the Low the last day till 23:00 oClock ( For examble Today ist 10.09.2020.Timeperiod for last Low is from 23:00 08.01.2020 till 23:00 09.01.2020) //** the open the day bevor last day at 23:00 oClock( For examble Today ist 10.09.2020.Timeperiod for Open is 23:00 09.01.2020 ) //** for examble doubles like this below //*** double O = iOpen(NULL,Timeperiod above 23:00-23:00,0); //*** double C = iClose(NULL,Timeperiod above 23:00-23:00,1); //*** double H = iHigh(NULL,Timeperiod above 23:00-23:00,1); //*** double L = iLow(NULL,Timeperiod above 23:00-23:00,1); //***** function3. ******************* Daily maximum number of Trades //** function for maximum trade number per day somewhere here or below